zimmerman news

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why would i be butthurt that someone who i identified as a possible racist is in lockstep with a white supremacist?

that only bolsters my suspicions.

maybe abort the pictures and stick to failed analogies instead.
I have identified you as a possible pedophile.
The way I see it is MrZ stalked TM in the dark long enough that TM felt threatened & felt he had to defend himself from this stalker. When TM turned & defended himself & started to get the best of mrZ.......he shot him...MrZ had no business following TM. He wasn't in uniform. I take my dog for walks every day. Many times we has strayed into residential neighborhoods around us. If fat old mrZ would have stalked me like he did TM, he would have seen my S&W, up close!.....if I poke a sleeping dog with a stick until he bites the stick, is he really a 'rabid dog'? or did I cause the whole thing?......mrZ could have/should have, stayed in his car......just like 911 told him too.....

from a stalker or from a creepy ass cracker?
Well Neitz then you & I would probably be having a shoot-out at YOUR instigation. I have no reason to stop for you. You could be Ariel Castro for all I know!........as soon as I fled & you chased me......it's on! I'm gonna stop when I can get the advantage & I'd drop you in your tracks!.....if you chased after me in the dark, you better be ready for a gun fight......

For the record, I've never "chased" anyone. I've ran someone down in my vehicle enough to get a tag number once, when I SAW him steal a gas can from a neighbors house. He is one of the ones that ran before I could even speak to him.

Everyone else lets me approach them. There was one guy parked beside a neighbors gate off on a dirt road. I stopped and this is pretty much how the conversation went.
"Hi, how are you? I'm good. Do you need help with anything? No, I'm just waiting for someone to call me back; bad reception. Ok. Sorry to bother you, we've just had a lot of theft in this area so I wanted to check things out. Have a good day." Of course I kept an eye on him from my house until he left.

What you describe is probably pretty close to how it happened with Z and TM; I'd imagine.
sirgreenthumb, desert dude, and echelon1k1 all like what the admitted white supremacist has to say.

let's all keep that in mind as desert dud and sirgreendumb keep bringing up their racial resentment about this case.

What does white have to do with this buck ? other then tm using the term cracker to describe the man with lighter skin following him. I know nutjobs like you were quick to try to blame whitey but zimmerman is hispanic/latino .
What does white have to do with this buck ? other then tm using the term cracker to describe the man with lighter skin following him. I know nutjobs like you were quick to try to blame whitey but zimmerman is hispanic/latino .

His monstrous vag is irritated again because most have caught onto the fact he is completely full of shit and undeniably hypocritical...

He brings race into this but no mention or hysteria in the liberal media of the Georgia teens shooting a baby in a stroller to death. No mention of race, but race cannot be avoided in the Zimmerman trial for some reason...
His monstrous vag is irritated again because most have caught onto the fact he is completely full of shit and undeniably hypocritical...

He brings race into this but no mention or hysteria in the liberal media of the Georgia teens shooting a baby in a stroller to death. No mention of race, but race cannot be avoided in the Zimmerman trial for some reason...

Yeah, bloody murder of a baby on the street in a stroller.......no outrage. The white mom had it coming, I guess. Not racist for a drugged up punk to shoot a white baby at point blank.
Eh, I'd rather just pop a couple kneecaps, rather than questioning myself if I had to really end their life over their stupidity. I would rather cripple them and make them have to think about their actions for the rest of their life. Was a very interesting night when it happen though.

Tough talk. Can you walk the walk? It is only dead men that can't sue you out existence. And intentional maiming, is under the category called Mayhem. An enhanced sentence for that. You break it, you own it, in this country. Who know what story the jury would buy?

OTH, I have confronted someone recently with a shotgun....about a year ago. It wasn't at my house. 2 guys drunk, pounding on the door. They wouldn't go away and said they were going to bash in the door and proceeded to do that. SHIT! Too late to call the law.

So, I took the shotgun and stood a bit back from the door. I had my friend swing it wide open for them to see me. I stepped forward but didn't raise the gun. I had it pointing down and out. Casual, holding it one hand. I said LEAVE.

No, blah blah, owes us money...you won't shoot us.

I just motioned slightly with the barrel, and said, "No but this thing could go off, accidentally." The muzzle is about 2 feet from his left ankle. Ugly picture. Long stare, long eye contact. They backed up. They left.
Tough talk. Can you walk the walk? It is only dead men that can't sue you out existence. And intentional maiming, is under the category called Mayhem. An enhanced sentence for that. You break it, you own it, in this country. Who know what story the jury would buy?

OTH, I have confronted someone recently with a shotgun....about a year ago. It wasn't at my house. 2 guys drunk, pounding on the door. They wouldn't go away and said they were going to bash in the door and proceeded to do that. SHIT! Too late to call the law.

So, I took the shotgun and stood a bit back from the door. I had my friend swing it wide open for them to see me. I stepped forward but didn't raise the gun. I had it pointing down and out. Casual, holding it one hand. I said LEAVE.

No, blah blah, owes us money...you won't shoot us.

I just motioned slightly with the barrel, and said, "No but this thing could go off, accidentally." The muzzle is about 2 feet from his left ankle. Ugly picture. Long stare, long eye contact. They backed up. They left.

Not true, you can utilise a "sue-ance"... "by the power of Christ we sue you" :D
Tough talk. Can you walk the walk? It is only dead men that can't sue you out existence. And intentional maiming, is under the category called Mayhem. An enhanced sentence for that. You break it, you own it, in this country. Who know what story the jury would buy?

OTH, I have confronted someone recently with a shotgun....about a year ago. It wasn't at my house. 2 guys drunk, pounding on the door. They wouldn't go away and said they were going to bash in the door and proceeded to do that. SHIT! Too late to call the law.

