Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
I am not a pedophile, nor do I side with them, their preferences are not my preferences. Your innuendo is shameful and unwarranted, vindictive even. I fucked with London Fog who obsessively attempts to start conversations about kiddie diddling, like you have.

My dog is ten years old and he's been humping legs since he was a pup. I don't give him candy though, bad for his teeth. Now go cry.
I actual prefer to start a conversation asking how your mother is doing. Because you can't admit that a child cannot consent to sex with an adult , we usually wind up disagreeing. There is also that problem with your views on civil rights and the fact you are a hypocrite


Well-Known Member
the narcissist says he isn't a narcissist.

OK, totally believable.

Except for the fact that he is always talking about himself in the grandest of terms to the point of delusion.
Exactly plus he infantilises child rape with the term “kiddie diddler” then goes on to mention their teeth as his main concern.


Well-Known Member
I notice the personal attacks multiply when there are no valid arguments.

I can see why, with all the state and corperate sponsored media manipulation, that people might be concerned about Bernie's candidacy.

Yet even as Biden skips his own party's biggest convention in the most populous state, Bernie gets standing ovations from a packed house.

There's no doubt about whom the citizens are choosing.


Well-Known Member
I notice the personal attacks multiply when there are no valid arguments.

I can see why, with all the state and corperate sponsored media manipulation, that people might be concerned about Bernie's candidacy.

Yet even as Biden skips his own party's biggest convention in the most populous state, Bernie gets standing ovations from a packed house.

There's no doubt about whom the citizens are choosing.
Did you see when John Delaney trotted out Fogdogs argument about how a billion Americans love their current healthcare only to be booed for an entire minute straight? Or when Hickenlooper said "Socialism is not the answer" and got completely shut down?


Well-Known Member
I notice the personal attacks multiply when there are no valid arguments.

I can see why, with all the state and corperate sponsored media manipulation, that people might be concerned about Bernie's candidacy.

Yet even as Biden skips his own party's biggest convention in the most populous state, Bernie gets standing ovations from a packed house.

There's no doubt about whom the citizens are choosing.

"And y'all wonder why no one outside your echo chamber takes you seriously."



Well-Known Member
Bernie finally says he would have won;

Notice the interview is for Telemundo. He knows he isn't getting a fair shake from the American MSM propagandists, so why give them the scoop?


Well-Known Member
Bernie finally says he would have won;

Notice the interview is for Telemundo. He knows he isn't getting a fair shake from the American MSM propagandists, so why give them the scoop?
He had to beat Clinton and couldn't even do that.

Is this where you tell me that black people and women are more easily manipulated than white people?

Go ahead and say that Mr brutal dictator supporting neoliberal.


Well-Known Member
Did you see when John Delaney trotted out Fogdogs argument about how a billion Americans love their current healthcare only to be booed for an entire minute straight? Or when Hickenlooper said "Socialism is not the answer" and got completely shut down?
If you don't like what Gallup says, you could go out and find some obscure poll that is ten years old and trot it out to "show me up". I don't care.

Answer this question: If Bernie's plan is so good, why does it force people into Medicare? If it's so good why wouldn't he give people the choice?


Well-Known Member
If you don't like what Gallup says, you could go out and find some obscure poll that is ten years old and trot it out to "show me up". I don't care.

Answer this question: If Bernie's plan is so good, why does it force people into Medicare? If it's so good why wouldn't he give people the choice?
Maybe you can tell us why Gallup, among others, can't seem to get those under 50 to give their opinion?

Over 50 goes for Biden, like you.

Under 50 goes heavily for Progressives in general and Bernie in particular. And as of 2018, more of them vote.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you can tell us why Gallup, among others, can't seem to get those under 50 to give their opinion?

Over 50 goes for Biden, like you.

Under 50 goes heavily for Progressives in general and Bernie in particular. And as of 2018, more of them vote.
Maybe you just read propaganda. I can't help you with your delusions.

