Abrogate Prohibition Michigan 2016

Please Note. We are having the 1st in 4 Online meetings to kick this Campaign off. 1st meeting is tomorrow at 2pm and then Sunday at 2pm also. Please Comment if you can Make any of these Meetings.

Alright Ladies and Gentlemen. Please reply to this thread if you want to be involved in the Abrogate Prohibition Michigan Signature Campaign as we are about to go Hot very Soon!!!
We are nearly at Go Time. Here is the place we are currently at in timeYou need to Reply to this post. If you are willing to help Abrogate Prohibition Michigan get on the 2016 Ballot, we need you to join in on our Coming Online Meetings. Replying lets me know how many and who to add to the Meeting info.

We are going to have them over the next 2 weekends in an online format to start with, and will meet @ 2pm EST for 2 hrs, Sat and Sun both this and next weekends. You will only need access to your phone to join in on these meetings, but having access online at the time will also be helpful.
I realize these are very busy times of the year, but Tyrants take no days off, and right now, we need to make a little time to dedicate to fighting the Tyrants in Lansing D.C.

To set these online meetings up, I need to know who can make any or all of them. These will be brainstorming meetings (though more about what you feel will work in your area) and meetings to setup and get organized as a group of APM Petitioners. We will be talking Petitioning Dos and Don'ts, Additional Campaign Tactics and Events, Addressing the hard questions that are sure to arise, as well as your opinions and options for Fund Driving and Advertising ideas. If you are inspired, and believe it is time to just end this insanity called Prohibition, then bring your Ideas, thoughts, and concepts you feel will help APM be successful and share them in these meetings.

We will be going over the aspects of what we can all contribute to this Campaign in our local areas/counties and communities. While we do need some funding, we need your participation first and foremost. Over the last month, I have had some Very Exciting and Inspiring conversations with people from all over the state, and all walks of life in it. Everyone has the same mindset, It is Time.

No one knows your community better than you, so we would like to see you take the initiative in your own communities, and be an active APM Campaigner to the entire community. It is time we put our personal differences aside for the time being, and focus on redressing and correcting this Prohibition Issue once and for all in our beloved State, and the benefit of the State, and our severely wounded Economy. Im not asking we all hold hands and sing 'we are the world', not that it would hurt, but we do need to be willing to look beyond the tree and see the nice fields that are behind the forest.

Immediately Following next weekend, We will hold a couple Public Meetings for us to get together in persons. I am thinking maybe 3 meetings, one down state, one mid state and on upper state. So we need to find 3 central and accessible meeting places that are not to far for any one person/group to attend, and we can finalize many of the campaign goals, questions, and needed information or ongoing ideas at that time.

I see that Train a comin'. It's rolling 'round the bend. And I ain't seen the sunshine, since, I don't know when.......I'ma Stuck here in Folsum, and time keeps dragging on........When I hear the whistle blowing, I sing my sad sad song.

The time we have been waiting for has arrived, Right Here, Right Now.
The Time in Right and Ready...Are you?

Reply now and let us know you want us to help you Abrogate Prohibition Michigan Because It's Time To Take The Power Back.

Contact me directly here or by email at timothylocke@michican.us if you are not on Facebook.
If you are on Facebook Find us here


If you are Not on facebook, Send me an email or a Private Message, and I'll give you the needed information to be involved in these next 4 online group calls.

Or you can try to catch us at one of the Meetings we are planning to have around the state after Christmas.
I am going to try to blend the 2 programs, BTR Podcast and Pal Talk so Both can be used in conjunction and we may even be able to let those on Pal Talk, Get heard over the Podcast in an old school analog setup here on my end. Going to try to make it work

The time to get involved is Now. Signature Campaign should be kicking off in January 2016, and we will be running right up to July 4th. Our Deadline to turn Petitions ready to go into the State is July 11th, to make the 2016 election cycle.

These first 4 online meetings, the one we had Sat, then Sunday the 20ths, and next Sat and Sun (26th/27th) are initiating meetings to get everyone ready. We will be holding 3 or perhaps 4 meetings in person in various locations around the State between Xmas and Campaign Kick Off to really cement the goals of the campaign and get everyone ready to move.

Next BoC Meeting is Tuesday, Jan 29th at 1:30pm. We are headed to the meeting with suggestion of Approval by the Board of Elections Petition Vetting Staff. We should gain Board of Canvassers Approval at this meeting. The Printers will be ready to go once we gain Approval, and once we do, the presses will run 50,000 Petitions for the Volunteer Petitioners to Circulate.

We will go over these points and more at the next 3 meetings as well as set up the places to meet around the State as we finalize the Campaign Kickoff in January.

Here is todays (Sundays) podcast link for the 2nd meeting for those that cant use Pal Talk.

I didn't realize I only had 10 host cue slots. Thought I was allowed up to 50 slots, which there are, but 40 are listen only, but it was only 10 that can get into the host cue.
This is why we need anyone that can have Voice communications to use Pal Talk and join the Campaign Room.
This allows the 10 podcast slots to be utilized for those that can only connect via telephone to listen in, and The 10 Slots can be used to Cycle the Callers in and out of the On Air part of the show.

It will be a little tricky, but this will get us through for the time being until we Start holding the cross State meetings.
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Yes We Cannabis!

