Funny Sex Stories

In kings county got my dick sucked on the front porch and some school. Got some in the traphouse on belmont. Dick suced all day every day until her man came down form washington. I think at that point she was pregnant with my bby she aborted.
Tell us about your parkway storys!!
alright i know we have all had some funny sex lets here them

one time me and hubby were sitting in drs office...and this one dr always is like 2 hours behind schedule, so as we are sitting there we decided to sneak off for a quicky in the bathroom, well lets just say that never happened, we started and when we leaned up against the sink, the sink broke off the wall and the pipe exploded, i had to go back into the drs office and tell them "i said i went to use the bathroom and when i entered the sink was off the wall" i think they new it was me...lets just say i changed drs after that hahahahahahahahahaha

You should have gotten a new doctor after the first time he made you wait 2 hours. Geez.
Your penis must not have much girth.....imo The fact that when your pounding air is constantly getting trapped then forced out of a vagina by your penis is nothing to be ashamed about. .or maybe the vagina is super loose!

two words my friend.. child birth. It does loosen shit up.. my advice is don't have kids if you value a tight vag..

my penis is average, I actually girth measured it the other night, I got 7 inches girth, not really thick but not too bad
two words my friend.. child birth. It does loosen shit up.. my advice is don't have kids if you value a tight vag..

my penis is average, I actually girth measured it the other night, I got 7 inches girth, not really thick but not too bad
That's scary I'll try to stall as long as I can...I will definitely not abuse my girls buthole anymore... I'm going to preserve it for the future. .
I went home wit dis chica in the burque and it was all good then I started boning her in the morning again.. and she was like I want you to pee in me...

and I was like whaaa.........and she was like I want you to pee....inside me....

and I was like I peeed in the bitch and she started making exorcist I just kept on fuckin

It was pretty weird
It's nice to know people like that exist!!
I've passed out before. .

When I'm thizzing I can fuck for hours .. If there's coke involved it's all bad I ain't getting hard!

Jeeze guys something isnt right here hahaha my hubby can always get hard no matter wat drug we take, ive had sex with him on acid, e, coke, crack, heroin....basically wat r u guys doing wrong hahahahaha
Jeeze guys something isnt right here hahaha my hubby can always get hard no matter wat drug we take, ive had sex with him on acid, e, coke, crack, heroin....basically wat r u guys doing wrong hahahahaha
Mixing everything together and washing it down with jager bombs!!
A bunch of years ago, I can't really remember how old I was actually- too young to defend myself anyway! Well my dad and my brother and I got totally wasted. It didn't take very long for me as a toddler obviously! Next thing I know we're all wasted and touching each others dongs and shit. Only minor penetration happened, nothing to write home about anyway. We all passed out and boy were we laughing when we woke up!!! Hahahahaha, what a hoot!
A bunch of years ago, I can't really remember how old I was actually- too young to defend myself anyway! Well my dad and my brother and I got totally wasted. It didn't take very long for me as a toddler obviously! Next thing I know we're all wasted and touching each others dongs and shit. Only minor penetration happened, nothing to write home about anyway. We all passed out and boy were we laughing when we woke up!!! Hahahahaha, what a hoot!

winner of Disturbing Childhood Stories goes to.....................
I fingered a chick sitting in the backseat from the front passenger seat while my dad was driving one time when I was younger. I feel
like he knew what was up because he was pretty pissed later on, but it was what it was.