zimmerman news

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The whole thing could have been avoided with a 'Hello'. That is the first thing I always say when I meet a stranger. 'hello'. Not "What are you doing here?!' Thats not nice.

You've never been in Sanford after dark.
Were they saltine?

So, you don't know what the Florida Crackers were. The spine of Florida from Tallahassee to the Everglades, was settled by cattle drovers. But the term goes back before the bull whip days.

"What cracker is this ... that deafes our ears / With this abundance of superfluous breath?" Will Shakespeare, King John 1595

It is a joker, a goof, a braggart, teller of tall tails, a cracker of jokes. Behold the cracker cometh. The great Davy Crockett, Congressman. By his time a Cracker, was the boaster of the frontier deeds. And so, the most fantastic cracker story we have is the Alamo. All the great Crackers of the day, dead as nails, and down in History.

"Warm work that. The Hot Gates at Thermopylae, ain't in it," was the old Royal Navy boast.

Then the Cracker Cowhunters from Georgia used dogs and bull whips to hunt the cows individually in the brush to get the herd rounded up.

Now those Families refer to themselves quite proudly as the true Florida Crackers. A bunch of ex-Governer families that still own a lot of land.
So, you don't know what the Florida Crackers were. The spine of Florida from Tallahassee to the Everglades, was settled by cattle drovers. But the term goes back before the bull whip days.

"What cracker is this ... that deafes our ears / With this abundance of superfluous breath?" Will Shakespeare, King John 1595

It is a joker, a goof, a braggart, teller of tall tails, a cracker of jokes. Behold the cracker cometh. The great Davy Crockett, Congressman. By his time a Cracker, was the boaster of the frontier deeds. And so, the most fantastic cracker story we have is the Alamo. All the great Crackers of the day, dead as nails, and down in History.

"Warm work that. The Hot Gates at Thermopylae, ain't in it," was the old Royal Navy boast.

Then the Cracker Cowhunters from Georgia used dogs and bull whips to hunt the cows individually in the brush to get the herd rounded up.

Now those Families refer to themselves quite proudly as the true Florida Crackers. A bunch of ex-Governer families that still own a lot of land.

Very informative. I have only been as far as Orlando, but usually panama city beach.
So, you don't know what the Florida Crackers were. The spine of Florida from Tallahassee to the Everglades, was settled by cattle drovers. But the term goes back before the bull whip days.

"What cracker is this ... that deafes our ears / With this abundance of superfluous breath?" Will Shakespeare, King John 1595

It is a joker, a goof, a braggart, teller of tall tails, a cracker of jokes. Behold the cracker cometh. The great Davy Crockett, Congressman. By his time a Cracker, was the boaster of the frontier deeds. And so, the most fantastic cracker story we have is the Alamo. All the great Crackers of the day, dead as nails, and down in History.

"Warm work that. The Hot Gates at Thermopylae, ain't in it," was the old Royal Navy boast.

Then the Cracker Cowhunters from Georgia used dogs and bull whips to hunt the cows individually in the brush to get the herd rounded up.

Now those Families refer to themselves quite proudly as the true Florida Crackers. A bunch of ex-Governer families that still own a lot of land.

Maybe 400 years ago. Now they are just bland and brittle... food that is
He resorts to name calling because all of his so called facts are null and void. Someone is clearly butt hurt.
I would love to see the pics of myself that make me look like a 7th grade caveman dropout.

Hey look, we have something in common, my seed was incinerated and so was your family. :lol: Burn baby burn...

it's not name calling since you earned them all.

you piped up without knowing the facts of the case.

you even made up a line about "blunt force trauma" where there is none. merely a 2 cm scratch with no bruising. that was dumb of you.

you assumed that running away means aggressing and then tried to justify it by bringing up race over and over and over again. pretty soon you'll be telling me about your black friend.

like i said, 7th grade drop out who makes cavemen look intelligent.

it's not name calling since you earned them all.

you piped up without knowing the facts of the case.

you even made up a line about "blunt force trauma" where there is none. merely a 2 cm scratch with no bruising. that was dumb of you.

you assumed that running away means aggressing and then tried to justify it by bringing up race over and over and over again. pretty soon you'll be telling me about your black friend.

like i said, 7th grade drop out who makes cavemen look intelligent.
I already provided you a video where an expert about the details of the case said it himself that it was consistent with blunt force trauma. Quit trying to argue it like it
wasn't said. Anymore you try to say on that matter is just a matter of your ignorant speculation. Just because you want it to be so, doesn't make it so.

