The homeless/zombie crisis.

There are about 12 people on this site that have seen me and buck at the same time.

Come to TC with us and you'll see!

Oh wait. Nobody likes you so I doubt you'll get the password. ;)
Tiny chat has you guys all tripped out. I can just imagine how internet parinoid it gets in there. Yall know theres a real world where people are polite to each other right? I mean yall got buck turned against the guy helping his real life friend out. That takes skill. :clap:
Tiny chat has you guys all tripped out. I can just imagine how internet parinoid it gets in there. Yall know theres a real world where people are polite to each other right? I mean yall got buck turned against the guy helping his real life friend out. That takes skill. :clap:
I'm sorry but polite? The first thing I read by you on this site was you talking about how homeless people are sub human and what to do with them. You can say it was satire or trying to start a conversation but that doesn't change the fact that I read many posts you wrote commenting on their smell, worthlessness, etc. I saw no compassion. Then after you get called out for being an insensitive asshole all of a sudden it's "I helped this guy once, I used to volunteer with elderly homeless mental patients". It really sounds like a lie, to be honest. It doesn't seem to add up that the person who talked about the homeless abusing the system and being the sole reason for their own demise would ever extend to them their time or energy.
I also never read anywhere you saying sorry for the shitty things you said. An apology to all the homeless people out there that are in their situations just because life fucked them and it could happen to anyone. "I used to be homeless" does not excuse treating any person on this planet as less than you.
I'm sorry but polite? The first thing I read by you on this site was you talking about how homeless people are sub human and what to do with them. You can say it was satire or trying to start a conversation but that doesn't change the fact that I read many posts you wrote commenting on their smell, worthlessness, etc. I saw no compassion. Then after you get called out for being an insensitive asshole all of a sudden it's "I helped this guy once, I used to volunteer with elderly homeless mental patients". It really sounds like a lie, to be honest. It doesn't seem to add up that the person who talked about the homeless abusing the system and being the sole reason for their own demise would ever extend to them their time or energy.
I also never read anywhere you saying sorry for the shitty things you said. An apology to all the homeless people out there that are in their situations just because life fucked them and it could happen to anyone. "I used to be homeless" does not excuse treating any person on this planet as less than you.
Don't mind him. He wants to be accepted so badly but it didn't work out.

So now he plays the mainliner card. "You all don't like me but you can't make me leave!"

It's kinda sad actually.
Tiny chat has you guys all tripped out. I can just imagine how internet parinoid it gets in there. Yall know theres a real world where people are polite to each other right? I mean yall got buck turned against the guy helping his real life friend out. That takes skill. :clap:
Actually it's fun as fuck in TC! I literally laugh so hard I cry.

You should stop by sometime.....


*** although there is no mod to report hurt feelings to.
Actually it's fun as fuck in TC! I literally laugh so hard I cry.

You should stop by sometime.....


*** although there is no mod to report hurt feelings to.
wait a second, There's someone around here to tell my sad feely feels to? I have a lot of feelings this is going to be fun!
Sweet! The .nobody. sock finally woke up. :clap:
"A sockpuppet is an online identity used for purposes of deception. The term, a reference to the manipulation of a simple hand puppet made from a sock, originally referred to a false identity assumed by a member of an Internet community who spoke to, or about, themselves while pretending to be another person."

Say what now? That's what all the sock talk was? i assumed something like cum sock as an inside joke. I think I still prefer it my way.
"A sockpuppet is an online identity used for purposes of deception. The term, a reference to the manipulation of a simple hand puppet made from a sock, originally referred to a false identity assumed by a member of an Internet community who spoke to, or about, themselves while pretending to be another person."

Say what now? That's what all the sock talk was? i assumed something like cum sock as an inside joke. I think I still prefer it my way.
Sock puppets are cowards.
Look at my numbers, coward.
This is going to make me sound like a pussy, and possibly isn't done, but isn't there an ignore feature? I read that you can ignore someone that's bothering you. Why not just do that? You two don't seem to like each other much.