Sativa heart racing compound search

Apparently I was off about that. Maybe it was THCV. Something with a V I remember

I was reading about this about a year ago. I can't find any article about what I read now. I swear information is being deleted. Yet ppl can dig up 10 year old threads on this site lol. Well, good luck on the quest.
Yeah I'm noticing some weird strange things as well in regards to info and "members" here not trying to be helpful at all......more like misdirected hostility .........misconception and a chit ton of high school click trolling with political Bullchit at a cannabis growing forum! Seems as if we need a new website for folks who just wanna be helpful to one another and learn along the way......if we can make a couple friends during that process! great! Kinda sad that folks don't see the disparity here. Peace.
Hi, sorry for the late reply, don't really wander into advanced cultivation often. I believe it is THCV. I'm not an expert on any aspect of cannabis or its sub-sciences but I do know THCV is found in a lot of African sativas, it's probably why I find foreign weed a bit "tame". Last research I did there wasn't much available on THCV, but it is a potent psychoactive cannabinoid that causes feelings of heart racing, mania, a soaring disconnected sensation, the high has almost no body & is pretty short lasting compared to other cannabins. If you've ever smoked a sativa with a crashing, sleepy come down, it's similar, you either end up smoking untill sleep-overdose or you sativa crash straight to sleep. Best I recall, you're looking for some African sativas, Thai sativas & a few equatorial strains that have a notable amount of THCV & the right balance of cannabins to deliver an almost anxiety enducing high that'll last a few hours. There's a strain called Doug's Varin which apparently is a THCV record holder but it's about the balance of thc, thcv, cbd etc, imo, that makes Durban Poison etc the original & real "I'm too high" kind of high! I've found Malawi & Swazi Gold have a nice soaring, euphoric effect with good psychactivity while never become overwhelming & pair well with any activity, even just watching telly.
On the same note of the post above, finding a Thai would be great. Swami has a red Thai cross on his list. Never grown it but I'm about to buy it. Simple, barely molested genetics
The Source Genetics has done a collaboration with Archive, Pure Thai x Archive selections. Looks promising! Sorry for not saying which SEEDBANK they're available from, don't want a ban, so I can't SPEAKEASY(hint hint)! I'm almost desperate enough for real landrace Thai genetics to book a holiday to Thailand haha haha no. I lost all my Thai's except 1 bag of less than 30 Purple Thai seeds which probably own me more than I own them. Good luck & avoid the THCV if you get paranoid, anxious or freak out a touch when in an altered state.
The Source Genetics has done a collaboration with Archive, Pure Thai x Archive selections. Looks promising! Sorry for not saying which SEEDBANK they're available from, don't want a ban, so I can't SPEAKEASY(hint hint)! I'm almost desperate enough for real landrace Thai genetics to book a holiday to Thailand haha haha no. I lost all my Thai's except 1 bag of less than 30 Purple Thai seeds which probably own me more than I own them. Good luck & avoid the THCV if you get paranoid, anxious or freak out a touch when in an altered state.
I just saw those, to versions of it one thai leaner and one leaner to the kush. Not much info other than that and two different Face Off phenos being used in those crosses. Is there any more info on these that you know of?
I found that site last week. Ran thru all the breeders, but I missed that one. Just wasn't interested in the other crosses.
They have a Columbian Red cross too. Wish the could at least list the flower time tho. Nice find! I'll have to pick up a couple packs
I just saw those, to versions of it one thai leaner and one leaner to the kush. Not much info other than that and two different Face Off phenos being used in those crosses. Is there any more info on these that you know of?
Unfortunately there isn't much info about them aside from the breeders & genetics used. The drop called Brothers Love would be my bet to find something closer to either the Thai or Kush pheno's since its Thaixkush X Thaixkush. I find it's hard to breed out landrace or heirloom characteristics, they tend to be the strongest most dominant genes after natural selection has stabilized them. The entire limited selection looks great but even IG has no info, we kinda just have to take it on reputations, both of whom are well enough respected to trust & the seedbank slinging them has an impeccable rep.
Unfortunately there isn't much info about them aside from the breeders & genetics used. The drop called Brothers Love would be my bet to find something closer to either the Thai or Kush pheno's since its Thaixkush X Thaixkush. I find it's hard to breed out landrace or heirloom characteristics, they tend to be the strongest most dominant genes after natural selection has stabilized them. The entire limited selection looks great but even IG has no info, we kinda just have to take it on reputations, both of whom are well enough respected to trust & the seedbank slinging them has an impeccable rep.
Face of Friendship is a kush leaner while Brothers Love leans to Thai, different Face Off phenos in those crosses.

Brothers Love, Pure Thai x Face Off #9 x Pure Thai x Face Off #4.

Face of Friendship, Pure Thai x Face Off #1 x Pure Thai x Face Off #4.

Sounds interesting enough,
I found that site last week. Ran thru all the breeders, but I missed that one. Just wasn't interested in the other crosses.
They have a Columbian Red cross too. Wish the could at least list the flower time tho. Nice find! I'll have to pick up a couple packs
The flower time length is why they won't list it lol! Columbian Red is a real sativa grow, it can run you 8+ months to grow properly with flowering of 3-4 months or longer. Many training techniques will only stretch that duration with recovery times depending on what you do to control growth. The difficulty is rewarded with massive yields of potent, narcotic crop if you manage the unenviable task of taking her to term. Personally I'm not afraid of big girls nor very long grow times as they usually are more than worth the wait & effort.
Face of Friendship is a kush leaner while Brothers Love leans to Thai, different Face Off phenos in those crosses.

Brothers Love, Pure Thai x Face Off #9 x Pure Thai x Face Off #4.

Face of Friendship, Pure Thai x Face Off #1 x Pure Thai x Face Off #4.

Sounds interesting enough,
Nice spot, thanks! Couldn't agree more, I believe there's good potential in several of these lines. Space, time & finance have the final say for me & I'm short of all 3! Hope someone snags a pack or 5 & gives a decent grow report to confirm the awesomeness.
I tried THCv strain Wild Thai to see if it was true it is an appetite surpressant and it seemed to me that it was. Heart race wasn't noticeable to me. Maui Waui literally makes my heart beat faster, but is that the same as racey? I despise weed that gives me anxiety but neither of these do. What terps are in waui? It's advertised to smell like fruit punch. If there is a difference between heart racing and beating faster it would be nice to figure out.