Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
TO be honest here, I dont give a flying fuck what it costs. Not one bit. You dudes turn a blind eye every time to military increases every fucking time ... tax break for the rich .... every fucking time ... Not once ... ever ... do you guys ever ask yourselves ... how are we going to pay for it ? Nah push that shit through no prob ... wait .. a bill that will actually help americans ? How are you going to pay for it is the first thing out of your mouth.
I don't give a flying fuck about your poor logic. Objecting to Bernies stupid and lazy approach toward healthcare is not a left or right stance but simply a demand for good legislation. It has nothing to do with the other crap you flung into your post either.

350 million people depend on our healthcare system and Bernie's bill would completely upend it without a good plan for managing the change. He hasn't included how it would be paid for. His bill lacks details that would make a good cost analysis possible, so, no price tag along with no means to pay. Then, simply demanding the healthcare system accept Medicare payments for services without working through HOW they would do that is not only lazy on his part but fails to assure uninterrupted health care services.

For the record, I'm against increasing taxes by $10,000 on anybody who makes $30,000 to pay for Bernie's healthcare plan. You cannot say they won't either. Because Bernie's bill doesn't say how it will be paid for.

So, if you want to argue with my objections to Bernies stupid ass plan, then address those points. If you want to be an asshole who doesn't make any sense, then by all means, throw up your logical fallacy that somehow because I object to Bernie's stupid healthcare plan then I'm the reason the US has been in constant war ever since 9-11. What a shit stupid argument you have there.


Well-Known Member
He's all alone on a sinking ship. Calls the people who never went on board that sinking ship, fools. He ought to know, he wrote that damn bill.

He should have done a better job when he wrote that health care bill. As it is, he's set back progress towards universal healthcare.
That's right. All alone with an audience wildly cheering him on.

Do you still work at being that stupid or does it come naturally now?


Well-Known Member
Speaking of lies... The other day you claimed that I would "sing Biden's praises" if he took diabetics to Canada. I asked you to cite one case of me singing Biden's praises. Like a coward, you just ran away.

You lie constantly. I guess you think you are entitled. Kind of the same way you felt entitled to abuse your girlfriend and force her to engage in hazardous and unpleasant sex work and then take most of her money.

You just can't help yourself. You are a low quality human.

Like Trump, a lie to you is something that is true but not in your favor.

Sad excuse for a man, Tyler
The moment you make it personal you've lost the argument.


Well-Known Member
TO be honest here, I dont give a flying fuck what it costs. Not one bit. You dudes turn a blind eye every time to military increases every fucking time ... tax break for the rich .... every fucking time ... Not once ... ever ... do you guys ever ask yourselves ... how are we going to pay for it ? Nah push that shit through no prob ... wait .. a bill that will actually help americans ? How are you going to pay for it is the first thing out of your mouth.
Balancing the budget and being fiscally responsible is simply not an American priority. You have hit the nail on the head; when it comes to the American people, every price is too high- but for corporations, no price is too much!

If the motherfuckers need a balanced budget they have two great options; reduce the Global War of Terrorism budget or tax the rich! Heck, why not both?!


Well-Known Member

Bernie 2020!

No one else is even on the same page.

The clown crew on this site who find it fashionable to trash the Sanders campaign are either stupid or corporate shills- and none of them are smart enough for that.
Why are insults only permissible coming from you Tyler?

I'm not voting for Bernie because he's going to raise my taxes.
Screenshot 2019-07-31 at 12.06.32 PM.png


Well-Known Member
Why are they okay from anyone here?

Funny how you insult me and then whine when I follow suit.

That's called hypocrisy and I will admit you are amazingly talented at it.
Words have meaning Tyler. I didn't whine. I asked you a question. You responded with an insult because you're not capable of having a discussion without doing it, and according to you, you lost the debate once you did.

I don't want to vote for Bernie because my taxes would go up substantially. You don't care about taxes because you don't have a job.


Well-Known Member
The moment you make it personal you've lost the argument.
Uh, nope. You are a liar. You lie a lot and are just using my pointing out what a human shitball you are to sidestep this.

I imagine you used the same mindgames on your girlfriend when you made her engage in hazardous and unpleasant sex work and then took most of her money.

That's fucked up.


Well-Known Member
Uh, nope. You are a liar. You lie a lot and are just using my pointing out what a human shitball you are to sidestep this.

I imagine you used the same mindgames on your girlfriend when you made her engage in hazardous and unpleasant sex work and then took most of her money.

That's fucked up.
Tyler ruined his girlfriends life. Poor dear is still getting arrested.


Well-Known Member
But she can still vote. It doesn't sound like a felony.

Good for her.

I hope she recovers from 14 year's of Tyler's abuse. It couldn't have helped when he took all her stuff and dumped it outside her friends house the night before Schuylaar arrived. At least she finally got her cat back.


Well-Known Member
Lol, what the ?? I had no idea.. the lives people really live. I never would have guessed it was so abusive. I hope Schuylaar didn’t get hurt.
Nah, she was just a casual thing. Tyler described her as an old hag but was still happy to ride "the dirt trail.". He already had a new girlfriend when Schuylaar came to visit - lucky girl. Hopefully, Kathleen got out quickly.
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Well-Known Member
That's right. All alone with an audience wildly cheering him on.

Do you still work at being that stupid or does it come naturally now?
Yep, Sanders ship is sinking.

