zimmerman news

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So true.
And somehow people have seemed to forgotten that after Z was taken in he was released and not charged with anything. It was only when people started making a big stink about it being racially charged when he was arrested.

there you go again, introducing race where there is none.

it was only upon further review by more qualified folks that zimmerman was charged. serino wanted to charge him from the beginning.
I obviously don't agree that Martin tried to run away because he didn't.

"he ran" - george zimmerman.

you are dumber than a bag of dog shit.

Martin played a bigger role in this train wreck than Z.

how so? by running away?


yeah, the guy who followed him with the gun was not more responsible than the innocent kid who ran away. only in your racist mind.

...at the time the skull-banging was being administered.

there is zero evidence that any skull banging happened. zero.

**A broken nose

no broken nose, not even a deviated septum according to zimmerman's own doctor.

but why should you bother with being accurate when you have all your racial resentment to fall back upon?

and multiple lacerations to the back of his head caused by a ground and pound

mere scratches, cause unknown.

but again, why bother being accurate?

The biggest problem the prosecution faces is the murder 2 charge itself. The burden to prove that strikes me as insurmountable.

did you even bother to listen to that night's call compared to previous calls? the guy was majorly agitated and angry.
you're just proving how dumb you are now.

how is walking home with skittles analogous to stealing plants out of someone's back yard?

learn what an analogy is next time before opening your mouth and removing all doubt.

a·nal·o·gy (
)n. pl. a·nal·o·gies 1. a. Similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar.
b. A comparison based on such similarity. See Synonyms at likeness.

2. Biology Correspondence in function or position between organs of dissimilar evolutionary origin or structure.
3. A form of logical inference or an instance of it, based on the assumption that if two things are known to be alike in some respects, then they must be alike in other respects.
4. Linguistics The process by which words or morphemes are re-formed or created on the model of existing grammatical patterns in a language, often leading to greater regularity in paradigms, as evidenced by helped replacing holp and holpen as the past tense and past participle of help on the model of verbs such as yelp, yelped, yelped.

So tell me again how my analogy didn't work for in the same instance something happen to you that you wasn't able to catch said individuals that stole from you, whereas where Z was concerned about the individuals that were involved in burglaries were always getting away. I said what I meant plain as day in the original message.

Please go on and tell me what I need to learn.
a·nal·o·gy (
)n. pl. a·nal·o·gies 1. a. Similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar.
b. A comparison based on such similarity. See Synonyms at likeness.

2. Biology Correspondence in function or position between organs of dissimilar evolutionary origin or structure.
3. A form of logical inference or an instance of it, based on the assumption that if two things are known to be alike in some respects, then they must be alike in other respects.
4. Linguistics The process by which words or morphemes are re-formed or created on the model of existing grammatical patterns in a language, often leading to greater regularity in paradigms, as evidenced by helped replacing holp and holpen as the past tense and past participle of help on the model of verbs such as yelp, yelped, yelped.

So tell me again how my analogy didn't work for in the same instance something happen to you that you wasn't able to catch said individuals that stole from you, whereas where Z was concerned about the individuals that were involved in burglaries were always getting away. I said what I meant plain as day in the original message.

Please go on and tell me what I need to learn.

how is walking home innocently with skittles similar to stealing plants out of someone's backyard?

there is no similarity whatsoever.

learn 2 analogy, sistah.
Serino himself referred to Zimmerman's injuries as "marginally life threatening". In saying that, Serino was trying to downplay Z's injuries, yet he acknowledged that Z's injuries were life threatening. Lots of people have been killed with one punch. Some pro football player is in jail as we speak because he punched some guy outside a bar a few days ago and the guy is in a coma as we speak. What is going on with football players?

If you assault someone and punch them then stand by to receive some hot lead.

Consider this. Suppose Martin had assaulted a cop in the same way he assaulted Z? The cop probably would have shot him ten times and it would have been a righteous shoot.

Yeah but zimmerman isn't a cop is he, he was just some guy scaring the shit out of a teen maybe even more. if a swollen nose and a few tiny lacerations are marginally life threatening then walking barefoot is, stubbing your toe hurts, real life threatening.
No, the charges were dropped. That was stated during today's testimony.

so he had to take anger management classes because he was charged with nothing?

some good those anger management classes did him. but at least the MMA classes zimm was taking gave him the ability to exercise full wrist control at will, despite his account of receiving "25 - 30" haymakers and getting his head slammed on concrete for a minute non-stop and then being suffocated, despite all lack of bruising, all lack of blood on martin's hands and cuffs, and a 2 cm little scratch.

all that is yet to come, and the defense had better have some miracle up its sleeve to explain away all the obvious lies.
how is walking home innocently with skittles similar to stealing plants out of someone's backyard?

there is no similarity whatsoever.

learn 2 analogy, sistah.

