Late night at the cove -extra cheezy edition


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, maybe not a great joke, but come on Ace is pointing out the ridiculous racist remark IMO. The best way to emphasize that is to post a dry joke. Those who don't "get it" well, no comment for now...

Ace yonder flying a plane...

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I was watching TCT the other day and the show Total Man Ministries was on. This is a black church not far from me, anyway the preacher of said church called president Obama " The Anti-Christ " I almost spit my coffee all over the floor. I wonder what good ole Uncle Buck would have to say about that.
TCT must have some balls!

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Ahhh, maybe not a great joke, but come on Ace is pointing out the ridiculous racist remark IMO. The best way to emphasize that is to post a dry joke. Those who don't "get it" well, no comment for now...

Ace yonder flying a plane...
Got this tread mixed with the other one.
pinwurm isnt pinworm and all.

I don't agree with the real pin on some shit but he's not a bad guy.
Sorta missed the pun.


Well-Known Member
No pun man, all comments were aimed at the douche bag posting under "pinwurm"...

I already commented that I don't know "pinworm" well and would seriously doubt that he made the statements under the "pinwurm" handle.

He could very well be a good dude, I don't see how anything I said could be construed as bashing pinworm in any way?

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
No pun man, all comments were aimed at the douche bag posting under "pinwurm"...

I already commented that I don't know "pinworm" well and would seriously doubt that he made the statements under the "pinwurm" handle.

He could very well be a good dude, I don't see how anything I said could be construed as bashing pinworm in any way?
ja, the real Pin is a good guy, I just don't always agree with some of his posts.


Well-Known Member
You didn't Cas, I was the one who asked if he was f-in around under a different handle, and I also apologized so it should be all good...Hopefully


Well-Known Member
Cool, enough with talking about this douche bag "pinwurm"... onward and upward... See you fools on the other side, I need to get some sleep.



Well-Known Member
True enough J, I try to keep a mellow vibe on the political front but Obama is a joke and travesty... I will say that much!

See you on the flip side bro.


Well-Known Member
Fuck that, I'll let the good LORD handle it. He is way way more in control of the situation than I could ever dream of being


Well-Known Member
Me too as settle down to a long winter's nap.
No time for that, spring is comming and I have clone's to take. Lot's and lot's of em...also have to work on the flowering building ( old chicken coop out back ) when weather breaks and I won't freeze my arse off doing it.


Well-Known Member
Wow, looks like it was another interesting night huh? Did the real pinworm crash early? I hope he didn't bounce cuz some idiot created a similar account. Anyways, fan leaf covered tits, airplanes and brisket - bummed I went to bed early