Trouble with seedling


New Member

Hi guys, I over potted this, then compensated, and for some reason this seedling just keeled over and won't straighten.

While they were germinating I used a 60 watt incandescent to keep the temperature warm - the first 16 hours or so of light that the seedling got was from that bulb. Since then it's been on a window sill and occasionally taken out for direct sunlight (11 days), but we've been having rainy and cloudy weather, so past 18 hours they've been getting 80watt CFL at about 3 inches.



Well-Known Member
A fuckload more light
get some cfls incandescents are horriable for growing I can't see your pics but it sounds like you need to replant your stems too

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Well-Known Member
It'll figure it out on its own. Maybe get your light closer.

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Also looks like overwatering.

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I agree with this. I sometimes plant my seeds straight in 5-8 gallon pots. They have never had problems except over water.

You go to remember that roots go deep fast. The roots on a seed when it breaks ground will be about 4 inches long.

The top of your pot dries and the bottom is still moist. Let it dry out.

With big enough pots and lower temps I've had them make it to 3-4 weeks old before they needed the first watering.


Well-Known Member
Could be many things but if i remove the ventilation fan from my tent my seedlings fall over like yours. No air exchange can cause this in under 24hours.

Hope you get things sorted.


Well-Known Member
Don't feel too bad. I have two that look way worse, lol. Never thought of replanting them. They are soooooo thin they fell over. Propped em up with toothpics. First grow. I may try replanting.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Overwatering can kill it easy peasy. It is a seedlings worst enemy. I would at least support that little baby. As suggested I would repot as well. I like something that is small and dries quickly to have more control of the water needs. Best o' luck


Active Member

Hi guys, I over potted this, then compensated, and for some reason this seedling just keeled over and won't straighten.

While they were germinating I used a 60 watt incandescent to keep the temperature warm - the first 16 hours or so of light that the seedling got was from that bulb. Since then it's been on a window sill and occasionally taken out for direct sunlight (11 days), but we've been having rainy and cloudy weather, so past 18 hours they've been getting 80watt CFL at about 3 inches.

Absolutely need more light. Also I suggest a tool that measures the wetness of the soil I got myself one at Lowes for $8 so now I know exactly when to water and how much


New Member
thank you everyone for the great advice! Seedlings are better now, did the following four things, in case anyone with similar problems:
1. buried the stems up to the cotyledons
2. they used to spend all night in a room with no ventilation, and occasionally the day too. started taking them out more, and leaving the window slightly ajar.
3. stopped watering for a week
4. gave them a lot more light - sunlight during the day if it wasn't cloudy, and inside when it was. Inside and during the night I used one 80 watt CFL (a little over 5000 lumens), one ~35 watt CFL, a little over 2000 lumens, and 4 Philips retorfit LED bulbs, 18 watts each, 2000 lumens. All the bulbs said they were 6500K on the box.