Who is Bodhi, Where is Home?

How many people here at RIU, or in the world in general have access to proven clones? That's gotta be a joke. I thought this was a community? Considering the hundreds of millions of dollars being generated by the UK based seed system, is it too much to ask for a little help with some alternative genetics, maybe S1 seed from proven queen moms? There were times when human beings actually had true affection & concern for one anothers health and well being. The will of the people is being ignored and hindered by bogus corporations, political corruption and bogus laws. Why didn't Adolf's crazy ass bomb Buckingham palace instead of the poor? Simple questions with no simple answers. This awesome and informative video explains the problems perfectly. If suffering children do not inspire you, or make you feel like helping, then you have no heart. [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAFu-Ihwyzg
yes an online community -ie not reality. i'm talking about a community as in neighbors in townships helping other neighbors. there are millions upon millions with cancer. more all the time, it's one of the more trajic things in our lifetime. to many to even try to handle on an online lvl. i'm sure there are some that will try to help but you cannot complain about things not happeneing an such a large scale. ever hear the saying think globaly act locally? well that's all the average persons can do whether they sell seeds or not.
i rarely post here at rui...

last time i posted i tried to help a mother get some cbd rich seeds for her epileptic child and my post were removed and i was warned over my actions..

theres are great bunch of guys that hold down an amazing thread here disguised as a bodhi seeds thread, but it has just as much, fun, humor, grow knowledge and life tips as seed info.

an indepth google search can guide you to my home site....

i do collect lines from all over the world and do my best to refresh those lines, I'm just one human so its hard to make beans, be online, and care for my family..

all my cbd rich genetics are free, and i encourage f2ing of them...

all you need to make a positive effect in the cannabis community is a few seeds, a light source, water, and plant food...

from there anything is possible...

be the change you want to see in the world....


Much respect from here, amigo. Thanks for dropping in.
Bodhi seeds
where is home
this is something i wanna know
Just out of curiosity if this information is on net i cant find
Wish you were here more often
know you cant be every where
atleast once every couple weeks
I'm actually hoping to stir up people to think about our global situation. Regardless of the differences between us as nations, cultures or peoples of the Earth, we are still a family of human beings, and we are more closely related genetically than a clan of chimps. But man, the most intelligent creature seems to be the only animal that feeds on his own kind, he consumes his fellow man economically. I counted 135 seed breeders on the attitude's site, and these are probably subsidiaries of 8-10 companies marketing the same genetics under different breeder and strain names. One of the biggest scams and marketing ploys I ever saw was the Kush craze; for instance, pre-98 Bubba Kush, this was a scam concocted by the Dutch, and 10's of millions of Euros were made by screwing dumb asses with a catchy bogus name. Kush strains have been marketed for years that have no genetic link or heritage to anything from the Hindu Kush region of the Himalayas.

There are powerful corporate elitists that dictate who can sell seeds, and there's likely a commandment that seed banks can sell only 1:1 cbd strains, which they've successfully duped growers into believing they're high in cbd. There's lack of seed of the highly coveted 20:1 & 24:1 strains which are the most medicinally effective strains for fighting cancer and other serious ailments. At $30,000 for a dose of chemo, do you think the big pharma cartel will stand idly by without working to hinder access to alternatives? The only people being cured either have lots of money, or live in CA and CO.

Jesse Ventura stated that the simplest definition of fascism is when corporations and religions combine to take over governments. Every cancer clinic I've visited, and every chemotherapy infusion suite I've seen had the affiliated hospital's religious name, ie methodist, or baptist hospital. Corruption in high places is the real bitch, they've got one hand on the throat and the other one squeezing the nuts. Out of the 135 breeder names, shouldn't there be at least 10% with large a supply of real medicine? Out of the 135 company names, where are the heroes? Do they exist anymore? It appears that the agenda is to keep everyone so stoned, dumbed down and too passive to fight for basic human rights. Man is the king of the Earth, he has dominion over all the plants and animals, so why in the hell do most people have to hide from the cops to exercise their constitutional and God given rights to health and the pursuit of happiness? I'm frustrated.
I'm actually hoping to stir up people to think about our global situation. Regardless of the differences between us as nations, cultures or peoples of the Earth, we are still a family of human beings, and we are more closely related genetically than a clan of chimps. But man, the most intelligent creature seems to be the only animal that feeds on his own kind, he consumes his fellow man economically. I counted 135 seed breeders on the attitude's site, and these are probably subsidiaries of 8-10 companies marketing the same genetics under different breeder and strain names. One of the biggest scams and marketing ploys I ever saw was the Kush craze; for instance, pre-98 Bubba Kush, this was a scam concocted by the Dutch, and 10's of millions of Euros were made by screwing dumb asses with a catchy bogus name. Kush strains have been marketed for years that have no genetic link or heritage to anything from the Hindu Kush region of the Himalayas.

