So I've noticed that the one thing that all of the ne'er-do-well religious terrorist have in common is....God.
If they are all answering to God or at least getting their marching orders from Him then wouldn't that make Him the ringleader and instigator of all of the horror committed by his followers?
I think so.
Are we going to let that little Fuck continue to enlist and motivate His followers to undermine all of the good we've done and allow ourselves to fall into terrestrial turmoil.
I say we hunt down and kill God before he can do more harm.
Who's with me.
If they are all answering to God or at least getting their marching orders from Him then wouldn't that make Him the ringleader and instigator of all of the horror committed by his followers?
I think so.
Are we going to let that little Fuck continue to enlist and motivate His followers to undermine all of the good we've done and allow ourselves to fall into terrestrial turmoil.
I say we hunt down and kill God before he can do more harm.
Who's with me.