Abrogate Prohibition Michigan's Constitutional Amendment was Approved in a unanimous vote by the Board of Canvassers today, December 29th, 2015.

So let me ask you Michiganders. Are you ready to Repeal Cannabis Prohibition, or would you rather kick the can down the road 20 or more years for our children to have to deal with still?

Abrogate Prohibition Michigan Because It's Time Has Come.
@Timmahh Congratulations on the approval. Now to move on to the signatures, I'll play any role in this I can; Cheerleader, signature gatherer, a voice shouting the reality of change & why it's needed. I may have just joined this following, but I'm with it til the end.
@captainmorgan if your in Muskegon County they will be, as soon as I have the forms in hand. Any other suggestions for places that would likely be accepting of them at their location, would be appreciated. Gets warmer out, and I'll be scheduling times to sit down at the farmers markets and places of the ilk.
Let me say Thank You to all you who see the writing on the wall, and realizing Full Repeal is the only Solution we have, and it is the only one we have ever needed!!!

Anyone on board with Actual Repeal needs to support Abrogate Prohibition Michigan and help us get to the Ballot.
Join us at www.michican.us and let us know you want to volunteer to Repeat with More Authority, what Michigan did in 1933.

Petitions are being printed right now, and will be ready to go end of the week. We need to know where you are at in the state and that you want to help collect sigs, donate money, run a fundraiser, and get this done.

All required info is on the michican web forum, including a password protected Petitioner Section to handle the day to day Campaign communications, captured signature totals, how to answer questions, learn how to correctly collect signatures, or help out with an event.

We officially Launch the 180 Day Signature Campaign on January 13th (9 days from today).
We are planning a massive Campaign Launch around the state, But we need to find locations that will allow petitioners to collect signatures throughout the Campaign, but also On Wednesday, January 13th, for the Campaign Launch.

We are seeking locations around the state for the Kick Off. We have secured a Lansing Location where the Main Signature Campaign will launch.
Everyone is welcome to come to 3001 S. Washington in Lansing, 2 miles south of the Capital Buildings.

Steve and Maria Green have been gracious enough to allow us to use their location for our Home Base in Lansing to start this shindig out at, in Our House In Lansing D.C. But for those that can not get to Lansing to the Down 2 Earth Holistic on Jan. 13th, this is where we need locations available throughout the State in every County in the State.

If you have a place, or know of a place that we can get Petitioners in for the Launch on the 13th, then people around the state will be able to join in on the Campaign kickoff, even if they can not get to Lansing... Do you know of a Location in your county you or another Petitioner would be able to collect sigs at on January 13th, and perhaps for the duration of the Campaign?

If you do, have them join the www.michican.us web forum, or contact me via FaceBook, or have them email me at dm2016bmlcmc.gmail.com

Ask yourself "Self, Can I Repeal Prohibition?"
Then just tell your self. "Self, Why Yes I Cannabis

Abrogate Prohibition Michigan Because More Legislation Creates More Criminals
@NurseNancy420 well that would explain why they couldn't be found. You've found a way to make a pretty intelligent man feel absurdly perplexed. Googled those seeds for a good hour and a half, then gave up. In the hunt for a good strain to replace my Critical Kush, as my last remaining bloodline (clone) managed to start flowering at 6". That's the last of the effects of my week in the hospital. My clones didn't make it while I was in there, so replaced with cuttings off the plant that was switched to 12/12 a week prior. Didn't catch it in time.
@NurseNancy420 well that would explain why they couldn't be found. You've found a way to make a pretty intelligent man feel absurdly perplexed. Googled those seeds for a good hour and a half, then gave up. In the hunt for a good strain to replace my Critical Kush, as my last remaining bloodline (clone) managed to start flowering at 6". That's the last of the effects of my week in the hospital. My clones didn't make it while I was in there, so replaced with cuttings off the plant that was switched to 12/12 a week prior. Didn't catch it in time.
There are some teens floating around the webs that may help you sir. Hit up Washington ave farmers market in lansing has clones regular
Yes Please. They need Petitions and we are picking them up tomorrow. heh

But we need Volunteers. We start a week from today.
I need to know where and who needs petitions.

Give me that info at www.michican.us

Post you want to volunteer to help in the coming Signature Campaign drive.
We ll make it work from there.

Abrogate Petitions will be available for Pick Up today at and after 4;20 pm in Flint at
3553 S Dort Hwy
Flint, MI 48507

7 days to get this party started, and 180 day left in making History.

www.MichICAN.us Join on at the Michigan Independent Cannabis Action Network web forum to get involved.
Question for everybody here....

Let's say all 3 proposals get shot down/none are voted in. Do we continue with the the status quo (the medical program we currently have)?
@jang707 yes, for the time being. But it is not the true answer. The highlander series covered this really well. "There can be only one!", and that is Abrogate Prohibition Michigan.
@jang707 yes, for the time being. But it is not the true answer. The highlander series covered this really well. "There can be only one!", and that is Abrogate Prohibition Michigan.


I didn't read over the abrogate fully but from what I have seen I do think think it stands a chance at passing. The state wants control and lots of money from taxes and this gives them neither. I would much rather have this over the others though.