So, I took the shotgun and stood a bit back from the door. I had my friend swing it wide open for them to see me. I stepped forward but didn't raise the gun. I had it pointing down and out. Casual, holding it one hand. I said LEAVE.

No, blah blah, owes us money...you won't shoot us.

I just motioned slightly with the barrel, and said, "No but this thing could go off, accidentally." The muzzle is about 2 feet from his left ankle. Ugly picture. Long stare, long eye contact. They backed up. They left.
Yes I can actually.
In my situation me and my fiancée was parked down an ally chatting after I just got threw fucking her in my back seat and out of no where this dude approaches my car and banged on the window, I cracked the window ever so slightly and said, can I help you? He was like, what are you doing, told him just talking with my lady and he asked me if I could please leave. I said no problem and started getting out the car to get into the front seat. During this, he started getting a bit more angry for some reason and started saying how there were a lot of break ins down that ally, I told him its cool, I know the area and I understand. By this point he starts getting loud and I'm like dude, I said I was leaving so get in your car and go back home. I could smell the alcohol on him and he was on the oposite side of my car.

Well, he kept talking his drunken shit and then I got mad and told him to stop talking shit and that I was leaving and it would be best if he take his drunk ass home. There was another guy in the driver seat of the car and I seen him at that point coming out the car with a 3ft bar, so I grabbed my firearm pointed it at his knees and gave him this 1 warning, take one more step near me and I'm taking out both your kneecaps. The other guy at that point says no, you don't have to do that we're going back home. Confrentation ended.
I have identified you as a possible pedophile.

no one is interested in what theories you cook up out of your own personal asshurt.

but it's good to know i've rustled the jimmies of an admitted racist thief who robs his own family for drug money.

What does white have to do with this buck ? other then tm using the term cracker to describe the man with lighter skin following him. I know nutjobs like you were quick to try to blame whitey but zimmerman is hispanic/latino .

i was just pointing out how the zimmerman loving crowd was happy with what a white supremacist had to say about this case.

His monstrous vag is irritated again because most have caught onto the fact he is completely full of shit and undeniably hypocritical...

He brings race into this but no mention or hysteria in the liberal media of the Georgia teens shooting a baby in a stroller to death. No mention of race, but race cannot be avoided in the Zimmerman trial for some reason...

that was actually desert dud. i'd ask you to go ahead and read back but i doubt your dumb ass is even literate.

what the fuck does a crime in georgia have anything to do with this case? if that case has your tampon swollen, go start a thread about it, skinhead.
Yes I can actually.
In my situation me and my fiancée was parked down an ally chatting after I just got threw fucking her in my back seat and out of no where this dude approaches my car and banged on the window, I cracked the window ever so slightly and said, can I help you? He was like, what are you doing, told him just talking with my lady and he asked me if I could please leave. I said no problem and started getting out the car to get into the front seat. During this, he started getting a bit more angry for some reason and started saying how there were a lot of break ins down that ally, I told him its cool, I know the area and I understand. By this point he starts getting loud and I'm like dude, I said I was leaving so get in your car and go back home. I could smell the alcohol on him and he was on the oposite side of my car.

Well, he kept talking his drunken shit and then I got mad and told him to stop talking shit and that I was leaving and it would be best if he take his drunk ass home. There was another guy in the driver seat of the car and I seen him at that point coming out the car with a 3ft bar, so I grabbed my firearm pointed it at his knees and gave him this 1 warning, take one more step near me and I'm taking out both your kneecaps. The other guy at that point says no, you don't have to do that we're going back home. Confrentation ended.

Ah, very good. Next time remember the "accidentally shot you" statement and yell for help when you shoot him....unless there are no witnesses, of course. :)
why would i be butthurt that someone who i identified as a possible racist is in lockstep with a white supremacist?

that only bolsters my suspicions.

maybe abort the pictures and stick to failed analogies instead.
You think that anyone that thinks Martin was a thief is a racist? That is ignorant. Good people don't act like Martin was acting. A good person would say Hello and walk with a purpose. A decent human being does not refer to people as crackers. Martin was up to nothing good, and Zimmerman is Guilty of second degree murder. It CAN be both. it does not need to be one or the other. The story would be called The Thug vs the Murdering Psycho. Fuck anyone that carries a gun, especially and including the police. 'Fists, or stay in your car law' needs passing. Hunting rifles only, and only specially trained cops should have guns.
that was actually desert dud. i'd ask you to go ahead and read back but i doubt your dumb ass is even literate.

what the fuck does a crime in georgia have anything to do with this case? if that case has your tampon swollen, go start a thread about it, skinhead.

Again, lets not point out context, it's always lost on you... I have no need for tampons, i'm not married to a horse, unfortunately you probably grow just to pay for ass tampons... :wink: (don't worry once you're bald, you can get daddy in law to pay for a anal re-tread!:lol:)

Judging by the way your hairline is receding, you'll be a skinhead long before you could even conceive some backwards progeny with Mrs. hands...
Again, lets not point out context, it's always lost on you... I have no need for tampons, i'm not married to a horse, unfortunately you probably grow just to pay for ass tampons... :wink: (don't worry once you're bald, you can get daddy in law to pay for a anal re-tread!:lol:)

Judging by the way your hairline is receding, you'll be a skinhead long before you could even conceive some backwards progeny with Mrs. hands...

not one iota of substance in that asshurt reply from you.

reported for harassment.
when did i say that?

and what did martin steal?

he is on tape BUYING skittles and iced tea. what a thug.

Thieves NEVER buy skittles and watermelon juice? not being racist but that sounds like the East Oakland diet for crack heads and thieving heroin addicts alike. Arizona watermelon juice and skittles is probably the most purchased items from that store.
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