Is There Anything That Everybody Can Agree On?


New Member
So, you agree killing is bad then?

I disagree (with what you said in regards to the fact that we can't know dying is bad), I know dying is a bad thing. To me it is the worst thing that could happen to me. I know that when I die I'm just like a dog or a cat or a horse (you get the idea), worm food. No more me, no more world. Nothing.

That's a frightening thought... that is why for me and people I know dying is a very bad thing indeed.


Well-Known Member
i would agree if somebody said that torture is bad... by definition, torture causes suffering, suffering sucks. well actually, suffering allows for the building of character and the ability to feel and deeper level of humility, so even being tortured isnt all that bad.

and sure, the physical form rots, but what happens to u? unconsciousness? i dont mind unconsciousness, do you?


New Member
i would agree if somebody said that torture is bad... by definition, torture causes suffering, suffering sucks. well actually, suffering allows for the building of character and the ability to feel and deeper level of humility, so even being tortured isnt all that bad.

and sure, the physical form rots, but what happens to u? unconsciousness? i dont mind unconsciousness, do you?
No, I don't mind unconsciousness as I'm unaware of it at the time. This is very much like death, you're right.

A torture victim would suffer with flashbacks for the rest of his life... I think we need to switch perception here actually get into the head of the killer. For most of my life I was a criminal still am to a much lesser degree. I've never killed anybody but I have done things that years later have kept me awake at night... I've even shed a tear or two. At the time of commiting these crimes I didn't feel anything, no emotion towards these people whatsoever. To me what I did wasn't wrong until years later. Ah, this argument's no good as the people I hurt were still alive... but the realationship with the killer and his guilt are still there.

One day the killer will realise he did wrong... he might not realise it at the time (even these so-called psychopaths) but one day he will realise what he did. That's why we don't execute people in my country, we know we don't need to. The guilt of living with what you did for the rest of your life is punishment enough. You're right society can't MAKE you feel guilt, this is something that just hits you one day.


Well-Known Member
I think we can all agree that:

1)mean people suck
2)the San Jose Sharks are going to win the Stanley Cup

all my time searching for a hockey fan and then it pops up lol...
i would have said Nj but after last night i dunno.. as long as its not a canadian team lol.


New Member
no, im sure folks think that killing is bad thru and thru. i dont think that the aftereffects are directly connected to the ending of a life. like, can i say that its my brothers fault that i break my leg while on his skateboard because he let me use it? if an entire family gets ripped apart due to depression and financial instability its not the doing of the murderer. there are many other variables that cause the aftereffects. if we lived in societies where ppl didnt get depressed after the passing of a loved one the situation would be very different.

when somebody gets killed, it ends there. death itself isnt known to be a bad thing, so killing isnt known to be a bad thing either. kinda black and white i guess, ur opinion of this sort of thing may just be based on ur personality and the most basic way u see the world. but if i quit being so stubborn in trying to prove my point i will say that killing doesnt do much good in modern society. is that what u wanted to hear?
No offence, preo, but your logic is seriously flawed.

"Death isn't known to be a bad thing" (true) "so killing isn't known to be a bad thing." That's a non-sequiter. That doesn't follow any line of logic.

If you're unafraid of death, good! The fear of death has no power over you. If you are desensitized to think the idea of killing someone isn’t bad, you are underestimating the value of life.

Your body, mind and life are yours to do with as you please. (Or that’s how it should be in a free society.) But destroying someone else’s body, mind or life is not your right. This is what enlightenment of the evolved human mind has given us.

Killing is wrong. That’s why punishing someone with death for unremorsedly killing others is acceptable. You reap what you sow.

Grieving at the loss of a loved one is a very personal matter. It is inappropriate for any one person to determine the extent another should grieve. If you can't sympathize, at least empathize.


Well-Known Member
I think all of us can agree that agreement and disagreement are subjective to place,time and least all the voices in my head agree.


Well-Known Member
I think whoever agrees w/ tmpsanity is ridiculous in their thought process and personally is way out of line w/ my thought process.


Well-Known Member
"LMFAO" @ the "Hail Satan"

You make a good point on the St. Valentines Day thing kush.
I'm going to have to go back to my Elementary School, track down my 5th grade teacher...& tell her that for the whole 5yrs I was in that school, they were just attempting to make me dumb in order to make themselves look good.
I'd had a sneaky suspicion they were wrong all along.

