Well-Known Member
I am just loling at your ignorance, and your "south", there's plenty more. from the link i posted:
In December a Colorado baker was ordered by a judge to either serve gay weddings or face fines. Jack Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, was told to cease and desist from discriminating against gay couples. Phillips is a Christian.
New Mexicos Surpeme Court ruled in August that two Christian photographers who declined to photograph a same-sex union violated the states Human Rights Act. One justice said photographers Elaine and Jonathan Huguenin were compelled by law to compromise the very religious beliefs that inspire their lives.
And the Washington attorney general filed a lawsuit against a florist who refused to provide flowers for a same-sex couples wedding. Barronelle Stutzman, the owner of Arlenes Flowers & Gifts filed a countersuit, telling the Christian Broadcasting Network she had to take a stand in defense of her faith in Christ.
don't bother posting if it's only gonna showcase your ignorance.
say, do ya suppose that all the hetero couple boycotted these places, just like you claimed would happen in this day and age when you were busy arguing against title II?
So lets do this child style so you can understand better....your actual documentation is
New Mexico
None of which are southern, unless your map skills fail you.
The laws of your op have yet to show examples of discrimination and until they do I fail to see why you are not content to making a thread of the bigots of the West.
Hell maybe you have idk.
Noone is against titleII and that talking point is pretty played out in your endless broken record loop.
Title II says nothing about sexual orentation as I read it......
Only race, color, religion, or national origin are "protected" and even a small bed and breakfast may get around this completely lawfully as well as any private organization.
Any buisness may refuse service to any one or group for any reason as long as it is not against this "public policy".
If the reason is that a couple is gay, that is discrimination and hence, illegal.
If a gay couple comes in and the proprietor refused service cause he did not like how they looked, perfectly legal.
The laws in your op are stupid, and will have no actual negative impact other than furthering your post count.