Top bin COB comparison

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sounds like your date is wedged up your ass as you try to post something that isnt pure assholery
pull the slide-rule from your asshole witless clown

Much "sex" goes around inside your mind ,huh ?
Cunt,ass,this,that ...
And you are aware also what 's hiding behind a man's homophobia,right ?
Or what he really wishes to get behind him, general speaking ...
Much "sex" goes around inside your mind ,huh ?
Cunt,ass,this,that ...
And you are aware also what 's hiding behind a man's homophobia,right ?
Or what he really wishes to get behind him, general speaking ...

Bro you are a thin skinned jackass not a psychologist

Trust me I know my stuff ,way much more than you know yours ,
that's for sure ..." words of a fucking absolute ass hat
@stardustsailor this is why you shouldn't call me boy and act like it's not a problem with me. We aren't friends so by you name calling is offensive to me calling me boy. I only said that word is racist and I didn't call you any names. I'm acting my age maybe you should do the same or shut up when grown folks is talking.
Look closely and you will see that ain't the same product,not all of them ,at least .
Those designs that do look the same ,are most probably manufactured by the same facility also ,
but under different brands are ordered and sold .

But our main theme was and still is the actual number of COBs ordered & used
by different firms and not if their designs are the same or no .

Still,I can provide you with plenty of links about where cobs are used for :
Automotive industry & applications,
Aerospace industry & applications ,
In military industry & applications,
In mining and fossil fuel (petroleum ) industry,
In sports facilities,
In museums and so on ....
Many -many COBs are being manufactured as we speak ..
Not only in the US ,but all around the world...
Cheap COBs and branded COBs ...
Transported,selled,installed and finally used ,in a wide variety of applications ,
all with the same common purpose:
Provide light for humans .:!:
That is the main purpose that the COBs exist,firstplace.:hump:

Do you seriously think that Osram,Cree,Bridgelux,Nichia,Phillips,Samsung,Citizen,Sharp and so many other brands
that you're aware of and you do not ,are manufacturing their COBs mainly for the legal or illicit indoor marijuana horticulture ?

Com'on ,now...

Good points. It's quite funny that something that was initially intended for visual purposes is rapidly turning into something for growing purposes as well.

Does anyone know who the forefathers of COB-light growing were?

You do not need "nearly" ....

Visit Cree site or Bridgelux site and hit the "Where to buy" button.
They do not ask you "Who are you "
"Are you a big mothafucka light fixture manufacturer or a mere poor ass mj grower ?
We do not care who you are ,if you want our products ,you will find them there ..."


Yeah I figured, it's just that I remember @Greengenes707 mentioning awhile back that he gets his cobs from Cree and was a bit amazed at the time that he could pull off such a feat considering his standing but it now appears his choice of words were a bit of a stretch.

Do me a fuckin' favour and do not underestimate my intelligence,please..

Why you don't fuckin go and buy the fuckin' COBs in the same Shenzhen Cree factory
and cut out the middle man ,boy ?
Com'on make the fuckin' big deal ...
Offer us the COBs ,at better prices than KB ..
And from digi-key,arrow and any other mofo who's trying to steal us ..
And you'll be still making a huge profit ...

Why the fuck you don't do it ,since anybody or any company can walk in the fuckin'
Shenzhen Cree factory and load the shit out of the trunk with the precious eggs of ours ?

Give me a break ,dude ..
I'm in the world of solid state lighting long enough to know plenty about it ...
Before you even knew what LED actually means ...
And ...
Trust me I know my stuff ,way much more than you know yours ,
that's for sure ...


Is there a book or biography about you that I can download/buy? You're easily one of the most knowledgeable and enticing characters surrounding the LED scene for a majority of us here on RIU.

P.S. WOW this thread went to the shitter in a quick jiffy

@The Dawg

Man ...
It's year 2016 and from what I've understand (if i've understood correctly ) ,
in the US you still have serious issues with skin color ..
Or with different sexual inclinations and likes

...Both whites and blacks ..
No matter if "straight" , "gay " ,"bi" and who knows what else ..

And still ,you boast and preach about "respect " & " freedom " ....

It's fuckin' ridiculous ..
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Bro you are a thin skinned jackass not a psychologist

Trust me I know my stuff ,way much more than you know yours ,
that's for sure ..." words of a fucking absolute ass hat

Well,ok dude ..
You're right...

You're looking so much better person than me ,
inside there in your bubble ...
He does act like a boy. We all know it. The fact that you would have to turn that to a racist comment to default it's actual meaning shows where you're at people. Not in reality.
your date is that sliderule wedged up your ass
work with that it'll stop your toxic personality from polluting the forum
His attitude, personality and knowledge is why you have anything to read on here. He is one of the for fathers and set it all up for you to read and use. You can go ask any actual knowledgeable person. SDS and guod, are just that, the real gods of the led world post knna. And if you have a favorite person now days...ask them about SDS.

Greeks didn't call their slaves.
I'm a scrawny ass white dude and I get called "boy" all the time. Fuck off if you think that is racist. And RS being racist at the greeks before any of the boy talk is perfectly ok? kettle calling the pot black is all I see.

SDS doesn't care about some loud poor dude running a fit. He is here because at one point before babysitting he used to learn from the fellow community. All he see's now is ignorant fucks claiming shit he did a year and a half before, or more most of the time.

Fucknig halarious to see the ignorace around here. You fault the educated for sticking up for truths, and follow the dumb horse down river...soon to be off the falls.

Long story some fuckgin respect your self and know what the fuck you're talking about or shut the fuck up and stay out of shit.
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