So, if not God who kills innocent, fully healthy people, than perhaps it's the fact that they may have lived a fully boring life w/out ever actually indulging in the "bad for you" temptations in order to keep from "getting so fat", that God maybe just gets bored with watching them waist his time in seeing(and most likey laughing his ass off) at the mistakes we were put on this earth to make?

Is the whole "the devil made me do it" excuse for drug dealers, & murderers that claim to be highly religious actually accurate?

~Just looking to see what kinds od ideas this ? will produce~


Well-Known Member
man closet.cult i wish i met u a long time ago. sorry it took me a while to post back, let the quarrel begin...

No offence, preo, but your logic is seriously flawed.
haha, "no offense." yeah ur just attacking my very way of thinking with no support other than some feeling u have in ur tummy. sure, no offense there.

"Death isn't known to be a bad thing" (true) "so killing isn't known to be a bad thing." That's a non-sequiter. That doesn't follow any line of logic.
sorry ur gonna have to elaborate if u want me to understand how thats illogical. maybe i just worded shit wrong. lets try again with some more tangible imagery. holding a paper cup is not known to be bad thing. so giving somebody a paper cup to hold shouldnt be considered a bad thing.

If you're unafraid of death, good! The fear of death has no power over you. If you are desensitized to think the idea of killing someone isn’t bad, you are underestimating the value of life.
not being afraid of death really isnt all what its cracked up to be. it allows indifference (to the external world) to be felt at devastating levels. having fears may be unpleasant but being unable to fear also takes away from the ability to enjoy quite a bit. so whats the value of life? life has "value?" maybe u can introduce to me this line of logic that has allowed you to come to that conclusion.

Your body, mind and life are yours to do with as you please. (Or that’s how it should be in a free society.) But destroying someone else’s body, mind or life is not your right. This is what enlightenment of the evolved human mind has given us.

Killing is wrong. That’s why punishing someone with death for unremorsedly killing others is acceptable. You reap what you sow.

Grieving at the loss of a loved one is a very personal matter. It is inappropriate for any one person to determine the extent another should grieve. If you can't sympathize, at least empathize.
my life includes the lives of others, i lose my "freedom" if i cant do what i want to others. granted, i wouldnt want to kill anybody anyway, but its the principal. the only "free society" is anarchy. which really, thats what the universe is even if we have "righteous" groups trying to force their views on others. "enlightenment of the evolved human mind" gimme a break. we're just animals. why do you have a need to glorify what we are?

bringing up state executions just complicates the argument. u say killing is wrong, but theyre not sometimes. im not advocating murder, im attacking illogical labeling.

greiving at the loss of a loved one is not as personal as u think. but its inappropriate for anybody to blame this experience of feeling sorry for oneself on anybody but oneself. its a coping mechanism that is not an automatic result of losing somebody. u can choose not to make such a big deal out of stuff like that. sorry if this hits a nerve with u personally, you have my condolences for whatever uve gone thru. or anything uve witnessed others go thru.


Well-Known Member
ROFLMAO, where do you come up with this crap from dude? Everyone knows it's Barbara Eden from I dream of Jeannie!
i disagree charle's angels were very hot in there day
the one thing every one here can agree on is pot should be legalized.
then every one could enjoy growing it more.


Well-Known Member
fuck the sharks DUCKS baby!!!
love love love
whats up everyone i know that i havent spoken 2 in a while..even if u hate me and theres alot of you :)


New Member
holding a paper cup is not known to be bad thing. so giving somebody a paper cup to hold shouldnt be considered a bad thing.

Yet death is known to be a bad thing. Likewise should holding a paper cup be considered a bad thing, only of course if this means it is incapable of holding water long enough for it to be drunk. To do this to someone in the knowledge that the water will soak through and spill down their shirt would be a bad thing. Maybe to children it would be funny as they have yet to mature to an age where they can feel compassion. Children will ACT compassionately, but do they really feel it? Compassion for others comes much later in life.

not being afraid of death really isnt all what its cracked up to be. it allows indifference (to the external world) to be felt at devastating levels. having fears may be unpleasant but being unable to fear also takes away from the ability to enjoy quite a bit. so whats the value of life? life has "value?" maybe u can introduce to me this line of logic that has allowed you to come to that conclusion.

Yes, I agree... as I can remember a time I felt exactly the same way. I had nothing, no family to care for me and none to care for myself. I didn't care about myself and I was angry, very angry.

