zimmerman news

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its not about being fuckin racist who even said that? its the face that Zimmerman started the shit. how is it self defence? ya'll don't know what happened and are getting pussy hurt for us saying that he approached him and instigated the conflict and shot him in the end? and you keep defended the verdict like a fuckin brainwashed idiot. we have the right to discuss but please tell me why you think Zimmerman is so in the right that you have to defend it. when all we are doing is stating the FACTS!! get it? you all act like you know how the physical part of it started..

the jury says zimmie terminated "the kid" with good cause and thus the FACTS are in direct opposition to your stated opinion.

but if you keep bitching about it, you can drown zimmie with your tears of impotent rage, and resurrect "the kid" with your incorrect opinons.

the jury's ruling makes it quite clear how 'the physical part of it started" , zimmie says trayvawn jumped him from the shadows and attacked him, and "the kid" merely decomposes, which is a pretty shitty rebuttal.

seems pretty open and shut to me.
alright im done you guys are seriously fucking idiots. simply for trying to write any with a different opinion off as some bullshit myspace reader or alsharton give me a fuckin break don't read that or listen to shit anybodys had to say like I said i haven't paid any attention until the trial Watched it and formed my own opinion.. if you cant respect that then you a piece of shit.. and if anybody follows me to the point where i have to hide and they come looking for me im going to hop out and hit them with a brick.

Wow, you're a big tough guy arn't you.

That last part is funny as shit. That's what TM thought to. Look what happened to him. You should re-evaluate your like before you end up getting Zimmermaned.
incorrect opinions.. what is incorrect about that? the kid was walking to the store... Zimmerman deems him suspicious and takes it upon him self to follow him in a car? that's suspicious if you ask me.. do you agree that this is correct protocol to follow anybody you think is suspicious in your neighborhood because its raining and they have a hood on?
incorrect opinions.. what is incorrect about that? the kid was walking to the store... Zimmerman deems him suspicious and takes it upon him self to follow him in a car? that's suspicious if you ask me.. do you agree that this is correct protocol to follow anybody you think is suspicious in your neighborhood because its raining and they have a hood on?

If you really think this was about a hood then you are even more clueless than I could have imagined. Read the break in reports, then come to a real conclusion about why he was suspicious. Stop believing everything you hear, and find out who TM truly was. He wasn't just some innocent kid in a hoodie.
you cant even admit and he was wrong for how he handled it guilty or not.. you shut me down and call me a fuckin al sparpton whatever the fuck you said. your fuckin sick. i have guns dude. i live in texas we shoot people for trying to car jack rob us break into our houses.. we don't follow anybody through the fuckin neighborhood and if we do you better keep a safe distance cause if there not doing shit and there being suspiciously followed they're liable to ring of some shots at you and run away.
see man your fuckin problem is you think im defending something, I know what the verdict is. im not making arguments of Zimmerman being guilty.. this is what im saying, he could have avoided it, and he doesn't have the right to harass somebody walking through the neighborhood.. my opinion is he was in the fuckin wrong. im sorry you sound like a bitch. you keep repeating the same thing the verdict was reach blah fuckin blah.. do you know how many people have been released after serving half there life's In prison because they were falsely charged.. what in the fuck makes you think it cant go the other way? the way you defend him sounds like a bitch your not even open to accepting the possibilities.. your just "nope nah don't wana hear it" verdicts in blah blah its a discussion idiot.

see man, your fucking problem is... you think your ignorant opinions are more valid than the ruling of the jury, and that i should give a squirt of piss what you think zimmie should or should not have done.

and no, i am not open to accepting OPINIONS that contradict the ruling of as jury. even the supreme court cannot overturn a jury's ruling. your feeble opinions based on the poor comprehension skills you have displayed thus far give your thoughts on this (or any) matter less weight than a gnat's balls.

Protip: gnats have very tiny testicles.

what makes me think it cant go the other way is the ruling of the JURY.

and noi,, i dont wanna hear it, not unless you got EVIDENCE which was apparently kept secret during the trial (because of racism) or video tape of zimmie killing "the kid" in cold blood, and raping the bullet hole while chanting "im a muderer" over and over to the tune of MC Hammer's 2 legit 2 quit.

