Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
I said no JD ever compromised their values to work with centrist corporate Democrats. You said xyz JDs worked with centrist Dem xyz. I reiterated, they may have worked with them, but they didn't do it at the expense of their values
Just putting this out there to correct your statement. You have a flexible memory.

Are you are aware that every so-called Democratic socialist elected to office ran as Democrats and serve their districts as members of the Democratic Party? They are few in number and and every one of them work with other Democrats to get work done for their districts.
None of them work with corporate Democrats to "get work done for their districts". They don't compromise on their values or barter with their beliefs because they're actually principled


Well-Known Member
(1) How can you quantify the effect it had?

(2) I don't place blame on Hillary Clinton for Bill Clinton signing the bill that killed Glass-Steagall, for example. But her political record throughout her entire career in politics has been that of a conservative Democrat. Previous to entering politics, she was a 'Goldwater girl'. Her voting record while serving as a Senator from NY reflects that; she voted for the Iraq War, the biggest foreign policy blunder in modern American history. Imo, that alone is a disqualifier to be president. Beyond that, she didn't support gay marriage until 2013, she doesn't support universal healthcare, and she doesn't support enacting a living wage. Her credentials speak for themselves, no foreign interference required

(3) CNN, MSNBC, FOX, etc. Cable news broadcasters who depend on selling ad space. Most mainstream media outlets carry an establishment political bias which is why they were overwhelmingly favorable to Clinton and opposed to Sanders

(4) I agree, which is why I support public funding of elections and enacting a 28th amendment that eliminates legal corruption from influencing our elections. Democratic party elites, and establishment sycophants refuse to even acknowledge the existence of the possibility of corruption influencing the Democratic party in the same way NRA money or defense contractor money influences the Republican party

(5) Again, no real way to quantify that, so all we're left with is speculation upon which no real conclusion can be drawn. Her voting record as Senator absolutely turned me off to voting for her

(6) The harm to Clinton's campaign wasn't brought by the exposure of the emails between the DNC and her campaign, it was the content of said emails that proved to many voters their vote didn't actually matter, and further fortified in the class action fraud lawsuit that followed by the DNCs own lawyer stating they could choose the Democratic nominee in a "smoke filled back room" if they wanted to and it would be completely legal

This had a dramatic effect on voter apathy at the polls, and I believe, led to a significant enough amount of people to just walk away from the election all together because they felt like they had no say in it anyway

(7) ?

(9) The Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC was part of a fraud on American voters. Wikileaks simply exposed it. In no rational context does the idea of blaming the people who exposed government corruption exist. If it did, we wouldn't blame Nixon, we'd blame Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein for publishing Mark Felt's accounts of Watergate in WaPO, but we don't.

It's the responsibility of journalists to expose government corruption and hold politicians accountable. By giving 35 year sentences to heroic whistleblowers while those who commit the crimes they expose go unpunished, you help create a precedent that the 1st amendment can be subverted if the administration in charge can simply deem it a 'national security threat', and bury under the rug any evidence of their corruption
Thanks for this. I'm not even going to bother with the next 10 pages of this thread.


Well-Known Member
you said you prefer trump over biden
I'm voting for Bernie. If the DNC has to screw over there American people then they will deserve what they get.

Until the American people realize the game is rigged in favor of the wealthy elites and then do something about it, the conversation is pointless.


Well-Known Member
I'm voting for Bernie. If the DNC has to screw over there American people then they will deserve what they get.

Until the American people realize the game is rigged in favor of the wealthy elites and then do something about it, the conversation is pointless.
you said you prefer trump over biden

why should i take anything you say seriously after that?


Well-Known Member
You just said you'd stay home if they nominated Biden.
No, I said I probably would abstain. I'm willing to give him a chance if he comes out explicitly (and not through a spokesman) in direct and what I would deem sufficient support of one of my most important issues. Don't distort what I say and make me out to be a Bernie or Bust or anything like you. Also, I further specified that I am from a solid blue state, which mitigates my possible abstention.

Don't fucking twist shit around.
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Well-Known Member
No, I said I probably would abstain. I'm willing to give him a chance if he comes out explicitly (and not through a spokesman) in direct and what I would deem sufficient support of one of my most important issues. Don't distort what I say and make me out to be a Bernie or Bust or anything like you. Also, I further specified that I am from a solid blue state, which mitigates my possible abstention.

Don't fucking twist shit around.
I said nothing of the sort. You and your compatriots here are the Masters of twist.

I'm voting for Bernie. Y'all vote for whomever you like.

We'll compare notes in a couple of years and see whose hunch was closest to the mark.


Well-Known Member
Bernie cult, huh?

What about the poor Lil billionaires cult? Or the establishment Democrats will save us cult?


Well-Known Member
Buck, you live under a rock. Not only can felons vote in Colorado but people on probation can too.

Any more pernicious lies you'd like to serve up tonight? They're your specialty, after all.