Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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Now I will tell you about those "Ukrainians" that you said above!
When the Germans captured Ukraine, they formed a new government. They promised "freedom" to the Ukrainian people. Were ardent opponents of Soviet power, as I said, this is Western Ukraine. The SS division Galychyna was formed, Ukrainians wanted to call Ukraine, but the Germans did not want to call the SS, underdeveloped by the state they thought we were.





Personally, Himmler visited the division!

But the real Ukrainians!


They hung for weeks in order to inspire fear! People told, from any window of the city peep out, hang hanging! For one German, killed by partisans, 50 peaceful Ukrainians were killed! There was a choice, Bro! Was-to die with honor for the motherland! Here is the choice of a true patriot !!!!!!
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Now I will tell you about those "Ukrainians" that you said above!
When the Germans captured Ukraine, they formed a new government. They promised "freedom" to the Ukrainian people. Were ardent opponents of Soviet power, as I said, this is Western Ukraine. The SS division Galychyna was formed, Ukrainians wanted to call Ukraine, but the Germans did not want to call the SS, underdeveloped by the state they thought we were.





Personally, Himmler visited the division!

But the real Ukrainians!


They hung for weeks in order to inspire fear! People told, from any window of the city peep out, hang hanging! For one German, killed by partisans, 50 peaceful Ukrainians were killed! There was a choice, Bro! Was-to die with honor for the motherland! Here is the choice of a true patriot !!!!!!
I fear the world is headed in this direction again. No coincidence that it takes only long enough for those who remember the last time to die and take their memories with them.
I'm really impressed with your setup, man. Good job, this is motivating me to build a similar setup. Thanks for posting the DIY pics and the dirt formula, too. `
I'm really impressed with your setup, man. Good job, this is motivating me to build a similar setup. Thanks for posting the DIY pics and the dirt formula, too. `

Thank you, bro! If there are any questions about the assembly, I'll tell you how!
I shall tell a little about the so-called genocide in Ukraine. In fact, it was throughout the European part of the USSR. This was a very brutal, inhuman, but extremely necessary measure, as Stalin believed. After the revolution of 1917, the country was dying of hunger !!!
The USSR then was in isolation of the uttermost, it was recognized by few, credits would not be given by anybody(How did Germany help then)! Everything was destroyed, looting, riots.
In order to save the USSR as an idea, Stalin took everything into an iron fist. (Stalin is a derivative of the word steel) For ten years, Stalin made from a backward country-the industrial giant-the world's first !!! How did he do it, damn it ?! you ask! He took from the peasants all their products .. all !! I sold abroad, I bought machine tools and materials !!!There was a choice-or die krestyane, or the whole country will die !!
justify it !!! But did he have a choice ?! Stalin, like Lenin devoted his whole life to the idea !! He did not have any property left after death !! Soldiers' boots and uniform !! He always walked in the same !!!!! If not for his cruelty, bordering on brutality, the country would have died as far back as 1930. After the death of Stalin, in fact, the USSR began to fall apart ...
A very controversial figure of course, but he did not blow up his citizens in skyscrapers, to put billions in his pocket! And did not destroy the whole country to ........... not find there a nuclear threat !!!!!! I've never been a communist, never went to rallies. Never went to the polls !!! I'm a sociopath indeed !! I'm telling you about the idea of money, еgoism and the idea of equality and fraternity !! What's better?!

Nkvd - horror, of course,

And I would not wish the enemy to live in СССР in 1917-1953 !!

Here is a little acquainted with the personality of Stalin from a conversation with H Wells.

What do you think, can such a person thoughtlessly kill people with genocide? Why did he need it?))) As Sherlock Holmes would say: where is the motive !?
Stupidity is, because. Ukraine said that Russia was to blame for what was in 33, and for whom to complain to Russia ?! It was the same there! So, in the end, Stalin, as if the people were busting out of boredom, like those inhuman in Kiev above in the photo!


Western Ukraine has always been in conflict with the east, where I live at all times !! Even on regielloznym relations! The Germans were not helped only by Ukrainians !! When the Germans came to the city, they offered 400 marks, for work in the police! Who was a traitor, they went there - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, all white race, others did not take! The Jews were not taken to Poland, they were destroyed on the spot, and Ukrainian policemen helped them, for 400 marks a month !!!!

Heard about "Бабий яр" .. it's not Poland, it's Kiev !!!

Destroyed 150 000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kiev Jews!!

