Weve had some break-ins in my neighborhood and theres a real suspicious guy. Its Retreat View Circle. The best address I can give you is 111 Retreat View Circle.
This guy looks like hes up to no good or hes on drugs or something. Its raining and
hes just walking around looking about. [00:25]
911 dispatcher:
OK, is he White, Black, or Hispanic?
He looks black.
911 dispatcher:
Did you see what he was wearing?
Yeah, a dark hoodie like a gray hoodie. He wore jeans or sweat pants and white tennis shoes. Hes here now
hes just staring. [00:42]
911 dispatcher:
Hes just walking around the area, the houses? OK.
Now hes staring at me. [00:48]
911 dispatcher:
OK, you said thats 1111 Retreat View or 111?
Thats the clubhouse.
911 dispatcher:
Hes near the clubhouse now?
, now hes coming toward me. Hes got his hands in his waist band.
And hes a black male.
911 dispatcher:
How old would you say he is?
Hes got something on his shirt. About like his late teens.
911 dispatcher:
Late teens?
Uh, huh.
Somethings wrong with him. Yep, hes coming to check me out.
Hes got something in his hands. I dont know what his deal is. [01:20]
911 dispatcher:
Let me know if he does anything, OK?
911 dispatcher:
Weve got him on the wire. Just let me know if this guy does anything else.
These assholes. They always get away.
When you come to the clubhouse, you come straight in and you go left. Actually, you would go past the clubhouse.
911 dispatcher:
OK, so its on the left hand side of the clubhouse?
Yeah. You go in straight through the entrance and then you would go left. You go straight in, dont turn and make a left.
Hes running. [2:08]
911 dispatcher:
Hes running? Which way is he running?
Down toward the other entrance of the neighborhood. [2:14]
911 dispatcher:
OK, which entrance is that hes headed towards?
The back entrance.
911 dispatcher:
Are you following him? [2:24]
Yeah. [2:25]
911 dispatcher:
We dont need you to do that. [2:26]
OK. [2:28]
911 dispatcher:
Alright, sir, what is your name? [2:34]
George. He ran.
911 dispatcher:
Alright, George, whats your last name?
911 dispatcher:
Whats the phone number youre calling from?
911 dispatcher:
Alright, George, we do have them on the way. Do you want to meet with the officer when they get out there?
911 dispatcher:
Alright, where are you going to meet with them at?
Um, if they come in through the gate, tell them to go straight past the clubhouse and, uh, straight past the clubhouse and make a left and then go past the mailboxes youll see my truck. [3:10]
911 dispatcher:
Alright, what address are you parked in front of? [3:21]
Um, I dont know. Its a cut-through so I dont know the address. [3:25]
911 dispatcher:
OK, do you live in the area?
Yeah, yeah, I live here.
911 dispatcher:
OK, whats your apartment number?
Its a home. Its 1950 oh, crap, I dont want to give it out I dont know where this kid is [inaudible] [3:40]
911 dispatcher:
OK, do you just want to meet with them at the mailboxes then? [3:42]
Yeah, thats fine. [3:43]
911 dispatcher:
Alright, George, Ill let them know youll meet them at
Could you have them call me and Ill tell them where Im at? [3:49]
911 dispatcher:
OK, thats no problem.
My number
youve got it?
911 dispatcher:
Yeah, Ive got it. 435-2400?
Yeah, you got it.
911 dispatcher:
OK, no problem. Ill let them know to call you when theyre in the area. [4:02]
911 dispatcher:
Youre welcome.
Call ends 4:07
A The Clubhouse for Retreat at Twin Lakes.
B Community mailboxes.
C Where George Zimmerman parked his truck.
D Brandy Greens Townhouse, where Trayvon was staying.
E Zimmerman stopped and completed his 911 call for approximately eighty seconds.
F The fight and shooting took place in this area.
Eyewitness Johns townhouse.
Lets take a look at how events unfolded during the original 911 call Zimmerman made to report Trayvon as a suspicious person.
We can match things up on the map with the 911 call pretty much step-by-step.
[a video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgR7gCxXQYg&feature=player_embedded[/video]
0:15 The best address I can give you is the clubhouse. [A]
0:45 Hes just staring at the houses. Now hes staring at me.
1:00 Hes coming towards me.
1:20 Hes coming to check me out.
2:08 Shit, hes running.
2:14 Sound of truck door being closed. [C]
2:20 Hes heading towards the back entrance. [referring to E]
2:25 Are you following him? Yep.
2:45 He ran
Zimmerman stops and completes the 911 call. [E]
4:05 Call ends.
Heres an estimate of Trayvons route back to Brandy Greens townhouse with 911 call times included:

Martin is initially reported as hanging out near the clubhouse, looking at houses and acting suspiciously. Then he walks by Zimmermans truck at around 1:30 on the 911 call and proceeds east.
At 2:08, Trayvon starts running. Six seconds later, we hear Zimmerman leave his truck to see where he went.
While Trayvon runs south towards Brandy Greens townhouse, Zimmerman continues east, and remains on the line with the 911 dispatcher.
At a slow jogging pace, Trayvon is estimated to have arrived back at Brandy Greens townhouse at around 2:40 on the 911 call.
Trayvon may have gone inside the townhouse, but it seems more likely that he remained outside to see if Zimmerman was still following him and just continued talking to his girlfriend over the next few minutes.
After a few minutes, Trayvon seems to have walked north, back up the sidewalk to confront Zimmerman about why he was followed.
Heres an estimate of Zimmermans route to the main road with 911 call times included:

George Zimmerman leaves his truck at 2:14 and reaches Retreat View Circle just over thirty seconds later at 2:45.
He agrees to stop pursuit at the dispatchers request. After the 911 call is complete, Zimmerman begins to head back to his truck to meet the police. At this point, he claims he was confronted by Trayvon, and walks a few steps down the sidewalk south to respond to him.
As we can see, it appears unlikely that Zimmerman ever chased down Martin. Zimmerman only pursued long enough to maintain visual contact to see what direction Trayvon was going.
Zimmerman traveled his entire route in around 30 seconds, he only went a very short distance and did so specifically to tell the 911 dispatcher where Trayvon had gone.
It wasnt until several minutes later that their altercation took place, when Martin apparently doubled back to confront Zimmerman.
John, the eyewitness who lives in [G],
picks up the account from there.
John's eyewitness account:
The guy on the bottom, who I believe had a red sweater on, was yelling to me, Help, help. I told him to stop, I was calling 911, John told the TV station. Zimmerman was wearing red.
When I got upstairs and looked down, the person that was on top beating up the other guy was laying in the grass. And I believe he was dead at that point, the eyewitness claimed.