will mexican companies absorb the 20% tariff trump puts on their goods?


Well-Known Member
when have i ever called a black person by that racial slur, the same way you just called a jew by a racial slur?
Over on that site you always are mentioning on here. Stormfront was it? You know, the one you used to bring up all the time. I looked on there and sure as shit there's an UncleBuck who hates "rawn pawl" and loves to golf.


Well-Known Member
The left wasn't protesting when Obama banned refugees or listed state sponsors of terror. The left wasn't crying out when drone strikes were happening. The left wasn't bemoaning the concentration of power in the Executive branch nor the nuclear option in the senate. The left wasn't claiming those that voted for McCain or Romney were nazis.
Eat a dick
why are you so upset?

and of course romney and mccain voters weren't nazis, those guys actually cared about this nation and respected their supporters.


Well-Known Member
What I and many more realize is that in the "lefts" view Trump is wrong.
Only we don't see it that way.
Buckle up buttercup it's gonna be long ride.
View attachment 3888634

Trump is the great alienator. 100% fact free, he'll ultimately be ambushed by his own party.

He's actually surprised by the travel ban protests? What an out of touch with reality piece of garbage.
Wait till the real protests begin when he won't cooperate with the special prosecutor.


Well-Known Member
Trump is the great alienator. 100% fact free, he'll ultimately be ambushed by his own party.

He's actually surprised by the travel ban protests? What an out of touch with reality piece of garbage.
Wait till the real protests begin when he won't cooperate with the special prosecutor.

What's this, a special prosecutor?