Best light on the market ?

Well atleast I went through the thread for a slight review of topics. Very interesting have to admit.....soooooooo many options and difference in opinion lol
I guess I started it when I said, "..." were the future. lol
It's like Science vs Religion and Evolution vs Creationism.
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Best grow light on the market? This baby will rock your world. Put's any and all HID's or LED's to shame. Ten pound yields of rock hard buds guaranteed every grow. End of story.

Leds are not the future, dont be so shortsighted, theres more powerfull tech on the horizon if you ever leave your bubble of hype.

Most Uk shops have already ditched leds but lets not dent your personal elected opinion even more.

Any led user not singing from the same marketing sheet?

sodium plasma lights are the closet to natural sunlight. when the price comes down they may be the next new fad. if anyone here wants to know the truth about LEDs they should read what nasa found after studying them for 30 years. the best they could come up with produced less antioxidants, vitamins and flavor than sunlight. I have built leds and they sit collecting dust. they did not mach horticultural (enhanced spectrum) HPS,CMH or even T5s in a small grow room.leds may last 50k hours but lumen depreciation is about 40% if they last that long


Best grow light on the market? This baby will rock your world. Put's any and all HID's or LED's to shame. Ten pound yields of rock hard buds guaranteed every grow. End of story.


The phosphor in envirolites put them well ahead of the rest, id own that cfl just for the spectrum.

Those Chinese fuckers understood light thats for sure :-)
sodium plasma lights are the closet to natural sunlight. when the price comes down they may be the next new fad. if anyone here wants to know the truth about LEDs they should read what nasa found after studying them for 30 years. the best they could come up with produced less antioxidants, vitamins and flavor than sunlight. I have built leds and they sit collecting dust. they did not mach horticultural (enhanced spectrum) HPS,CMH or even T5s in a small grow room.leds may last 50k hours but lumen depreciation is about 40% if they last that long

Agreed and Rep+++

What you said on spectrum is a welcome oasis from the constant barrage :-)
I guess I started it when I said, "..." were the future. lol
It's like Science vs Religion and Evolution vs Creationism.

All light threads are doomed, dont take offence but as a chance to learn what the non led folk are saying and showing with science.

I value an opinion but not the same opinion a million times over :-)
What leds proved was that efficiency dosent always equal the most grams per watt.

Par and ppfd dont work as well as they hoped, who would have guessed :-)