I never once said that running away means aggressing, that is just you once again making shit up. You are trying to come to this conclusion based on you believing that Z was the aggressor, because he "followed" TM. No matter how you try and twist it, even if TM was being followed, he didn't have the right to just attack Z. You can say there is no evidence of it all you want, but the fact of the matter is Z had all the signs of being attacked all over his head, whether you believe it to be life threatening or not is irrelevant.

:lol: I knew that was the pic you were going to try and use. So me being inventive, using a power drill and a fork to mix the ingredients for a cake is somehow 7th grade caveman?:lol: You have really dropped the ball on this one. Just like you profiling me saying that because I had a shaved head makes me a skinhead.

Lastly I don't have to tell you about me having black friends, I have nothing to prove to you, but just for shits and giggles, the census where I live is 47% white and 35% black. What's it in your area? Like 2% black people. I guess next you will claim you know all 12 of them. :lol:

P.s. I have seen the pics of you also, you have no room to talk about anyone.
I already provided you a video where an expert about the details of the case said it himself that it was consistent with blunt force trauma. Quit trying to argue it like it
wasn't said. Anymore you try to say on that matter is just a matter of your ignorant speculation. Just because you want it to be so, doesn't make it so.

yeah, i bet the defense will submit a youtube video in court :clap:

how stupid are you? zimm's own doctor said the next day he had a couple of scratches and nothing more. no broken nose, no bruising, no nausea, no headache, no dizziness, no after effects, no trauma whatsoever.

a couple of scratches.

so much for your youtube video. thanks for demonstrating what an idiot you are though.

I never once said that running away means aggressing, that is just you once again making shit up. You are trying to come to this conclusion based on you believing that Z was the aggressor, because he "followed" TM. No matter how you try and twist it, even if TM was being followed, he didn't have the right to just attack Z.

there is no evidence that martin attacked zimmerman, yet you keep asserting that is what happened.

are you fucking stupid?

You can say there is no evidence of it all you want

and i will, because that is what matters: the evidence.

but the fact of the matter is Z had all the signs of being attacked all over his head, whether you believe it to be life threatening or not is irrelevant.

it is not a matter of belief that small scratches are not life threatening, it is a matter of fact.

and those scratches were consistent with martin defending himself from a man who kept pursuing him as he ran away.

*I knew that was the pic you were going to try and use. So me being inventive, using a power drill and a fork to mix the ingredients for a cake is somehow 7th grade caveman?*You have really dropped the ball on this one. Just like you profiling me saying that because I had a shaved head makes me a skinhead.

no, the 7th grade dropout who makes a caveman look brilliant remark is based on the general impression of empty-headedness your blank expression emits.

you're like a phrenologist's wet dream.

Lastly I don't have to tell you about me having black friends, I have nothing to prove to you,...where I live is 47% white and 35% black.


you have black friends. good job.

you are too fucking easy.

i knew from day one that you were uber-trollable. always dumb enough to take the bait, and too stupid to abort before proving himself to be a feeble halfwit.

next time i see someone running, i am going to yell at them to stop aggressing me :lol:
I wasted the afternoon listening to the trial live. It was interesting, and the Columbian cutie at the end was like dessert!

The way Karma works Z will probably be convicted and I will have to eat my words, but so far it looks to me like the judge should just end the whole damn farce and let Z go home to his ruined life.

Maybe we can take up a collection to send Ms Jeantel to an Evelyn Woods speed reading class. We would have to teach her basic grammar next. Might be a fun project.

you have black friends. good job.

you are too fucking easy.

i knew from day one that you were uber-trollable. always dumb enough to take the bait, and too stupid to abort before proving himself to be a feeble halfwit.

next time i see someone running, i am going to yell at them to stop aggressing me :lol:
I have a white friend if that counts :roll:
I just don't understand how a 17 year old can go from just playing video games and buying a few snacks to starting a fight with a random person all by himself. Just doesn't make sense. Even if he's generally up to no good like most 17 year old's.

Maybe zimmerman ran up to him and trayvon reacted who knows, because obviously you would feel a threat if a random man is just running at you with intent, add to that factor is depending on how rough it is where you live, but who will ever know what his now dead thoughts were thinking. But still any young man should feel scared if some man is just running at you randomly with intent.

