I was watching TCT the other day and the show Total Man Ministries was on. This is a black church not far from me, anyway the preacher of said church called president Obama " The Anti-Christ " I almost spit my coffee all over the floor. I wonder what good ole Uncle Buck would have to say about that.
TCT must have some balls!
No pun man, all comments were aimed at the douche bag posting under "pinwurm"...
I already commented that I don't know "pinworm" well and would seriously doubt that he made the statements under the "pinwurm" handle.
He could very well be a good dude, I don't see how anything I said could be construed as bashing pinworm in any way?
If anyone wants to submit a prayer request here is your direct link to the lord thanks to TCT... lol
If anyone wants to submit a prayer request here is your direct link to the lord thanks to TCT... lol
Fuck that, I'll let the good LORD handle it. He is way way more in control of the situation than I could ever dream of being
I'll take a pass
Me too as settle down to a long winter's nap.