You don't know how close we already are in the USA?
If you are pregnant and live in a poor household, there is Medicaid that will pay the medical costs before, during and after the child is born and for the child up to about the age of 5 I think. Assuming you qualify.
The pregnant mother can receive Wic food benefits in order to nourish herself and the fetus. And she is still eligible for food benefits for 6 to 12 months after the baby is born to repair her body. The baby and subsequent child is eligible to receive the VERY EXPENSIVE formula it needs, even more expensive if the child has some types of digestion problems and the formula must be prescribed, which is often the case. The child will go on to recieve baby foods and eventually healthy fruits, veggies, milk and cereals as long as the family still qualifies up to age 5. WHATS WRONG WITH A MOTHER AND CHILD BEING FED! It's a very good program in my opinion.
Food stamps. I have known a lot of diligent people who work hard, and maybe even love what they do. But, for whatever reason are stuck in minimum or low paying wage because. The owners and investors would rather pocket that "extra" cash. Broke people gotta eat! So, let the 1%ers make the lions share of the dough and the guv take care of feeding the struggling population. <smh>
Disability. For some people it's seems like a career. If you somehow manipulate the system to get that check! THE RETIREMENT PARTY IS ON! Don't matter if you're 20, 30, 40, or whatever! Amongst many cultures in our communities? You might be lauded as much as someone who worked their way to a Masters Degree. I mean the party is seriously on! YOU GETTING A CHECK FOREVER!
Yeah, I read a lot. And there are a lot of peeps who take advantage of the entitlement system. But, there are also a lot of hard working people, mothers and innocent children out there who need these programs to survive. Because. Wages aren't fair.
Do you think 18,000 would feed a mother during her pregnancy? Take care of the medical expenses? Deliver the baby? And feed the baby those expensive formulas?
Nah. I would rather just have the opportunity to work as long as I can, than receive 18K a year.