Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club


Well-Known Member
No, I just had an opinion that differed from yours so you chose to align me with them and act like a douchebag.
how did i align you with murdering white supremacists?

did i force you to adopt the same position as them? did i force them to adopt the same position as you?


i am simply pointing out facts and it upsets you. go watch your shitty movie. hope some white guy doesn't come in and shoot up the movie theater, but if that does happen, i know you will not make a peep about how dangerous white people are.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I hear that. It's a tough situation. I'm for being unamerican until we can say "good shit, things are calm again" and then opening things back up. I just feel like we're behind the 8 ball already, and we do a shitty job of catching up to it.
That's unacceptable.We can't and we won't. If we did that we would be playing into the terrorists hand, our rejection would be a powerful recruiting tool. We cant turn our back on people that need our help. If you were driving and seen a woman Getting raped by two men on the side of the rode.would you just keep driving or would you stop and do everything in your power to help her? America stops, we help one another. We never say fuck you. We say" get in, are you ok?"


Well-Known Member
how did i align you with murdering white supremacists?

did i force you to adopt the same position as them? did i force them to adopt the same position as you?


i am simply pointing out facts and it upsets you. go watch your shitty movie. hope some white guy doesn't come in and shoot up the movie theater, but if that does happen, i know you will not make a peep about how dangerous white people are.
Thanks, I guess. White people are fucking dangerous though, never said they weren't lol. I'm not upset, just think you're being a douche for implying that I'm a kkk member. Have fun, we can argue more later.


Well-Known Member
That's unacceptable.We can't and we won't. If we did that we would be playing into the terrorists hand, our rejection would be a powerful recruiting tool. We cant turn our back on people that need our help. If you were driving and seen a woman Getting raped by two men on the side of the rode.would you just keep driving or would you stop and do everything in your power to help her? America stops, we help one another. We never say fuck you. We say" get in, are you ok?"
Don't see the connection with helping a women getting raped and closing the borders unless youre talking about protecting her like I'm talking about protecting our country.


Well-Known Member
White people are fucking dangerous though, never said they weren't
you never said they were either, even after gun massacre after gun massacre after gun massacre committed by said white people.

in fact, you even said after a white person went and shot up a classroom full of kindergartners: "if people want to fuck with you, don't run from it, open your door- and let them come"

I'm not upset
yes you are. you're threatening to put me on ignore and trying to attack me personally just for pointing out that your views are 100% in alignment with the most deadly, murdering white supremacists in this nation.

just think you're being a douche for implying that I'm a kkk member.

where did i say you were a KKK member? i just said you share their views, which is not a matter of opinion and cannot be disputed.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Don't see the connection with helping a women getting raped and closing the borders unless youre talking about protecting her like I'm talking about protecting our country.
So you think everyone comming threw the border is someone that our country needs protecting against? Many of those refugees are kids, babies. This is the definition of refugee-a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. A refugee is a victim, turning your back on people that need help is what im talking about. Theres no way in hell you're going to convince me that an american baby is more important then a refugee baby. White boys shoot up schools more often then terrorists attack. Should white People not be allowed to get an education?


Well-Known Member
So you think everyone comming threw the border is someone that our country needs protecting against? Many of those refugees are kids, babies. This is the definition of refugee-a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. A refugee is a victim, turning your back on people that need help is what im talking about. Theres no way in hell you're going to convince me that an american baby is more important then a refugee baby. White boys shoot up schools more often then terrorists attack. Should white People not be allowed to get an education?
well, ya see, if a white person shoots up a bunch of 5 year olds, bushloser has one reaction:

if people want to fuck with you, don't run from it, open your door- and let them come
but if a brown person shoots up a gay nightclub, bushloser has a completely different reaction.

I think we shouldn't be opening our arms to immigrants
nevermind that this guy was actually born here in the united states.

the stark and startingly different reactions he has simply display his racism naked and bare for all to see. there is absolutely nothing else you can attribute the difference in reactions to besides overt racism.


Well-Known Member
Make the refugees in question Caucasian and see how many 'minds' here change instantly.

Let's say, as example, Dutch or Polish refugees....wanna see how fast the whole "I just want our country to be SAFE, derp!!" nonsense would come to an end? ;)


Well-Known Member
So you think everyone comming threw the border is someone that our country needs protecting against? Many of those refugees are kids, babies. This is the definition of refugee-a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. A refugee is a victim, turning your back on people that need help is what im talking about. Theres no way in hell you're going to convince me that an american baby is more important then a refugee baby. White boys shoot up schools more often then terrorists attack. Should white People not be allowed to get an education?
No it has nothing to do with that. How are we to help others if we can't even help ourselves? That's all I'm saying. We'll gladly help others, and should and will do so, AFTER we help ourselves and stop this shit from happening.


Well-Known Member
No it has nothing to do with that. How are we to help others if we can't even help ourselves? That's all I'm saying. We'll gladly help others, and should and will do so, AFTER we help ourselves and stop this shit from happening.
if you were in britain saying this, you would be classified as a member of the "britain first" party, or BNP (british nationalist party). they are a group of white nationalists.

the closest equivalent we have here in america is the "american freedom party". they also want to close the borders and "put america first!".

they are also a group of white nationalists and white supremacists.

based on the views you are expressing, that is sadly the political party which most closely shares your ideation.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Why don't you understand that we can't help ourselves if we're going to overreact everytime a human does something thing to do is accept that we're all capable of doin gruesome things and move on.
No it has nothing to do with that. How are we to help others if we can't even help ourselves? That's all I'm saying. We'll gladly help others, and should and will do so, AFTER we help ourselves and stop this shit from happening.
You can't stop crazy from happening, What you're talking about is an unrealistic pipe dream. If you close borders more people that just need help are going to turn to terrorist organizations because they're going to have no other choice... the connection with the woman Getting raped and us turning our back on innocent people is this. It is hard to do the right thing, it is dangerous, definitely scary.. but it still has to be done without second guessing it. Helping the woman may get you killed, helping the refugees may allow a few bad people to slip threw the cracks and get people killed, but we got to do it because they need our help.bad things happen everyday anyway, I wont punish a Person that didn't do anything because of something a few individuals have done in the past or may do in the future. You cant possibly think turning kids that are hungry and abused away at the border is reasonable because you're not comfortable anymore.


Well-Known Member
Sorry man, not buying the "CIA supports domestic terrorism" line. It's as if you think the Bourne Conspiracy was a documentary.

agree the cia has nothing to do with any of this..the fbi might the weapons they lost a few years ago...I could see em planning on arresting mateen and thinking he's weeks away from his " mission" and mateen acted didnt answer any of the questions..