And rightfully so.
What would you do if you found the kids that stole your plants or whatever they stole from you. Bet you would rather those assholes didn't get away, those fucking punks.
^ My original message. Yep, the analogy works. Now, without trying to twist things, like you always do, explain to me how it doesn't work.
Yeah but zimmerman isn't a cop is he, he was just some guy scaring the shit out of a teen maybe even more. if a swollen nose and a few tiny lacerations are marginally life threatening then walking barefoot is, stubbing your toe hurts, real life threatening.

always wear shoes around the house.

safety first, then teamwork.
^ My original message. Yep, the analogy works. Now, without trying to twist things, like you always do, explain to me how it doesn't work.

one would want to detain and be in the right to detain actual thieves who are actually trespassing and actually stealing things.

one would not want to detain and would not be in the right to detain an innocent child walking home with skittles.

keep dragging out this analogy fail, do not abort.
there you go again, introducing race where there is none.

it was only upon further review by more qualified folks that zimmerman was charged. serino wanted to charge him from the beginning.
You are whack if you really believe that. THE ONLY REASON he was charged was because of public out cry. It got the FEDs involved. Did you not follow the news? Are you just making shit up? That is, like, the main theme of this freaking trial! 'WE ARE TREYVON MARTIN!' .... fuck remember???? Z was charged because if they didn't then thousands of blacks would riot

wtf?! You are just throwing out trash arguments. I am on the fence and you are in left field throwing bullshit out if you think this is not about race
That frightens me a bit and angers me that anyone would think this trial is not about race and race alone. Z has hit marks all over his face and abrasions to the back of his skull. Martin has grass stains on the knees. Obvious assault. you dont need to be sherlock
one would want to detain and be in the right to detain actual thieves who are actually trespassing and actually stealing things.

one would not want to detain and would not be in the right to detain an innocent child walking home with skittles.

keep dragging out this analogy fail, do not abort.

Go back and read the definition that I provided for you, read and reread until your comprehension comes up to speed, wait for the ding of your family microwave, wipe the shit off your chin and put on your big boy pants. Now when you feel confident enough to respond in a manner that revolves around intellectual thought, don't, because you have non.
That frightens me a bit and angers me that anyone would think this trial is not about race and race alone. Z has hit marks all over his face and abrasions to the back of his skull. Martin has grass stains on the knees. Obvious assault. you dont need to be sherlock

He looked like he got hit once to me and fell. He could of got the grass stains at anytime, maybe he tripped. Obvious assumptions
You are whack if you really believe that. THE ONLY REASON he was charged was because of public out cry. It got the FEDs involved. Did you not follow the news? Are you just making shit up? That is, like, the main theme of this freaking trial! 'WE ARE TREYVON MARTIN!' .... fuck remember???? Z was charged because if they didn't then thousands of blacks would riot

wtf?! You are just throwing out trash arguments. I am on the fence and you are in left field throwing bullshit out if you think this is not about race

Yes, he is just making shit up. You will come to figure out about microwave boy, that he likes to try and twist everything that people say to fit into whatever shit is about to spew out of his mouth next. It is really quite amusing if you look at some of the ignorant inconsistent shit he says. He prides himself on being a fat lazy troll, but in the end he just makes himself look like a mindless fool, and he cant see that everyone is just laughing at him. I think the funnies thing about UncleBuck is that if most anyone on this forum was to see him in real life, they would end him, just like Trayvon Martin.
That frightens me a bit and angers me that anyone would think this trial is not about race and race alone. Z has hit marks all over his face and abrasions to the back of his skull. Martin has grass stains on the knees. Obvious assault. you dont need to be sherlock

no marks on his face, just a tiny, 2 cm scratch on the back of his head and a bloody nose.

all consistent with martin defending himself from the guy who was pursuing him.

obvious self defense by martin, no need to be sherlock.
We need to wait for the forensics on Trevon.

such as?

there is no blood on his hands, cuffs, or finger nails. only a tiny scratch on his left ring finger (he is right handed).

i'm sure there's other relevant stuff i'm forgetting, but what else do we need to know?
Check this out. This is witness testimony today.

Later in the afternoon, jurors also watched Selma Mora, a resident of the complex, re-enact how she heard a loud sound, ran from her kitchen, peered out from her porch and saw the silhouette of two figures on the ground.

One was on top, astride a person on the bottom. The figure on the top got up, placed his hand on his head and paced. She asked him three times what was going on, Ms. Mora said in Spanish through an interpreter. On the third time, the manresponded, “Just go call the police,” she said.


Now this was not challenged by the Defense, it seems, maybe they will re-cross or something, I didn't get to watch.

So, all you real racists, tell me how that works, when the guy on top gets up. Now if Zimmerman is going to say, if he testifes, that he roll him over off him....but, the guy on top got up.

Now add this to the forensics photos that I did see of a rather small and skinny looking kid, face up on the ground.

So, if the forensics, blood spatter, bullet angle, anti-mortem brusing, etc, even hint at backing that up, it is cold blooded murder.

Get the guy on the ground, face up, draw and fire. Form the intent to kill and do it.
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