Well-Known Member
Lol you should go out and protest too Buck. It might do ya some good to get the angst over this case out.
Lol you should go out and protest too Buck. It might do ya some good to get the angst over this case out.
you didn't post the full interview either, meaning you lied.
the fact is that i posted enough context to establish when he said that he was walking back towards martin.
the fact is that zimm lied over and over and over again.
so yes zimmie "walked back towards him" in the sense that he walked back towards his car and martin was hiding there
as if fabricated post office stories, doctoring pictures of obama to makehim look "ghetto", and posting stormfront links didn't make it obvious enough, you made sure to remove all doubt once again by smearing a dead black kid.
keep it classy!
you didn't post the full interview either, meaning you lied.
the fact is that i posted enough context to establish when he said that he was walking back towards martin.
the fact is that zimm lied over and over and over again.
Buck, you are a bald faced liar trying to lynch an innocent man. I don't even bother to look up your quotes because you have lied over and over. Trayvon's corner is filled with your type.
there are lots of other choices.
Buck, you are a bald faced liar trying to lynch an innocent man. I don't even bother to look up your quotes because you have lied over and over. Trayvon's corner is filled with your type.
Specify. List, with especial emphasis on those that allow employment within one's field of training/expertise. cn
there's no evidence of that.
or, another way to say it, is that there is as much evidence for that as there is to support the theory that zimm kept on looking for martin.
actually, i am being modest. there is more evidence that zimmerman went looking for martin. here are zimmerman's own words: "and then when i walked back towards him".
so much for an ambush, turns out that is simply your racist fantasy. no surprise there, more racism from the forum's resident race-douche.
if zimm just knew his place and went back to his car, martin would still be alive. fact.
*make him
The truth hurts doesn't it.
Oh, by the way, you're repeating yourself again. Butt hurt.
He's telling it from the perspective of AFTER THE FACT you moron. He isn't relating what was going on in his head at that moment. He had no idea where TM was, only the general direction he ran off in. But over a year later he relates it that way because now he knows exactly where TM was, he got ambushed by him.
How does it violate the constitution? The amendment says nothing about private business owners and who they're allowed to deny service as far as I know.
that was from interrogation the night of the incident, dumbass.
his story changes from "so i walked back towards him" to "i think he came from over there or something" to "he jumped out of the bushes and sucker punched me out of nowhere".
he keeps on changing and revising and exaggerating his story to be worse and worse. there's a reason why innocent people don't need to do anything like that.
Interrogation happened BEFORE he encountered TM? Boggle
Wow your trying to tell me that he did not know of TM's whereabouts during the interrogation? And you think I need to sleep it off? How about returning to reality there space cadet? The interrogation happened after Zimmerman already had his scuffle with Travon. Don't try to say are so easily confused, it hurts.
tell me what date this interrogation occurred.
now tell me which date the incident happened.
hint: they both happened on february 26, 2012.
have fun sleeping it off, champ.
Wow your trying to tell me that he did not know of TM's whereabouts during the interrogation? And you think I need to sleep it off? How about returning to reality there space cadet? The interrogation happened after Zimmerman already had his scuffle with Travon. Don't try to say otherwise.