There are powerful corporate elitists that dictate who can sell seeds, and there's likely a commandment that seed banks can sell only 1:1 cbd strains, which they've successfully duped growers into believing they're high in cbd. There's lack of seed of the highly coveted 20:1 & 24:1 strains which are the most medicinally effective strains for fighting cancer and other serious ailments. At $30,000 for a dose of chemo, do you think the big pharma cartel will stand idly by without working to hinder access to alternatives? The only people being cured either have lots of money, or live in CA and CO.

Jesse Ventura stated that the simplest definition of fascism is when corporations and religions combine to take over governments. Every cancer clinic I've visited, and every chemotherapy infusion suite I've seen had the affiliated hospital's religious name, ie methodist, or baptist hospital. Corruption in high places is the real bitch, they've got one hand on the throat and the other one squeezing the nuts. Out of the 135 breeder names, shouldn't there be at least 10% with large a supply of real medicine? Out of the 135 company names, where are the heroes? Do they exist anymore? It appears that the agenda is to keep everyone so stoned, dumbed down and too passive to fight for basic human rights. Man is the king of the Earth, he has dominion over all the plants and animals, so why in the hell do most people have to hide from the cops to exercise their constitutional and God given rights to health and the pursuit of happiness? I'm frustrated.

Whoa there easy now lol. Let me help you find some peace.

For one thing, you are looking at the situation from a very strong personal moral standpoint. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. But I would like to ask you to consider the following: Is your moral code theirs to adhere to?... Other people's Karma is theirs. The flow of energy they create is theirs. The choice of whether or not you want to be part of their Karma is YOURS ;)

Secondly, I do NOT believe it is all a 'scam' as you say. The pre-98 Bubba is not something cooked up by the Dutch. It is something held onto by the Californians. If you really look deeply into modern Canna history, you will find that for each pioneering Dutch company there was a Californian gifting genetics and holding their hands, teaching about breeding etc. The Brotherhood Of Eternal Love has been carrying cuts since the 60's. The 60's. These genetics and 'secrets' were, and still are, the livelihood of many good people. Protecting these genetics is what keeps bread on the table.

It is in this way that legends are born. Everybody had the bud, nobody had the cut. So then along come the Dutch or English or Spanish breeders. Their customers WANT that Bubba, or Girl Scout Cookies, or OG, or whatever. So they do their research and do their best to re-create these legends. They are not doing a bad job a lot of the time. Sometimes, a cut makes it over and the best they can do is BX and do what they do. But please do keep in mind, their customers ASK them for it. There is absolutely no moral issue with pleasing your long-standing clients.

I understand your thing with Kush. But please keep in mind that OG Kush and Kush have little to do with each other. There is not a single breeder that claims for them to be similar. How OG Kush as a name came about is an interesting story, and has more to do with it's similarity to a mountain grown Kush. 'It looks like Mountain Kush, but this stuff was grown by the OCEAN' OG Kush stands for Ocean Grown Kush. It is JUST a name. It is more Thai than Indian/Paki. Most people realize this my friend.

So it is up to you to choose the vibe you like. Bodhi made me laugh my ass off with the descriptions. THAT is how I chose him. I loved his humour, and I bought the beans. So then I discover he is a great guy. Trust your gut. Go with what feels right.

I have only two breeders I buy from and will recommend for another person's lab. Bodhi and Gage. Run by GOOD people. And they bring the FIRE. Stick to those two and you will not need to worry about the 133 other guys ;)

You have a PERFECT weekend!
I went into beers from the world and seen more than 135 brands of beer. I know for a fact a lot taste the same. I'm still thankful I have the choice of over 135 beers, and this is just for pleasure. If I needed it for relief, I'd be grateful there was 135 choices, even if some are the same. Even worse is the fact that a breeder spent years breeding a strain to give you even more relief, and you won't even help with his funding to see if he can develop something even better. I guess all of his time and money spent on education and breeding to cure your pain isn't worth nothing in your eyes. If he didn't do that you wouldn't be bitchin about finding the seeds. They are out there and so is a cut, you just have to look and be proactive. Nothing in life worth anything is just handed to you.
I went into beers from the world and seen more than 135 brands of beer. I know for a fact a lot taste the same. I'm still thankful I have the choice of over 135 beers, and this is just for pleasure. If I needed it for relief, I'd be grateful there was 135 choices, even if some are the same. Even worse is the fact that a breeder spent years breeding a strain to give you even more relief, and you won't even help with his funding to see if he can develop something even better. I guess all of his time and money spent on education and breeding to cure your pain isn't worth nothing in your eyes. If he didn't do that you wouldn't be bitchin about finding the seeds. They are out there and so is a cut, you just have to look and be proactive. Nothing in life worth anything is just handed to you.

