Where am I
Well-Known Member
Because as with most products you buy as a consumer, you like to feel confident with your purchase and not have to go back and deal with countless headaches because things may or may not work properly. I'm really glad that cheap ass chinese LED's have and do work for you, but they should most definitely come with a BUYER BEWARE label.
Like I said, send me one link to a chinese LED company that has documented their results as much as Hans.
P.S: There was a lot of factors that came into it when I decided on the Hans panel - most importantly the fact that I can keep it within 4" of my canopy, and the damn panel is an inch thick.
Interesting I have over 9 grows using LED's.... In almost 3 years I had one set of modules that went bad. I had a replacement within a couple of weeks at no cost... You say you keep your lights at 4 inches above the canopy. How do you blend the light? Is it because of the shape of the reflector? I have done test with my lights to determine core foot print. It is easy to do just take a piece of poster board or a good flat non reflective surface set your light on it. You then raise your light up incrementally. You will actually see the various individual spectrum's from each LED. You continue to raise it until you see the blending of all of the spectrum's. You now will have your minimum height for a blended light source... This also will determine you core footprint. The higher you go from that point you began to lose maximum intensity for coverage ( think inverse square law). If you are using a single spectrum light I am not sure you need to worry about blending because that will be accomplished by the lens angle of the LED.