Has the EU had enough of Israel?

still no rebuttal on the facts...

surely you can find something which demonstrates that this ignorant redneck is wrong.

certainly theres some information which refuted the hope-simpson commission, or changes the meaning of the mandatory documents, or the promise made by the brits to the jews.

maybe the syrians will fabricate some "ancient documents" for you if you ask real nice.

I was a guest at a JNF fundraiser many years ago. Absolutely sickening the kind of shit their money goes towards.


The Israeli government is planning the largest single attempt at the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians since the 1948 Nakba.

The Begin-Prawer Plan, which is the name of the law calling for the mass relocation of the Bedouin, passed its first reading in the Israeli Knesset on Wednesday, June 23. If the law is fully passed and implemented, it will mean the destruction of up to 40 Bedouin villages. Over the ruins of these villages, the Jewish National Fund—an Israeli para-statal organization with a charitable branch in Canada—will plant forests and help to establish Jewish-only settlements as part of its four billion dollar campaign: Blueprint Negev

The Prawer Plan aims to:

· * confiscate around 210,000 acres of land in the Naqab (Negev) desert
· * expel over 30,000 Palestinian Bedouins
· * demolish about 40 unrecognized villages
· * confine the Arab Palestinian Bedouins who are 30% of the Naqab in to 1% of the land

Repeatedly, the Israeli government has refused to listen to the strongest possible opposition from the Bedouin community and their attempt to propose alternative plans. Instead, the government has chosen forced transfer.
I was a guest at a JNF fundraiser many years ago. Absolutely sickening the kind of shit their money goes towards.


ZOMG!! you mean the Negev desert, which is within the pre1967 borders of israel??? how dare they evict squatters and arab nomads from their country!!!

· * confiscate around 210,000 acres of land in the Naqab (Negev) desert you mean, exert their already extant influence over THEIR territory, land which is currently occuied by arab nomads from the sinai and arabia? how unthinkable!
· * expel over 30,000 Palestinian Bedouins
you mean, expel over 30,000 illegal aliens squatting in that desert which indisputably belongs to israel?
· * demolish about 40 unrecognized villages
"unrecognized villages" ? ohh you mean shanty towns and quats set up to "establish ancestral rights" to a place which they have no real rights to?
· * confine the Arab Palestinian Bedouins who are 30% of the Naqab in to 1% of the land
i dunno what this "naqab" you want so badly might be, but it sure as shit aint in israel, they got a Negev desert, but nothing called a "naqab"

funny how the only nation on earth not allowed to administer it's sovereignty without your direct approval happens to be the jewish state?
As you should know by now, you will not find too much "superior intellect" here on RIU.........just look at some of the spelling in the posts.
man, the "Anti-Zionists" sure do disappear fast when confronted with facts they cannot dismiss with propaganda.
"The Torah is a historical document" ~Kynes.

yep. mixed in with the mysticism, magical thinking and religious hokum, the torah contains a great deal of historical data.

Factual historical data.

i can see why this chaps your ass.


this document too is full of mysticism, magical thinking and religious hokum.

is it less useful to historians because you hold religious content in disdain?

are the facts discussed less factual by their proximity to discussions of religious belief?

or are Jupiter and Juno cool with you, because you just hate jewish religion?