Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
I said nothing of the sort. You and your compatriots here are the Masters of twist.

I'm voting for Bernie. Y'all vote for whomever you like.

We'll compare notes in a couple of years and see whose hunch was closest to the mark.
Yet, you did say, "I'd rather see Trump in office for 4 more years than Biden. ".

Translation: You'd rather see Trump in office than the person the majority of Democrats vote for if they don't vote for the right person. Bernie bros are authoritarian assholes.

Bernie sucks and so do you.


Well-Known Member
Yet, you did say, "I'd rather see Trump in office for 4 more years than Biden. ".

Translation: You'd rather see Trump in office than the person the majority of Democrats vote for if they don't vote for the right person. Bernie bros are authoritarian assholes.

Bernie sucks and so do you.
Your post makes no sense.

I'm sick of Democrats presenting themselves as savior's of the middle class, while betraying is at every turn. At least Republicans are honest about it.

I wish there were more progressive candidates to choose from than just Bernie Sanders but I'll take what's available.

It isn't about Bernie; it's about his policies.



Well-Known Member
I wish there were more progressive candidates to choose from than just Bernie Sanders but I'll take what's available.

It isn't about Bernie; it's about his policies.

Now be honest with yourself Shyttstikk. Nobody on this website will believe that. Don't blaspheme your savior Saint Bernard.


Well-Known Member
That's not me whining, I was quoting you. :roll:

So that makes YOU the whiner! Every time someone who is actually paying attention tells you that Bernie won't win, you chide them for it. Then you call them one of your juvenile names.

Yeah, that's great for page views! :roll:

No! Tty's important. HE KEEPS TELLING US!!!


Well-Known Member
Your post makes no sense.

I'm sick of Democrats presenting themselves as savior's of the middle class, while betraying is at every turn. At least Republicans are honest about it.

I wish there were more progressive candidates to choose from than just Bernie Sanders but I'll take what's available.

It isn't about Bernie; it's about his policies.

Your reply makes no sense.

Warren is now the enemy,corporate Democrat, is she?


Well-Known Member
TTY is a lowlife who uses woman, neglects his child and is fugly as fuck ( which is fucked and ugly ) Face is one mound of pale shit formed to resemble something of a face. Something like Blob from the Gigglesnort hotel


Well-Known Member
TTY is a lowlife who uses woman, neglects his child and is fugly as fuck ( which is fucked and ugly ) Face is one mound of pale shit formed to resemble something of a face. Something like Blob from the Gigglesnort hotel
There Is a resemblance.

The smile is genuine in Gigglesnort, though.


Well-Known Member
Say what you want about Bill Clinton's Labor Secretary Robert Reich, but one thing is for sure. He's got his facts straight- unlike many here;

What this illustrates is that Sanders is no fringe Leftist radical; his platform in fact reflects what the majority of Americans want- including the majority of Republicans.

What this means is that 'Progressives' such as Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are not only not Progressive at all but are in fact to the political right of the Trump base.

Let that sink in for awhile...


Well-Known Member
Say what you want about Bill Clinton's Labor Secretary Robert Reich, but one thing is for sure. He's got his facts straight- unlike many here;

What this illustrates is that Sanders is no fringe Leftist radical; his platform in fact reflects what the majority of Americans want- including the majority of Republicans.

What this means is that 'Progressives' such as Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are not only not Progressive at all but are in fact to the political right of the Trump base.

Let that sink in for awhile...


Well-Known Member
Sanders has accomplished a lot as a congressman, in the past few years alone he's pressured Amazon, Disney, and the entire fast food industry to raise their wages to at least $15/hour

That talking point doesn't hold weight because it's not backed up by evidence. It's a lie opponents voice hoping nobody looks into it, and as the gullible lemming you are, you voiced it too


Well-Known Member
So a well researched video full of verifiable statistics by a highly respected expert in his field about the actual preferences of real American voters is- in your opinion- retarded?

No one should take anything you ever have to say seriously.
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Well-Known Member
So a week researched prefer about the actual preferences of real American voters is- in your opinion- retarded?

No one should take anything you ever have to say seriously.
No one really does as far as policy goes. This flavor of analysis resulted in Trump, and now they're coming back for seconds with an even more centrist compromise in Biden. It's funny to watch the flock fly away in the hopes that the debates will save them later