Is God a terrorist?

Is God a terrorist.

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CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
So I've noticed that the one thing that all of the ne'er-do-well religious terrorist have in common is....God.

If they are all answering to God or at least getting their marching orders from Him then wouldn't that make Him the ringleader and instigator of all of the horror committed by his followers?

I think so.

Are we going to let that little Fuck continue to enlist and motivate His followers to undermine all of the good we've done and allow ourselves to fall into terrestrial turmoil.

I say we hunt down and kill God before he can do more harm.

Who's with me.


Well-Known Member
No he's not a terrorist he's not even a he god is non explainable you can't comprehend god, what terrorist see as their god is allah or whatever his name is, they kill for the god of their own understanding, but what god really is, is everything he does not think like a human he is not a human, God the creator of the universe doesn't judge people, God is completely different than what people think.

There is god and then there are angels, angels are basically what people pray to angels are those that have lived and died, and that's why we pray to them because they know our struggles, they know our pain, they guide us through life everyday if we are willing to accept their presence, and have faith in them.

God is the creator, angels are his helpers God has never been alive, but he knows everything there is about living because he created reality, but did not expect people to be as evil as they are, he knew we would lie, cheat, and steal. But the killing of another human was not brought into consideration before humans had the chance to reproduce.

God is not a terrorist
Terrorist are terrorist.
God is not of this world, humans cannot even begin to try to comprehend god, and the complicated universe. Terrorist are just stupid assholes.
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CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
No he's not a terrorist he's not even a he god is non explainable you can't comprehend god, what terrorist see as their god is allah or whatever his name is, they kill for the god of their own understanding, but what god really is, is everything he does not think like a human he is not a human, God the creator of the universe doesn't judge people, God is completely different than what people think.

There is god and then there are angels, angels are basically what people pray to angels are those that have lived and died, and that's why we pray to them because they know our struggles, they know our pain, they guide us through life everyday if we are willing to accept their presence, and have faith in them.

God is the creator, angels are his helpers God has never been alive, but he knows everything there is about living because he created reality, but did not expect people to be as evil as they are, he knew we would lie, cheat, and steal. But the killing of another human was not brought into consideration before humans had the chance to reproduce.

God is not a terrorist
Terrorist are terrorist.
God is not of this world, humans cannot even begin to try to comprehend god, and the complicated universe. Terrorist are just stupid assholes.
Wrong on every level.

Wake up and smell the anarchy that God has sown. I comprehend the mind of God and He is evil and He must go.

Now how shall we do away with this piece of shit Creator. Something tortuous would be a nice start.


Well-Known Member
Wrong on every level.

Wake up and smell the anarchy that God has sown. I comprehend the mind of God and He is evil and He must go.

Now how shall we do away with this piece of shit Creator. Something tortuous would be a nice start.
You're just trying to be annoying I understand, but you gotta understand people have their own minds, they make their own gods, they make their own decisions it's nobody's fault besides the person pulling the trigger, unless he/she is commanded by Hitler.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
You're just trying to be annoying I understand, but you gotta understand people have their own minds, they make their own gods, they make their own decisions it's nobody's fault besides the person pulling the trigger, unless he/she is commanded by Hitler.
God is much worse than Hitler could ever be and He knows it.

God talks about love and understanding but really rules by fear and uncertainty. You cherry pick your beliefs from a vast body of work that could allow you to believe almost anything you want so to say that you speak for any religion is ludicrous and egotistical.


Well-Known Member
Now how shall we do away with this piece of shit Creator. Something tortuous would be a nice start.
For me it was pretty simple. I just learned enough so that it became obvious. It was not a particularly tortuous process - the tortuous part is dealing with the fact that you live on a planet with barely evolved apes - some of which need the concept in order not to be animals; others who use it to justify unspeakable acts like this thread.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
For me it was pretty simple. I just learned enough so that it became obvious. It was not a particularly tortuous process - the tortuous part is dealing with the fact that you live on a planet with barely evolved apes - some of which need the concept in order not to be animals; others who use it to justify unspeakable acts like this thread.
Do you believe that God elevates us above other animals? How so?

If speaking my mind is an unspeakable act than how would you categorize the atrocities performed in the name of these pretend celestial beings?


Well-Known Member
I was watching Maury the other dayand some stupid bitch said she was a thousand and ten percent sure that Jamal was the father of baby Malik. Turns out he wasn't the father.

The point I'm trying to make is these terrorists may be 100% sure that god is telling them to do this but do you think its possible they are wrong and might be following satan or their own dillusional beliefs?

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
No he's not a terrorist he's not even a he god is non explainable you can't comprehend god, what terrorist see as their god is allah or whatever his name is, they kill for the god of their own understanding, but what god really is, is everything he does not think like a human he is not a human, God the creator of the universe doesn't judge people, God is completely different than what people think.

There is god and then there are angels, angels are basically what people pray to angels are those that have lived and died, and that's why we pray to them because they know our struggles, they know our pain, they guide us through life everyday if we are willing to accept their presence, and have faith in them.

God is the creator, angels are his helpers God has never been alive, but he knows everything there is about living because he created reality, but did not expect people to be as evil as they are, he knew we would lie, cheat, and steal. But the killing of another human was not brought into consideration before humans had the chance to reproduce.

God is not a terrorist
Terrorist are terrorist.
God is not of this world, humans cannot even begin to try to comprehend god, and the complicated universe. Terrorist are just stupid assholes.
You do understand tha your God and Allah are the same God right?

It's a trilogy...

Part one. The Old Testament, 1st 5 books of the bible AKA the Torah - Moses teachings

Part two. The holy bible(which includes old and New Testament) Jesus teachings

Part three. The re-telling of the holy bible by Mohammad AKA the holy Quran. Mohammad teachings

So in a nutshell Jews, Christians, and Muslims all pray to the same God. Then they go and kill each other over which version they like the best.

Maynard James Christ has spoken. Buddha be praised!
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