Here is the poll in question. Find something factual to criticize it with:

Note that people enrolled in Medicare like their coverage too. Medicare for all can work, but your authoritaryian leader, Bernie Sanders is making the issue a disaster for Democrats by forcing people into it. It's almost as if he were getting paid by Russians to muck up the election for Democrats.


Well-Known Member
If you don't like what Gallup says, you could go out and find some obscure poll that is ten years old and trot it out to "show me up". I don't care.
You're the one that claims opinion polls don't matter, yet here you are, citing another opinion poll you think makes your point
Answer this question: If Bernie's plan is so good, why does it force people into Medicare? If it's so good why wouldn't he give people the choice?
Sanders plan doesn't force anyone into Medicare. It provides healthcare coverage for millions of people without it. The individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act forced people to buy into it under threat of financial penalty if they didn't. Where were your cries of tyranny, then? The way insurance works, if the wealthiest individuals can simply opt out of it because they can afford to buy private insurance for themselves and be taken care of, the system would fail. Everyone is required to opt into the system because, just like Obamacare, it wouldn't work without them. People like their doctors, not their insurance policy. Under Sanders proposal, nothing changes at the point of service except the provider. This has overwhelming support within the Democratic party and majority support among Republican voters.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I actual prefer to start a conversation asking how your mother is doing. Because you can't admit that a child cannot consent to sex with an adult , we usually wind up disagreeing. There is also that problem with your views on civil rights and the fact you are a hypocrite
Mom's doing well, still puttering in her flower garden. Thank you for asking.

The only people who can consent or have consented are those who possess the wherewithal to and have individually expressed it. Which part of that would you say you disagree with?

I could never force an unwilling person to serve me, I'm sorry that you feel gaining a persons individual consent isn't an important component of an interaction. (that means you are a hypocrite)


Well-Known Member
Mom's doing well, still puttering in her flower garden. Thank you for asking.

The only people who can consent or have consented are those who possess the wherewithal to and have individually expressed it. Which part of that would you say you disagree with?

I could never force an unwilling person to serve me, I'm sorry that you feel gaining a persons individual consent isn't an important component of an interaction. (that means you are a hypocrite)
You are a pedophile


Well-Known Member
You're the one that claims opinion polls don't matter, yet here you are, citing another opinion poll you think makes your point

Sanders plan doesn't force anyone into Medicare. It provides healthcare coverage for millions of people without it. The individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act forced people to buy into it under threat of financial penalty if they didn't. Where were your cries of tyranny, then? The way insurance works, if the wealthiest individuals can simply opt out of it because they can afford to buy private insurance for themselves and be taken care of, the system would fail. Everyone is required to opt into the system because, just like Obamacare, it wouldn't work without them. People like their doctors, not their insurance policy. Under Sanders proposal, nothing changes at the point of service except the provider. This has overwhelming support within the Democratic party and majority support among Republican voters.
oh horse shit.

You keep repeating the same stupid lie as if it will be true the next time.

Cite a report from a valid news source that says what you just said about not forcing people from the private plans. Bernie's plan most certainly forces practically all US residents from coverage they like into Medicare. If his plan were so good why would that be necessary? Just answer that question, bitch.

He still hasn't said how it will be paid for either.

The shift would eliminate much of the private health insurance system in favor of government-run coverage, relegating private plans to covering only a small slice of services deemed elective procedures.


Well-Known Member
So pull your head out of that tin can, already!

You've chosen sides, I get that.

But if Bernie supporters are in an echo chamber, that motherfucker is big enough for the whole country!

My post has quote marks around it, because ...

I was quoting YOU! :roll:



Well-Known Member
Did you see when John Delaney trotted out Fogdogs argument about how a billion Americans love their current healthcare only to be booed for an entire minute straight? Or when Hickenlooper said "Socialism is not the answer" and got completely shut down?
I noticed and it was hilarious.

Those who refuse to see the future will forever remain in the past..and don't forget to MAGA!