And maybe zimmerman took it a step further by grabbing him or something, all i know is that is deserving of a wallop to the the nose. And Zimmerman see's red and kills him? Nothing life threatening there except for zimmerman. In my eyes, murder, or the highest form of manslaughter. Either way, bad. man.
I wasted the afternoon listening to the trial live. It was interesting, and the Columbian cutie at the end was like dessert!

The way Karma works Z will probably be convicted and I will have to eat my words, but so far it looks to me like the judge should just end the whole damn farce and let Z go home to his ruined life.

Maybe we can take up a collection to send Ms Jeantel to an Evelyn Woods speed reading class. We would have to teach her basic grammar next. Might be a fun project.

Yea, I'd be willing to bet, even though the whole prosecution has lost every single one of their witnesses that the jury will send him back to jail for something, simply because they would want to prevent riots. I heard just a moment ago on the news by a legal analyst, that if jury doesn't find the star witnesses testimony credible, then Z will more than likely walk. As I and most others see it, she isn't a very credible witness. How many lies did she tell on the stand? Not to mention her constant attitude and noticeable coaching. Can you imagine what the prosecution told her, "just stick to yes and no answers."
I wasted the afternoon listening to the trial live. It was interesting, and the Columbian cutie at the end was like dessert!

The way Karma works Z will probably be convicted and I will have to eat my words, but so far it looks to me like the judge should just end the whole damn farce and let Z go home to his ruined life.

Maybe we can take up a collection to send Ms Jeantel to an Evelyn Woods speed reading class. We would have to teach her basic grammar next. Might be a fun project.

the defense is doing very well so far, but they should probably be doing even better. i thought they'd destroy all the eyewitnesses, but the carnage hasn't been quite as bad as i thought it would or could be.

and let's not forget, we're not even to the most damning parts yet: zimmerman himself.

his "injuries" have been revealed to be mere scratches, his varying tales have not been picked apart yet, his drugged up mind set has not been put on trial either.

zimmerman has no one but himself to thank for his ruined life. he made every poor decision that led to the tragic outcome that night. martin tried to run away, zimm kept chasing.

can't wait until they get into what zimm told serino, especially the very last thing he said about going down the T to look for martin.
Yea, I'd be willing to bet, even though the whole prosecution has lost every single one of their witnesses that the jury will send him back to jail for something, simply because they would want to prevent riots. I heard just a moment ago on the news by a legal analyst, that if jury doesn't find the star witnesses testimony credible, then Z will more than likely walk. As I and most others see it, she isn't a very credible witness. How many lies did she tell on the stand? Not to mention her constant attitude and noticeable coaching. Can you imagine what the prosecution told her, "just stick to yes and no answers."

the only lies she told were irrelevant to the main thing she was testifying about.

her stupidity is probably gonna work to her advantage, as she seems to stupid to be able to pull off any lies, and she seemed genuine. she does not stand to benefit from lying, and the couple of white lies she did tell were to spare the feelings of others.

she did not get torn apart, and that does not bode well for zimm with his many glaring lies now to be examined. zimm does stand to gain a lot from lying and is not a sympathetic character.
I just don't understand how a 17 year old can go from just playing video games and buying a few snacks to starting a fight with a random person all by himself. Just doesn't make sense. Even if he's generally up to no good like most 17 year old's.

Maybe zimmerman ran up to him and trayvon reacted who knows, because obviously you would feel a threat if a random man is just running at you with intent, add to that factor is depending on how rough it is where you live, but who will ever know what his now dead thoughts were thinking. But still any young man should feel scared if some man is just running at you randomly with intent.

And maybe zimmerman took it a step further by grabbing him or something, all i know is that is deserving of a wallop to the the nose. And Zimmerman see's red and kills him? Nothing life threatening there except for zimmerman. In my eyes, murder, or the highest form of manslaughter. Either way, bad. man.

Lets consider what Ms. Jeantel aka Diamond( :lol: ) says to be real, and Z ran up to TM and said "what are you doing around here?" Is it to hard to just say, even at the worst, I LIVE HERE MOTHER FUCKER!? It is very unlikely that Z grabbed him then took a beating just to shoot him. To have that much foresight is inconceivable for Zimmerman.
Lets consider what Ms. Jeantel aka Diamond( :lol: ) says to be real, and Z ran up to TM and said "what are you doing around here?" Is it to hard to just say, even at the worst, I LIVE HERE MOTHER FUCKER!? It is very unlikely that Z grabbed him then took a beating just to shoot him. To have that much foresight is inconceivable for Zimmerman.

I don't know where you're from but where i'm from a mean ass "what are you doing around here?" after being ran up on be fightin' words
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