Whites and blacks in US 'disagree on racism'


Well-Known Member
The vast majority of are good? Lol, no. If that were indeed the case, the "bad" ones wouldn't get away with nearly the amount of shit that they do. You're not a "good" cop just because you didn't pull the trigger. But by either saying nothing or even actively helping to cover up what the "bad" ones have done, makes the "good" ones as guilty as the bad ones. All cops are shit.
Serprico was a good cop. But yeah even the OK cops are not good cops I heard about one cop searching a car it was clean but another cop found drugs under the seat and the OK cop just left the scene. Also that cop who arrested Frank Lucas as he went after the dirty cops too.

But yeah, very few truly good cops.


Well-Known Member
@CrocodileStunter if you are not too busy fellating a golden retriever, let's you and me play a game.

you keep asking why black people are so violent. so let me go ahead and lay down some violence by white people. if you can show me the equivalent by blacks, i will leave the site forever.

i'll start: the holocaust.

your turn, scumbag.
also this thread on race relations in the united states was the perfect opportunity to mention the holocaust.


Well-Known Member
No, and yes. Both of those answers should be obvious. Those in power make the rules.
Forgive him, his burning racism/envy have eaten into his brain like a bad case of syphilis. His extreme case of microphallus only adds to the volatile mixture, creating an overall terrible person.


Well-Known Member
Forgive him, his burning racism/envy have eaten into his brain like a bad case of syphilis. His extreme case of microphallus only adds to the volatile mixture, creating an overall terrible person.
I'd be willing to wager most people would find an unemployed 42 year old to be a terrible person. get a job and take care of your 2nd wife.


Well-Known Member
Forgive him, his burning racism/envy have eaten into his brain like a bad case of syphilis. His extreme case of microphallus only adds to the volatile mixture, creating an overall terrible person.
Define the word "racism", and then apply it to me. Seriously. I'm willing to be that you can't.


Well-Known Member
When the wolves hide in sheep's clothing some lambs get shot by mistake.
Wonder when all those harley riders are gonna start being shot? They look just like the 1% biker clubs members. Murdering, human trafficking, meth pushing scum. Cops should kill all harley riders to keep us all safer maybe..


Well-Known Member
I'd be willing to wager most people would find an unemployed 42 year old to be a terrible person. get a job and take care of your 2nd wife.
You speak as if you know anything about me or my life, very odd. I certainly don't blame you for being envious, though - I live a GREAT life! A wife that is ten years my junior and an awesome person, my darling dogs, financial stability (and then some), a funky old house that I recently bought and have been tinkering with, my hobbies, freedoms, etc.etc.! :)

You, on the other hand, are a miserable, hate-mongering, internet troll that only exists to try and make other folks as miserable as you. Sad, that.
Your life of poverty, endless dead-end jobs, and desperation should be something to be empathized with and even pitied, but your racist/vile/envious/toxic self is far too repellent even to merit that. :(

Before your impending ban from this fine site, you really should give some serious thought to intensive therapy or possibly 'other options'; you are negative energy to the tenth power and the world's already got a surplus of that.


Well-Known Member
Wonder when all those harley riders are gonna start being shot? They look just like the 1% biker clubs members. Murdering, human trafficking, meth pushing scum. Cops should kill all harley riders to keep us all safer maybe..
my friends and I were just talking about this. our music studio (yep we make rap music) is right down the street from a 1% club. they have hoes on the stroll and have some real nice old school cars and harleys but they don't seem to ever get any police intervention.