YOU sound like a bitch, weeping tears of blood from your gaping vagina over "the kid" who you never even knew, and who died under circumstances you have no personal knowledge of. for all you know "the kid" might have been looking for a "white hispanic" to beat down as part of his Thizzed Out Hyphy Rap Crew initiation. you have no first hand information at all, only suppositions and assumptions.
what do the reports have to do with him? even if he has done shit before he wasn't doing shit at the time. as kids we would always get high and go to the store for fuckin munchies at night.. what the hell do you think he was trying to do and why?
he wasn't breaking any laws.. the guy had no right to do what he did.. its his own fault he got his ass whooped.. he shot the kid won the trial wohoo. you wont even admit how he handled it was wrong and that's just pathetic.
you cant even admit and he was wrong for how he handled it guilty or not.. you shut me down and call me a fuckin al sparpton whatever the fuck you said. your fuckin sick. i have guns dude. i live in texas we shoot people for trying to car jack rob us break into our houses.. we don't follow anybody through the fuckin neighborhood and if we do you better keep a safe distance cause if there not doing shit and there being suspiciously followed they're liable to ring of some shots at you and run away.

funny, the jury says he handled it just fine.

you are CLEARLY not "shut down" as you continue to restate your INCORRECT OPINION, all the while,, continuing the flimsy pret4ense that you have no clue who this Albert Shrimpton person might be...

either you are as dumb as a bag of hammers or you have been living in a cave for the last 30 years.

pssst... yo, peep this crazy shit: al sharpton is NOT a secret agent. you can see him every night monday through friday on his show on MSNBC, hear him chatter endlessly on a variety of news programs, see him flapping his jawbone on the interwebs, and read his crazy bullshit in various and sundry newspapers.

he even makes guest appearances in films and tv shows.

i bet you never heard of Pat Robertson, Glenn Beck or Barrack Hussein Obama either ehh?
what do the reports have to do with him? even if he has done shit before he wasn't doing shit at the time. as kids we would always get high and go to the store for fuckin munchies at night.. what the hell do you think he was trying to do and why?

You don't know that for sure.

He fit the description of the people that were breaking into peoples homes in that neighborhood. As for those skittles and tea, add one more thing and you got some purple drank, or lean which can alter your state of mind, and since he was already a violent person, you never know what he was truly doing. I don't have any issue with getting high, smoking some weed, hell we all do it. But the fact of the matter is, weed doesn't make you violent. I guess for some people like buck, it makes you ignorant and irate about everything, but usually doesn't make you a violent person.

Maybe its just me, idk. I usually smoke indicas, and after that, I barely want to move, let alone get in a fight.
funny, the jury says he handled it just fine.

you are CLEARLY not "shut down" as you continue to restate your INCORRECT OPINION, all the while,, continuing the flimsy pret4ense that you have no clue who this Albert Shrimpton person might be...

either you are as dumb as a bag of hammers or you have been living in a cave for the last 30 years.

pssst... yo, peep this crazy shit: al sharpton is NOT a secret agent. you can see him every night monday through friday on his show on MSNBC, hear him chatter endlessly on a variety of news programs, see him flapping his jawbone on the interwebs, and read his crazy bullshit in various and sundry newspapers.

he even makes guest appearances in films and tv shows.

i bet you never heard of Pat Robertson, Glenn Beck or Barrack Hussein Obama either ehh?
You know what amazes me the most? Al sharpton and Jessie Jackson race bait so much and no one cares. Without the race card they would be out of business, and they claim to be reverends. If they were reverends, shouldn't they be preaching about forgiveness and not hate? I'm not even religious and I know more about the word of god than those two hacks.
You don't know that for sure.

He fit the description of the people that were breaking into peoples homes in that neighborhood. As for those skittles and tea, add one more thing and you got some purple drank, or lean which can alter your state of mind, and since he was already a violent person, you never know what he was truly doing. I don't have any issue with getting high, smoking some weed, hell we all do it. But the fact of the matter is, weed doesn't make you violent. I guess for some people like buck, it makes you ignorant and irate about everything, but usually doesn't make you a violent person.

Maybe its just me, idk. I usually smoke indicas, and after that, I barely want to move, let alone get in a fight.

phhhht "lean" is bullshit, call it by it's proper names, Sizzurp, Purple Drank, or Robo-Juice




so it's impossible to walk towards something not knowing it is there, only to discover it's presence when it is revealed.

that wasn't your claim though. that is a completely different claim which is entirely possible at some point in time, somewhere.

but no, neither the defense nor the prosecution would have tried to describe the scenario you did, because it is not possible.

so everybody who ever stepped on a landmine, got bit by a rattlesnake, fell into quicksand, tripped over a rake in the grass, or walked into a glass door was just malicious and deserved what they got.

also, what you THINK you know and "what we know" are very different things.

the jury seems to "know" that zimmie didnt commit murder, but you THINK you know better.

i gotta side with the jury.

mainly because im racist of course.

i have to side with the jury too, there's no other choice.

that doesn't make your scenario possible though.

after he hung up, several minutes passed until the final confrontation, and it only takes a few seconds to get to an address. if he just stood there at the T the rest of the time, which would have to be the case in your scenario, martin could not have creeped up in the bushes between zimm and his car. that's not even what zimmy says happened.

even in his reenactment, he points to a place not between him and his car. in statements, he says he walked towards martin without mentioning whether he knew he was there or not.

hiding in the bushes is nonsense however you want to posit it, and the manner in which you posited it is the least likely of all.
i sound like a preacher because im telling you not to get out of your car and chase kids that have been seen doing absolutely nothing.. what does him being throwed have to do with anything?
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