Life has value in as much as you want it to... it is you that is in control. Control. Sorry to repeat it, it was more for my own benefit really, it's a very powerful word. Conrol yourself then control your environment. remember who's world this is.

my life includes the lives of others, i lose my "freedom" if i cant do what i want to others. granted, i wouldnt want to kill anybody anyway, but its the principal. the only "free society" is anarchy. which really, thats what the universe is even if we have "righteous" groups trying to force their views on others. "enlightenment of the evolved human mind" gimme a break. we're just animals. why do you have a need to glorify what we are?

We are just animals yes, and this means we should just stick with that and that's it? What's the point in evolution if we cannot evolve? Don't you think it possible that we have evolved beyond animal status?

bringing up state executions just complicates the argument. u say killing is wrong, but theyre not sometimes. im not advocating murder, im attacking illogical labeling.

The only time killing isn't wrong is when you have no other choice. Murder is always wrong.

greiving at the loss of a loved one is not as personal as u think. but its inappropriate for anybody to blame this experience of feeling sorry for oneself on anybody but oneself. its a coping mechanism that is not an automatic result of losing somebody. u can choose not to make such a big deal out of stuff like that. sorry if this hits a nerve with u personally, you have my condolences for whatever uve gone thru. or anything uve witnessed others go thru.
No preo', if my daughter were to die I would not be thinking of myself I would be thinking of what she is missing out on, did she suffer, did she know what was going on. maybe her favourite cartoons on the t.v. that she'll never see again... a new toy that would have lit up her little face was she alive to see it. You need to get inside other people now preo', you have spent too long in your own head... it's time to get yourself some compassion.


Well-Known Member
as much as id love to pick apart every bit of that post, ill just pick one spot in particular to prove my point.

No preo', if my daughter were to die I would not be thinking of myself I would be thinking of what she is missing out on, did she suffer, did she know what was going on. maybe her favourite cartoons on the t.v. that she'll never see again... a new toy that would have lit up her little face was she alive to see it. You need to get inside other people now preo', you have spent too long in your own head... it's time to get yourself some compassion.
it doesnt matter what the deceased would "miss out" on. they cant "miss" anything, theyre dead. i dont see how u guys can try to label me a sociopath because i dont pretend i can empathize with the dead. seriously, whos got the bad logic here?

and by the way i dont have any problems with getting inside others heads, i just need to talk to them face to face to do it properly. honestly, its my greatest social ability, i "connect" with ppl very easily. i'd watch out when i accuse others of having personality flaws if i were you. u might end up seeing that u project urself onto others more than u think. u talk alot about how u used to be an angry person skunk...


Well-Known Member
No preo', if my daughter were to die I would not be thinking of myself I would be thinking of what she is missing out on, did she suffer, did she know what was going on. maybe her favourite cartoons on the t.v. that she'll never see again... a new toy that would have lit up her little face was she alive to see it. You need to get inside other people now preo', you have spent too long in your own head... it's time to get yourself some compassion.

sorry i'm gonna have to agree with preoQ on this one.

i see an "I" statement here.
"I" statements are used to express how one is feeling inside themselves.

"I would be thinking of..."
in order to back your argument it should state "she would be thinking of...."
in order for her to be thinking she would have to be in some sort of "living state". whether it be heaven or the equivilent of. and if that is the case i would assume she would be happy. so why the grieving, if not for yourself?

just an outside opinion.


New Member
as much as id love to pick apart every bit of that post, ill just pick one spot in particular to prove my point.

it doesnt matter what the deceased would "miss out" on. they cant "miss" anything, theyre dead. i dont see how u guys can try to label me a sociopath because i dont pretend i can empathize with the dead. seriously, whos got the bad logic here?

and by the way i dont have any problems with getting inside others heads, i just need to talk to them face to face to do it properly. honestly, its my greatest social ability, i "connect" with ppl very easily. i'd watch out when i accuse others of having personality flaws if i were you. u might end up seeing that u project urself onto others more than u think. u talk alot about how u used to be an angry person skunk...
It was you that intimated you were a sociopath. What is a sociopath anyway? I know what one is by definition although this definition is very broad. Aren't we all sociopathic to a certain degree?

I agree, i'm not flawless... although angry? No. Not any more. Can I get angry, yes... but a generally angry person I'm not. I must apologise for offending you preo as this was never my intention. I believe we are all sociopathic, have split personalities even... at the age of 16 I even got a tattoo that I believed encompassed this belief. The trick is to realise that we are all insane, there is no such thing as sanity until this is realised.

Again, accept my apologies for not being clear. When I was talking about you I was actually talking about us all.

I agree about the death thing... I see your point. Although to murder has to be wrong.