A Ukrainian policeman for 400 marks a month !! Bro I'm better off with hunger die than this I will do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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What was left of the Jews was taken to Poland...Stalin was the cuntiest of the cunts...He was paranoid and psychopathic..he killed everyone and anyone, from members of his own family to the men who helped him gain power..funny thing he wasn't even Russian! Are you saying that the American government blew up the towers to make money? Somehow justifying fuckign Stalins reign of terror and slaughter because he allegedly cared for the common people(which he did fucking NOT!) My wife grandparents all died in in Siberia or as a result of slave labor...
Are you saying that the American government blew up the towers to make money?..

I'm sure of it!!! I am a civil engineer with a diploma. My father is a professor, engineer-designer-projected planes at the Kharkov aircraft factory !!! At home, they do not fall at the side impact, it's a lie! Houses were formed, as if something exploded from below and they lost support !!! What do you believe more, in the laws of physics or the lies of politicians ?? !!)))

What was left of the Jews was taken to Poland...

At us in Kharkov (41-43) Jews all did not steal anywhere! The Germans killed them immediately! They were persecuted for forced labor (mainly in Germany) for all who could work. My grandmother, not a Jew, was hijacked at 42 in Germany.

.He was paranoid and psychopathic..he killed everyone and anyone. My wife grandparents all died in in Siberia or as a result of slave labor...

I do not know the diagnosis of Stalin with him personally is not familiar!

I already told you that my great-grandfathers in 33, in the village ate each other! What are you proving to me Bro?

that's better?!


How to determine the diagnosis of the person who did this!! Tell me, Bro, you know everything?!



100,000 civilians......................................Just by the kindness of the soul! Not paranoia

I'm telling you that I like the idea of brotherhood and mutual assistance more than the idea of money and selfishness!!! The conquistadors, Columbus, went to America for gold. Everyone went to America for gold! Here's the result for you! And our mentality, already long before 1917 was formed, Bro! At us people more help each other in a trouble .... Not for money!!! I'm not talking about the rulers or about some political ideals (this is shit for me !!!)
told you!!!!!!! You made a mistake!!! I spoke about the personality of Stalin! You know its disadvantages, and I tell you about its pros! He is a very cruel and treacherous person, but he is essentially the same as Truman and Bush in those days !!! You are somehow one-sided, Bro! Roosevelt, I respect the hero!
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I'm sure of it!!! I am a civil engineer with a diploma. My father is a professor, engineer-designer-projected planes at the Kharkov aircraft factory !!! At home, they do not fall at the side impact, it's a lie! Houses were formed, as if something exploded from below and they lost support !!! What do you believe more, in the laws of physics or the lies of politicians ?? !!)))

At us in Kharkov (41-43) Jews all did not steal anywhere! The Germans killed them immediately! They were persecuted for forced labor (mainly in Germany) for all who could work. My grandmother, not a Jew, was hijacked at 42 in Germany.

I do not know the diagnosis of Stalin with him personally is not familiar!

I already told you that my great-grandfathers in 33, in the village ate each other! What are you proving to me Bro?

that's better?!


How to determine the diagnosis of the person who did this!! Tell me, Bro, you know everything?!



100,000 civilians......................................Just by the kindness of the soul! Not paranoia

I'm telling you that I like the idea of brotherhood and mutual assistance more than the idea of money and selfishness!!! The conquistadors, Columbus, went to America for gold. Everyone went to America for gold! Here's the result for you! And our mentality, already long before 1917 was formed, Bro! At us people more help each other in a trouble .... Not for money!!! I'm not talking about the rulers or about some political ideals (this is shit for me !!!)
told you!!!!!!! You made a mistake!!! I spoke about the personality of Stalin! You know its disadvantages, and I tell you about its pros! He is a very cruel and treacherous person, but he is essentially the same as Truman and Bush in those days !!! You are somehow one-sided, Bro! Roosevelt, I respect the hero!
I think you have taken my comments the wrong way...because I don't see the American government systematically killing people around the word in the fashion of Hitler or Stalin...after WW2 America seemed to have the responsibility of acting like the world police..and the byproduct of these proxy wars between America and Russia and China is dead people. I am not saying the wars are justified but they are a world away from WW1 and WW2...Your country has always been hotly disputed for many years...the only thing I was saying is that Stalin was as bad as the Nazis and that many Ukrainians like Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonians chose the Nazis side as they were sick of being starved to death by Russia...I am not saying that they were necessarily bad people, they either had a gun to their heads or had fallen for propaganda. Imagine after being starved by fucking Stalin for so may years then there was the opportunity for a better life(which turned out to be as bad if not worse)
..because I don't see)

And will not see! Will see the one who looks!)))