Well said. The beer analogy is absolutely perfect. + rep!
But anyway getting back to how you are trying to call out Bodhi as a rip-off artist: That made me VERY angry. Seriously. What is your problem?! Do you have ANY idea how many extraction labs run Bodhi ONLY?! Look up Green Dot Extraction Labs for one. You have any idea how many caregivers grow Bodhi only?! Have you seen the threads, spoken to people, educated yourself?! No. You are being ignorant as to the reality of the situation.

The medical oil scene is being led by Bodhi growers so :P

Bodhi's best cuts are available to buy if you know where to go. People keep it on the DL because if people know it sells out NOW.

If you read up about Bodhi, you will learn it is a one-man show. If you start buying his gear, you will learn that there are assholes that buy 20 packs at a time, and THAT is why you can't find any. He has limited resources. ONE MAN. HE CAN ONLY DO THAT MUCH. His beans are perfect. 100 percent germ rates. Each pheno is a keeper.

Bodhi HIMSELF is a medical user. You know what, he can't even type without pain. And he actually took the time to answer you. I am so angry with you. I don't know if he could afford his speech to text gear yet. And he is going to live with that for the rest of his life. Your cancer will end. Not to be funny but I have had cancer in the family twice. A musician suffering carpal tunnel syndrome is not having a better time. It is devastating. It is my idea of hell, losing my ability to play.

Get off your high horse. And apologize to B. You owe him that.

Go take out your horrible temper on Swerve.
AND, regarding your post as to 'I thought RIU was a community' It is. And you are stirring trouble within it. And it is putting you in your place. Certain things just won't fly here. Disrespect on this scale is one of those things RIU as a community does NOT tolerate. Things got very rough here, and in the last fee months mods and the community alike have taken a bit of a stand. THIS kind of blind trolling, it will not fly.

So, let me show you some Bodhi gear from my garden.






Yeah while you are smelling rats the rest of us are smelling the DANK
A little off topic:

Mad Hamish - I have a lot of respect for you after reading these posts. You are a deep person and very philisofical. I respect you as a man, a grower and a member of RIU. Props brother!

On topic:

After hearing out (reading) what MH had to say about Bodhi - i am sold! I am definitly going to try to include a pack of Bodhi's gear in my next ceed order. MH got me fealing all spiritual an shit! Haha
A little off topic:

Mad Hamish - I have a lot of respect for you after reading these posts. You are a deep person and very philisofical. I respect you as a man, a grower and a member of RIU. Props brother!

On topic:

After hearing out (reading) what MH had to say about Bodhi - i am sold! I am definitly going to try to include a pack of Bodhi's gear in my next ceed order. MH got me fealing all spiritual an shit! Haha

One Love Brother! Go have a look at the Dream Beaver ;) Really does make dreams a reality.
i rarely post here at rui...

last time i posted i tried to help a mother get some cbd rich seeds for her epileptic child and my post were removed and i was warned over my actions..

theres are great bunch of guys that hold down an amazing thread here disguised as a bodhi seeds thread, but it has just as much, fun, humor, grow knowledge and life tips as seed info.

an indepth google search can guide you to my home site....

i do collect lines from all over the world and do my best to refresh those lines, I'm just one human so its hard to make beans, be online, and care for my family..

all my cbd rich genetics are free, and i encourage f2ing of them...

all you need to make a positive effect in the cannabis community is a few seeds, a light source, water, and plant food...

from there anything is possible...

be the change you want to see in the world....


I applaud your integrity, and your self control, especially considering the less endowed members here that have little control over their anger. I've looked hard for your website without any luck. Anyhow, considering the demand for Bodhi seeds, why not turn a one man operation into something large enough that meets the demand of the people? In reality, I've never asked for anything free, I'm a firm believer in capitalism, and some members came to that conclusion by taking things out of context. And, if $300 a seed would help save a life, I'd be happy to pay that, even more!

