
Respect would be not spamming the forum with hit pieces produced by right wing organizations and disseminated into the Republican Echo chamber
I actually thought that dumb racist fat ass bitch had stopped doing that but I guess I was wrong.

Are you talking about Buck? Please be more specific so we can clear the forum of trolls like you!
I wonder can Obumer spell constitution? cstiton.

Only if it' on the teleprompter.
Should we call you pindick, buckwheat, or cheezdick. What do you preface today troll?

Pindick is cute. Haven't heard that one yet. I would suggest investing in a thesaurus, or mayhaps a rhyming dictionary, if you insist on dropping hate grenades. Until then, I'll just be here doing donuts, bucknekkid on my bigwheel.
The SEVEN black presidents before Barry O ..

If only you had an original thought bouncing around in that tiny deformed skull of yours.

Pindick is cute. Haven't heard that one yet. I would suggest investing in a thesaurus, or mayhaps a rhyming dictionary, if you insist on dropping hate grenades. Until then, I'll just be here doing donuts, bucknekkid on my bigwheel.

Actually I was just responding to that hate filled ranting troll of yours.
Only if it' on the teleprompter.

Sadly the above is all too true.

However, I noticed that there is no reference to Obama's pathological mendacity, which is truly revelatory of his deficiencies in character.

Things are not working out too well for Hope and Change groupies.
Unless something quite dramatic occurs, this administration is on a trajectory of spectacular implosion.
Hoist on his own Obamacare petard.
Here is an interesting take by a left leaning pundit as to why he thinks Obama is a failure as POTUS.
I disagree with some of his assertions; however I think he is largely correct.

[h=1]A President Blinded by Righteousness[/h][h=2]The Ukraine crisis illustrates why being 'right' isn't always enough.[/h]

Historians score presidents based on what they accomplish with the allies, the enemies, and the circumstances dealt to them. This will not be known as the Era of Republican Obstruction. We are not at the dawn of the Russian Century. Right or wrong, it's on Obama – and that should be enough.
Full piece.
Here is an interesting take by a left leaning pundit as to why he thinks Obama is a failure as POTUS.
I disagree with some of his assertions; however I think he is largely correct.

A President Blinded by Righteousness

The Ukraine crisis illustrates why being 'right' isn't always enough.

Historians score presidents based on what they accomplish with the allies, the enemies, and the circumstances dealt to them. This will not be known as the Era of Republican Obstruction. We are not at the dawn of the Russian Century. Right or wrong, it's on Obama – and that should be enough.
Full piece.

Karl Rove's and John McCain's Ron Fournier Left leaning?

[h=1]What If Obama Can't Lead?[/h]

[h=1]ON DEADLINE: Obama Walks Arrogance Line[/h]

Ron Fournier: Why I'm Sick of Defending Obamacare

Obamacare Numbers Come Down To Credibility

Truth and Consequences of Obamacare Distortion

[h=1]Benghazi, IRS Create Perfect Storm Threatening Obama's Credibility[/h]

[h=1]A Pen, a Phone, and a Flailing President[/h]

[h=1]Fire Your Team, Mr. President[/h]

[h=1]Silencing the Truth at the IRS[/h]

[h=1]Good Speech, Modest Agenda, Diminished Leader[/h]

Is you point that Fournier is a rightie?
These are much more recent pieces.
Go back to the Big Os first term and see what happened to Fournier, he was once a fawning sycophantic leftie supporter of all things Obama!
The times they are a changin'.
Thanks Obama!

And I forgot to mention that if you read Fornier's article you would see that he agrees with Obama on all of the ideological issues enumerated therein. He says Obama is right.
What self respecting rightwinger would do this?
There aren't any.
And I forgot to mention that if you read Fornier's article you would see that he agrees with Obama on all of the ideological issues enumerated therein. He says Obama is right.
What self respecting rightwinger would do this?
There aren't any.

I read your article and the ones I posted. I don't think a guy who was emailing Karl Rove words of encouragement back in 2004, was offered a job with the John McCain campaign in 2006, and writes articles like those listed above, leans left.

It's just my opinion. Lord knows more folks on here, would probably agree with you.