I understood correctly, bro! And I understand that in your country, which is an alliance of the United States, there will be propaganda, exceptionally positive, if you lived in China or Peru, or Mexico or Canada)), then you would have a completely different view of America !! Say what?))) America is the aggressor. She's sticking her nose everywhere! She imparts her opinion to the whole world !! That's what the rest of the mip (not the coalition) thinks about the United States, Bro!

I would advise you, choose something more average, something more objective, a priori, if you want! Of these two opinions. If I begin to list the conflicts that were fomented in the last 70 years of the USSR and the US, then I will not have enough fingers and toes, and hair on my head! I will not even try to sell the Colombian cocaine to the CIA. Oh yeah, you, too, probably neither hearing nor the spirit of this)))) Bro, IMPERIAS, can not be honest, otherwise they fall apart !!!! This is an axiom !! And harness the illusion that all the buzz, that what the media show, it's true, you'll turn into an idiot without a mind!

I understand you, you are about SS battalions in the Baltic, as we have Halychyna, yes, I finally can not understand them, now. We called the street in western Ukraine ..: Galichina Division !!! - it's a shame for me, sorry, but I did not want this !!!!!!!!

Peace in the whole world, Bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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like the world police

You mean this police, Bro?

Have you joked ?! You believe in the police !! Whether it's the world, be it the sheriff's office ?? !! They are all corrupt, everything depends on the amount of bribes....
And no matter where in the US Ukraine or Samali!
!! Understood the hint? There is one police, bro-GOD! Other NO on the ground !!
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i don't really "believe" in the police, unfortunately, i do believe that people are irresponsible, untrustworthy, and lazy. if you don't set watchdogs on the sheep, they wander away, fall in gorges, drown in rivers, and get eaten by would think by now the sheep would have learned to avoid these things for themselves, but .....
i don't really "believe" in the police, unfortunately, i do believe that people are irresponsible, untrustworthy, and lazy. if you don't set watchdogs on the sheep, they wander away, fall in gorges, drown in rivers, and get eaten by would think by now the sheep would have learned to avoid these things for themselves, but .....

Cynical, but true!

For the most part .... almost everything)))

Utopia, bro! Only God can save! People, no way! That they did not invent! It's nature, the strong devour the weak !! Well people do not want to become animals, they want to be animals! In fact, and the horror that this here this policy of obesity and pseudo-democracy, based on the satisfaction of the basest desires of man! That's what is sad!
we are part of nature, and can do anything within it, if you belong to it.
when you set yourself apart, all those things become impossible, and you become an artificial "thing" in a plastic world
we are part of nature, and can do anything within it, if you belong to it.
when you set yourself apart, all those things become impossible, and you become an artificial "thing" in a plastic world

There is a nature in the context of "God's gift." And there is a nature, in the context of "wild jungle", and you are "Mowgli", here in these jungle you need to remain a man-it's possible, believe me! A person is good, compassion, love (not sex !!!), mercy .. That's what it means in my understanding to be a Man !!! And if you think every day about who to fuck, preferably a fashion model, to eat more delicious, but to drink, so that you can inhale the acid in your nose! These are the animal feelings, Bro! Gluttony!! It is a sin! Can not be so! And your democracy, only this and propagandizes, and the world of sheep poison! Sheep turn into wolves or sexual maniacs, after your films!))))) And you sell them for millions more in rentals ..... it's fucked up, Bro!
In fact This is violence, sex and drugs, nothing more !!!
Such a feeling that no one except this does not think about anything !!! This is very low, gentlemen!
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And will not see! Will see the one who looks!)))

I understood correctly, bro! And I understand that in your country, which is an alliance of the United States, there will be propaganda, exceptionally positive, if you lived in China or Peru, or Mexico or Canada)), then you would have a completely different view of America !! Say what?))) America is the aggressor. She's sticking her nose everywhere! She imparts her opinion to the whole world !! That's what the rest of the mip (not the coalition) thinks about the United States, Bro!

I would advise you, choose something more average, something more objective, a priori, if you want! Of these two opinions. If I begin to list the conflicts that were fomented in the last 70 years of the USSR and the US, then I will not have enough fingers and toes, and hair on my head! I will not even try to sell the Colombian cocaine to the CIA. Oh yeah, you, too, probably neither hearing nor the spirit of this)))) Bro, IMPERIAS, can not be honest, otherwise they fall apart !!!! This is an axiom !! And harness the illusion that all the buzz, that what the media show, it's true, you'll turn into an idiot without a mind!