Nevertheless, there are many places to mass produce seed. I saw where the attitude gave away free ac/dc x good medicine, but it seemed to be gone over night, and no one reputable sells Charlotte or AC/DC seeds online. I've seen how effective the 24:1 strain is with children suffering from seizures. Maybe watching my mother slowly die has screwed my head up where I don't always think logically. Maybe I will follow your advice when my mom passes away, and change this screwed up situation of the lack of real seeds. I just can't leave her because she has no one else to care for her. I would love to travel to Colorado and California and collect the highest CBD genetics they have thee, and after I have made a couple hundred thousand seed, maybe I will plant rogue plots in numerous locations and use GPS to plot their location. Maybe I could return and collect millions of mature seed, and spend my spare time gifting them to anyone that asks for them, whether they're sick or not. This is one way to ensure there's no deficit of life saving genetics in these online communities. I believe using a high thc strain with a high cbd strain would cure cancer. My mom is thc intolerant, and the dose she needs would be too dangerous without the cannabidiol needed to offset the toxicity.

I believe in karma too, and this is my second time caring for a dying relative with cancer. My first experience was with my grandad when I was 11 years old. I watched him fade away fast. I bathed and shaved him, and I also changed his colostomy bag and emptied his urine bag as well. Cancer caused him to lose the ability to eliminate with his asshole, and urinate with his penis. Now I'm 45, and considering this patient is a woman, and my own mom, I'm really hoping I won't have to repeat this with my her. But, hey, she's got no one else, and if the situation arises, I will step up to the plate and take care of business. Maybe other guys can picture themselves in this situation.

I apologize if I offended you or anyone else here for using your persona. Again, I've been in a desperate situation, I don't get much sleep, so I apologize for offending the members. I hope no one here ever has to deal with cancer, a greedy oncologist and the Big Pharmaceutical Cartels that control them. I'm giving up for now. But, when the time is right, I hope to make a commitment to sharing seeds of these strains that are so difficult to acquire. So, everyone please, just forget about what I've said here, I don't want anything from anyone.
I applaud your integrity, and your self control, especially considering the less endowed members here that have little control over their anger. I've looked hard for your website without any luck. Anyhow, considering the demand for Bodhi seeds, why not turn a one man operation into something large enough that meets the demand of the people? In reality, I've never asked for anything free, I'm a firm believer in capitalism, and some members came to that conclusion by taking things out of context. And, if $300 a seed would help save a life, I'd be happy to pay that, even more!

Nevertheless, there are many places to mass produce seed. I saw where the attitude gave away free ac/dc x good medicine, but it seemed to be gone over night, and no one reputable sells Charlotte or AC/DC seeds online. I've seen how effective the 24:1 strain is with children suffering from seizures. Maybe watching my mother slowly die has screwed my head up where I don't always think logically. Maybe I will follow your advice when my mom passes away, and change this screwed up situation of the lack of real seeds. I just can't leave her because she has no one else to care for her. I would love to travel to Colorado and California and collect the highest CBD genetics they have thee, and after I have made a couple hundred thousand seed, maybe I will plant rogue plots in numerous locations and use GPS to plot their location. Maybe I could return and collect millions of mature seed, and spend my spare time gifting them to anyone that asks for them, whether they're sick or not. This is one way to ensure there's no deficit of life saving genetics in these online communities. I believe using a high thc strain with a high cbd strain would cure cancer. My mom is thc intolerant, and the dose she needs would be too dangerous without the cannabidiol needed to offset the toxicity.

I believe in karma too, and this is my second time caring for a dying relative with cancer. My first experience was with my grandad when I was 11 years old. I watched him fade away fast. I bathed and shaved him, and I also changed his colostomy bag and emptied his urine bag as well. Cancer caused him to lose the ability to eliminate with his asshole, and urinate with his penis. Now I'm 45, and considering this patient is a woman, and my own mom, I'm really hoping I won't have to repeat this with my her. But, hey, she's got no one else, and if the situation arises, I will step up to the plate and take care of business. Maybe other guys can picture themselves in this situation.

I apologize if I offended you or anyone else here for using your persona. Again, I've been in a desperate situation, I don't get much sleep, so I apologize for offending the members. I hope no one here ever has to deal with cancer, a greedy oncologist and the Big Pharmaceutical Cartels that control them. I'm giving up for now. But, when the time is right, I hope to make a commitment to sharing seeds of these strains that are so difficult to acquire. So, everyone please, just forget about what I've said here, I don't want anything from anyone.