YouGov JUL 27-30, 2019
Biden 26%
Warren 18%
Sanders 13%
Harris 10%

Warren has been leading Sanders for more than two months. She told her supporters to clap for Sanders too. LOL you fool.

Is Warren the enemy now?


Well-Known Member
TO be honest here, I dont give a flying fuck what it costs. Not one bit. You dudes turn a blind eye every time to military increases every fucking time ... tax break for the rich .... every fucking time ... Not once ... ever ... do you guys ever ask yourselves ... how are we going to pay for it ? Nah push that shit through no prob ... wait .. a bill that will actually help americans ? How are you going to pay for it is the first thing out of your mouth.
It's the biggest tax hike in history. Even for people just above the poverty line it's an additional 10k annually. I personally would not want it if it cost half of that. I don't want Medicare. I want basic coverage and a high deductible to keep my costs down. He does not leave the option to do so. He mandates that we all have this shit.

Do you even have a concept of how big that number is? The military budget is a tiny fraction of that number.


Well-Known Member
Balancing the budget and being fiscally responsible is simply not an American priority. You have hit the nail on the head; when it comes to the American people, every price is too high- but for corporations, no price is too much!

If the motherfuckers need a balanced budget they have two great options; reduce the Global War of Terrorism budget or tax the rich! Heck, why not both?!
LOL so you want to add what amounts to 5 times our current defense spending giving everyone medicare while costing 1 million jobs, giving doctors a pay cut and forcing everyone to have comprehensive coverage even if they prefer a basic plan with a high deductible and a very low premium. What's next, yachts for everyone? This is raising middle class taxes drastically, even senile 80 year old Sanders admits that.


Well-Known Member
TO be honest here, I dont give a flying fuck what it costs. Not one bit. You dudes turn a blind eye every time to military increases every fucking time ... tax break for the rich .... every fucking time ... Not once ... ever ... do you guys ever ask yourselves ... how are we going to pay for it ? Nah push that shit through no prob ... wait .. a bill that will actually help americans ? How are you going to pay for it is the first thing out of your mouth.
M4A won't happen anytime soon. It would be easily the biggest tax hike in history. For comparison, the military budget will be between 6.5T and 7.5T for the next decade. M4A would cost between 32T and 49T. Even Bernie's bill says taxes will be increased by 10k for people making 30k. Problem is, that still only pays for half of his estimate, which many experts say is way short.
To be honest, when presented with this pricetag, I prefer (at least for me) the most basic barebones coverage and a high deductible to keep my costs down. The idea of M4A is already scrapped. Nationalizing that cost would be hilariously frightening without a real regulatory body to bring the costs way down and make the country much healthier.
Measures like sugar taxes to pay for metabolic disorders like diabetes (by far the biggest draw on the system), tobacco taxes to pay for emphysema and lung cancer etc. It's just not a political reality that people are going to support it in majority numbers sufficient to pass it once people learn the cost. That's not defeatism either, that is genuine opposition on both sides of the aisle. I for one am vehemently opposed to M4A until costs come way down to a par with countries that have successful single-payer programs.
The way to achieve universal healthcare, in the real world, is to get everyone covered first. 27 million Americans are still uncovered. Then we can talk about giving everyone, including immigrants, complete comprehensive coverage with no copays and no deductibles.
It's not that people don't want it. I for one want a 120 meter yacht. In the real world, shit costs money. Besides, it would make doctors take a pay cut and eliminate the 1 million jobs in health insurance. At least the military creates jobs. But please, don't ascribe any views to me. I'm just explaining the reality, not my feelings.


Well-Known Member
M4A won't happen anytime soon. It would be easily the biggest tax hike in history. For comparison, the military budget will be between 6.5T and 7.5T for the next decade. M4A would cost between 32T and 49T. Even Bernie's bill says taxes will be increased by 10k for people making 30k. Problem is, that still only pays for half of his estimate, which many experts say is way short.
To be honest, when presented with this pricetag, I prefer (at least for me) the most basic barebones coverage and a high deductible to keep my costs down. The idea of M4A is already scrapped. Nationalizing that cost would be hilariously frightening without a real regulatory body to bring the costs way down and make the country much healthier.
Measures like sugar taxes to pay for metabolic disorders like diabetes (by far the biggest draw on the system), tobacco taxes to pay for emphysema and lung cancer etc. It's just not a political reality that people are going to support it in majority numbers sufficient to pass it once people learn the cost. That's not defeatism either, that is genuine opposition on both sides of the aisle. I for one am vehemently opposed to M4A until costs come way down to a par with countries that have successful single-payer programs.
The way to achieve universal healthcare, in the real world, is to get everyone covered first. 27 million Americans are still uncovered. Then we can talk about giving everyone, including immigrants, complete comprehensive coverage with no copays and no deductibles.
It's not that people don't want it. I for one want a 120 meter yacht. In the real world, shit costs money. Besides, it would make doctors take a pay cut and eliminate the 1 million jobs in health insurance. At least the military creates jobs. But please, don't ascribe any views to me. I'm just explaining the reality, not my feelings.
Then vote for Joe Biden. Or a republican. No difference.

If any of the numbers you post are true, then how does every other developed nation afford healthcare for their citizens with no cost at the point of care?

You might try thinking. I know it's hard for you, but you really need the practice.