Ursus marijanus
Do you know this to be fact? One of the big things I got from the whole story as it unfolded was that we really do not know what happened until Trayvon was dead. Maybe my info is obsolete, but we have only Zimm's account, and testimony from someone who may have heard some things.What corner? Don't pretend Martin had no choice except to attack. All Zimmerman did was ask him a quesstion.
Martin wasn't "defending" himself, he was attacking. And there were witnesses to at least some of the fight. And the physical evidence collaborates Zimmerman's statements. To demand crucifixion to satisfy your notion of "Social Justice" is just plain wrong. That you believe attempted murder is justified in this situation clearly disqualifies you to judge anybody.
Am I demanding crucifixion? (Show me where.) What I have seen of Zimmerman's story stinks. I don't merely admit ... I declare that what i know of this case is limited and inconclusive. I know of only one slaying ... committed by the defendant. i have no reliable info at all that Martin attacked, or that he attempted murder upon Zimm. If you do, present it please, as it will be a refreshing break from all the endlessly recursive efforts to arrive at a conclusion based on circumstantial and character-based arguings. cn