We all know where you are coming from. Make no mistake, it is almost without exception that people here are going to understand what a lack of sleep does to a mind. Everybody has fallen prey to uncontrollable emotions. As a community, there is little that we have not seen. Most of us have lost friends we made here to death. Most of us have met that terminal patient that nothing worked for...

So we are here for you, that is for sure. Right now, you are frustrated. And we will not help you carry on that road, and perpetuate how you are feeling. As much as we might agree with MANY of your points, in your current state of mind it is not going to do you any good considering these points really. It is a big can of worms you are looking at.

What we WILL do, gladly and with a song in our hearts, is help you find the solutions to your predicament. What do you need? Do you need to find a good breeder you can trust to deliver on promises? We can share our experiences with the people we spent our money on. Do you need a particular medical benefit NOW? There are people that will be able to refer you to a good canna doctor and dispensary that carry what you need. Do you want to go DIY? You can learn all about medibles, oils, waxes and concentrates right here, from friendly and knowledgeable people ;)

Whatever you want, people here will try their best to help you out. You want high CBD? Just spend a while talking to medical users that were looking for, and FOUND, high CBD types. CBD is never guaranteed by the way. There will be work from your side to find your plant, and take care of it once it is in your care.

So yes, we know all is not well in Wonderland. But it doesn't need to be for YOU to find what YOU need. And be very comfortable.

I apologize for being rough. I really believe in Bodhi and his ethic, and I stand up for what I believe in. And I do NOT just give away my loyalty. He deserves it.
I applaud your integrity, and your self control, especially considering the less endowed members here that have little control over their anger.

Rant on: FUCK you and your 'less endowed' bullshit, and I try hard not to curse, but FUCK you.

Rant off: Rule # 1 of life - it's not fair, and it sucks that your life has been one of such pain and difficulty. I truly wish it wasn't so. But starting your biography of woe with a cliched, womanish 'little dick' remark aimed at some of the people that Bodhi called "a great bunch of guys" pissed me off.
Rant on: FUCK you and your 'less endowed' bullshit, and I try hard not to curse, but FUCK you.

Rant off: Rule # 1 of life - it's not fair, and it sucks that your life has been one of such pain and difficulty. I truly wish it wasn't so. But starting your biography of woe with a cliched, womanish 'little dick' remark aimed at some of the people that Bodhi called "a great bunch of guys" pissed me off.

No one should allow their anger to get so far out of control, it doesn't help anyone. I lost a friend to 5 gunshot wounds because he could not control his temper.

You also totally missed out on the point I attempted to make, and the point being that both men and women are endowed with many things which do not pertain to physical attributes. Some are endowed with patience, while others with a soft kind heart made of flesh that feels both sympathy and love for their fellow man. At age 11, it was a pleasure to care for my grandad. Some people find pleasure helping others. I'm sorry if my post appeared to be woeful.

Profanity is the crutch of the conversational cripple.
AND, regarding your post as to 'I thought RIU was a community' It is. And you are stirring trouble within it. And it is putting you in your place. Certain things just won't fly here. Disrespect on this scale is one of those things RIU as a community does NOT tolerate. Things got very rough here, and in the last fee months mods and the community alike have taken a bit of a stand. THIS kind of blind trolling, it will not fly.

So, let me show you some Bodhi gear from my garden.






Nice looking plants Hamish. I'm displeased with myself for the many things I said in ignorance. I made statements believing Mr Bodhi was someone else, and I feel sad for what I said, but at least the truth has come out. It's all in the past and things are looking up now. I plan to investigate his best medicinal strains and buy several strains.

There's so much more to well bred cannabis than most growers even consider. The cannabinoid content is important, and this is always stressed when growing for very ill patients. Is it likely that a lot of growers could be missing out on the number and quality of terpenoids contained within their gear? Their makeup can actually be used to identify genetics, and this is something labs should look deeper into so that more data can be shared. This is a subject for another place and time. Suffice it to say that Bodhi has been found, and he appears to be every whit a Gentleman. I am now sure his growing & breeding prowess deserve a book, or two unto themselves. He is definitely someone that I would enjoy meeting and knowing deeper and intellectually. I also play guitar, and fortunately no CT syndrome yet.

Too everyone in the which I caused grief and discomfort too, please try to look on the bright side, the Vernal Equinox was last week, and there's another gardening season fast approaching. Good luck everyone.
Maravillosa, I might have this wrong but thought I read that you posted someone was sensitive or allergic to THC? I was just wondering how so? Since quiting smoking and then coming back to it myself, I'm pretty sensitive to it now as well. Just curious, not trying to pry into your business. Sorry if so.