I understand you, you are about SS battalions in the Baltic, as we have Halychyna, yes, I finally can not understand them, now. We called the street in western Ukraine ..: Galichina Division !!! - it's a shame for me, sorry, but I did not want this !!!!!!!!

Peace in the whole world, Bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We see America as the world police, and that there are many injustices everywhere...
There is a nature in the context of "God's gift." And there is a nature, in the context of "wild jungle", and you are "Mowgli", here in these jungle you need to remain a man-it's possible, believe me! A person is good, compassion, love (not sex !!!), mercy .. That's what it means in my understanding to be a Man !!! And if you think every day about who to fuck, preferably a fashion model, to eat more delicious, but to drink, so that you can inhale the acid in your nose! These are the animal feelings, Bro! Gluttony!! It is a sin! Can not be so! And your democracy, only this and propagandizes, and the world of sheep poison! Sheep turn into wolves or sexual maniacs, after your films!))))) And you sell them for millions more in rentals ..... it's fucked up, Bro!
In fact This is violence, sex and drugs, nothing more !!!
Such a feeling that no one except this does not think about anything !!! This is very low, gentlemen!

Hey mate, I'm from Australia! Most the people here have no say in supporting the America Zionist causes, but I must say that the world is better of with America having the supreme power than Russia or places like Iran and China! I haver been to Lithuania(lived 12 months), Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic, East Germany, Belarus(5 day holiday. fuck knows why) and to Kiev as well. We Australians are getting very sick of being Americas puppet I tell you. Democracy is not prefect but its a fuckload better than communism, fascism, Theocracies, Autocratic dictatorships or Shariah law...
We see America as the world police, and that there are many injustices everywhere...

Can i ask you? Who are we, bro?

I am sure that some people are directly involved in the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine! They promised, then betrayed, they threw them under tanks! And you do not see any help from the real !!, even weapons can not provide! (Analogue of Georgia)! I do not see anything of peacemaking here !!! Ukraine is on fire !! States are kicking with pleasure !! Russia is in crisis !! What is necessary for the world, really !!!!! ????? Just another question ?? Who needs this fucking mouth !!
America having the supreme power .

Hello, I'm from Ukraine (not Russia), also our ally, but it's not an ally, but an instigator, I do not believe this ally!) I do not agree with you !!! If America was not panic-stricken about Russia, the Donbas would have been bombed, like Iraq on video !!! Thank God! Bro, I spent half my life in the USSR, I was not thrilled with life there !! But I have never felt so secure and reliable! I know that Russia will never be broken. I'm half Russian. So I want to run, because I live 30 kilometers from the border !!! If something will fly a squadron of MIGs, and compare the city (2 000 000) to the earth as the Americans do Hiroshima .....

The word dmocracy was invented by a person, like everything else that you listed above! I'm telling you about God! Apart from God, no one will help us now, no fucking democracy!

I'm not talking about religion to you, the word that people came up with, or Catholics, Khrestiane-it's all a lie !!! God is one!

When there was a terrorist act in the arsenal near Kharkov. Two nuts arrived, like miners from NATO)))), stood on the sidelines)))))), NATO, thanks for the help !!))))))))))))
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Can i ask you? Who are we, bro?

I am sure that some people are directly involved in the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine! They promised, then betrayed, they threw them under tanks! And you do not see any help from the real !!, even weapons can not provide! (Analogue of Georgia)! I do not see anything of peacemaking here !!! Ukraine is on fire !! States are kicking with pleasure !! Russia is in crisis !! What is necessary for the world, really !!!!! ????? Just another question ?? Who needs this fucking mouth !!
I have been to Georgia as well! Even been to Gori...where the devil himself was born...I know you are from the Ukraine and the war there will never cease so long as Putin is in power. America seems to only pick fights it knows it can win, and also fights that have riches for them at the end(oil)....NATO and the UN have sat by during many world conflicts and just watched people being slaughtered...Crimea, Rwanda and Sudan are just the tip of the iceberg. So Russia is your Allie?
So Russia is your Allie?

Did I say that? ("America having the supreme power ") I told you that they too are our allies! Russia is your ally? Do you understand?)))) All right you say, only, as we say: "from your hill".

I did not say?? I do not recognize any power. Therefore, I try to reason objectively!

Do you know who it is? It's not the devil! He was supported by the US government!! that say ?? !!


He pulled Chile out of the crisis much harder than Stalin .. much !!!

Mussalini had a warm correspondence with Churchill. And Mussalini is the founder of fascism!

Democracy, you say?)))

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