The Yorkshireman
Well-Known Member
If you would have read my earlier posts you would have seen me say......He's up on charges in the state where he fucked the 16 YO. Do the crime, do the time. What's legal or illegal in other states is irrelevant.
If he uses the "I didn't know she was 16" line, I'll laugh. When was a law ever written like this: "Fucking kids is illegal unless you don't know their age."
Good god, what a sniveling excuse.
Aren't your kind always talking about personal responsibility? Of course your kind only mean that when convenient, I guess.
"Cody Wilson met the girl via a sugar baby site and she clearly lied to him about her age.
She is 16 and the age of consent in Texas is 17, so she's less than a year younger than the age of consent in the state that they had sex.
It's not like he's a fucking peado, he was clearly duped.
He was arrested and faces charges of Statutory Rape because the girl is under age, although there are no repercussions for the sugar baby website for failing to vet the girl and check her age to avoid exactly this kind of situation in the first place.
The girl deliberately joined a sugar baby site and then went to the police after she had consensual sex with Cody Wilson, despite her being within the age of consent in most of the USA.
Why the fuck would the girl intentionally join the site, have consensual sex with Cody and then go to the police to file a sexual assault claim based entirely on the fact that she was coincidentally under age in the state he lives in without having an ulterior motive?
It makes no sense at all."
And also.....
"When you are a member of a website that basically sells prostitution (as in a sugar baby site) you would assume that the women are of legal age and that the website has done it's due diligence in vetting and confirming the women's age, despite this what do you do when you are lied to by said female and she looks and says she's (for example) 18, 19 or 20?
What's stopping girls of 12, 13, 14 and 15 joining the website and pretending they are 16, 17 and 18 if they look it?
Absolutely nothing, that's what.
Do you ID every female you intend to have sex with in case you are being duped and she's under age? No, I fucking thought not.
But I'll admit that he could have done more to protect himself from being duped."
But no obviously you didn't, you just jumped in with both feet judging me on a whim without assessing the points rationally.
And what is "your kind" supposed to mean?
You know fuck all about me unless you ask and I tell you.
Don't be so arrogant as to assume you know me and what I stand for.