Trump Nailed it!!!

Vile imbecile
And you can clearly see the puzzi stains on my nutz buoy swag swag I blow mad loads. I'm geen sum hed right 'cha pimpin, you ain't 'een nodat hahaha.

my dick your dick let's all talk about our dicks cuz Buck is the pussy getting champion who makes a cold milli a year installing windows.

well, there's a partial meltdown and admission of sock puppetry.

all we're waiting on now is the inevitable full on meltdown, revelation of previous username, TLDR rant about how biased the mods are, and eventual rebanning.
If he were writing “The Art of the Deal” today, Schwartz said, it would be a very different book with a very different title. Asked what he would call it, he answered, “The Sociopath.”
And you are a gentleman that comes to a pro-Trump thread to unzip his mighty loins and "all lives matter" all over, as if anyone cares about your opinion. You're a big guy, #ImWithHer now.
Clown, your blabber is too ridiculous to even consider

"But Schwartz believes that Trump’s short attention span has left him with “a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance.” He said, “That’s why he so prefers TV as his first news source—information comes in easily digestible sound bites.” He added, “I seriously doubt that Trump has ever read a book straight through in his adult life.” During the eighteen months that he observed Trump, Schwartz said, he never saw a book on Trump’s desk, or elsewhere in his office, or in his apartment."
And you can clearly see the puzzi stains on my nutz buoy swag swag I blow mad loads. I'm geen sum hed right 'cha pimpin, you ain't 'een nodat hahaha.

my dick your dick let's all talk about our dicks cuz Buck is the pussy getting champion who makes a cold milli a year installing windows.


“The Art of the Deal” made America see Trump as a charmer with an unfailing knack for business. Tony Schwartz helped create that myth—and regrets it.

By Jane Mayer
It is an easy thing to look up.

You are incredibly ignorant on the state of affairs in america.
Yes, I'm incredibly ignorant. Which makes you what? super-de-duper ignorant?

Among developed nations, Americans’ tax bills are below average

We calculated this for four different family types: a single employed person with no children; two married couples with two children, one with both parents working and the other with one worker; and a single working parent. In all cases, the U.S. was below the 39-nation average – in some cases, well below.