Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
The personal integrity of the participants in a debate is important and self consistency is the hallmark of integrity. Trump exhibits none of these traits and neither do you. I'm left of center and the ad hominem attacks on your character are justified, folks need to know who they are dealing with, one who trades in self delusion. I have no desire to attack or troll you and have no interest in who the democratic nominee is, just as long as the can beat Trump, I don't give a shit if they have horns and a fucking tail. I just want you to be on notice and I'm not gonna respond to yer posts much and you won't like it when I do. I steer clear of American domestic politics for the most part, not my concern.
His weed is shit too.



Well-Known Member
The personal integrity of the participants in a debate is important and self consistency is the hallmark of integrity. Trump exhibits none of these traits and neither do you. I'm left of center and the ad hominem attacks on your character are justified, folks need to know who they are dealing with, one who trades in self delusion. I have no desire to attack or troll you and have no interest in who the democratic nominee is, just as long as the can beat Trump, I don't give a shit if they have horns and a fucking tail. I just want you to be on notice and I'm not gonna respond to yer posts much and you won't like it when I do. I steer clear of American domestic politics for the most part, not my concern.
Thanks for letting me know that you'd rather fight than think.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you are. It's just illegal for you to vote.
Nope. Perfectly legal, clown.

You're as wrong about this as you are on most topics you post about here.

Now get back to work and stop stealing your employer's time.

Consistently bad!
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for letting me know that you'd rather fight than think.
I think just fine and I'm very clear on my motives and intentions, it shows through. I'm just not clear on yours, like I said no trolling and no attacking. Stating an opinion and figure it was good for you know, domestic politics is not my thing. It doesn't mean I won't counter disinformation if you get on any of the topics where I post, I'm real hard on that and fruit cake ideas and disinformation about the novichok attack in the UK for instance. If I see ya doing it I'll rip ya a new one in a heartbeat while trying to keep ad hominem attacks to a minimum.

Quit this bullshit and just vote for the fucking democrat candidate and I figure you'll do a lot better and get a lot further towards your stated goal of some fucking socialist utopia. Self consistency remember, and not believing every turd of bullshit that drops off the Russian disinformation wagon. This stuff must be causing you a lot of stress in your life and most folks don't need more grief, social media can be corrosive for ones character and cause stress and social anxiety. It can exacerbate character defects too.


Well-Known Member
I think just fine and I'm very clear on my motives and intentions, it shows through. I'm just not clear on yours, like I said no trolling and no attacking. Stating an opinion and figure it was good for you know, domestic politics is not my thing. It doesn't mean I won't counter disinformation if you get on any of the topics where I post, I'm real hard on that and fruit cake ideas and disinformation about the novichok attack in the UK for instance. If I see ya doing it I'll rip ya a new one in a heartbeat while trying to keep ad hominem attacks to a minimum.

Quit this bullshit and just vote for the fucking democrat candidate and I figure you'll do a lot better and get a lot further towards your stated goal of some fucking socialist utopia. Self consistency remember, and not believing every turd of bullshit that drops off the disinformation Russian disinformation wagon. This stuff must be causing you a lot of stress in your life and most folks don't need more grief, social media can be corrosive for ones character and cause stress and social anxiety.
The novichuk affair is just as manufactured as Assad's chemical weapons.

But just like any American, you are fully entitled to your delusions and I leave you to them.

Fuck the Democratic Party, until and unless they actually start representing my interests as a middle class citizen. And just to clarify for all the binary thinkers out there; no, that doesn't make me a Republican.


Well-Known Member
The Colorado courts say you are lying, pimp.

But I understand you lying about it.

You are not a Colorado resident and you are very clearly an incompetent legal resource on the state's laws. I have just as much of a right to vote as you do and I fully intend to use it every chance I get.

And since you're crying about this, you know you've lost the debate about Bernie. So thanks for the public concession!

Now quit stealing your boss's time and do something useful.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for letting me know that you'd rather fight than think.
It's quite possible to think and reject the worthless piece of daughter-can't-even-live-with-him piece of shit that you are.

But you're such a Trump-like narcissist that you can't understand that.

I think we have all had enough of the "if you aren't with me, you suck" crap, pimp. Play your abusive mind games someplace else.


Well-Known Member
You are not a Colorado resident and you are very clearly an incompetent legal resource on the state's laws. I have just as much of a right to vote as you do and I fully intend to use it every chance I get.

Now quit stealing your boss's time and do something useful.
Lol, moralizing from the pimp who waits in the parking lot while he sends his girlfriend into a sleazy motel to fuck a stranger and then take most of her money...

Priceless. I love you.


Well-Known Member
It's quite possible to think and reject the worthless piece of daughter-can't-even-live-with-him piece of shit that you are.

But you're such a Trump-like narcissist that you can't understand that.

I think we have all had enough of the "if you aren't with me, you suck" crap, pimp. Play your abusive mind games someplace else.
My daughter is getting the opportunity of a lifetime and will soon be attending one of the world's most prestigious universities.


And since you're making personal of topic attacks again, you're clearly aware that you can't debate the superiority of a Bernie Sanders presidency on the merits. Thanks for yet another public concession!

When will you ever learn? Constant vapid attacks and bullying only ruin your own credibility- not that you've ever had much.


Well-Known Member
My daughter is getting the opportunity of a lifetime and will soon be attending one of the world's most prestigious universities.


And since you're making personal of topic attacks again, you're clearly aware that you can't debate the superiority of a Bernie Sanders presidency on the merits. Thanks for yet another public concession!

When will you ever learn? Constant vapid attacks and bullying only ruin your own credibility- not that you've ever had much.
Justify it as you wish, dad-of-the-year. You certainly have no problem justifying your other predatory and abusive behavior.

I am just glad the rest of your family realized what a horrible situation she was in and rescued her. She deserves a break.


Well-Known Member
The novichuk affair is just as manufactured as Assad's chemical weapons.

But just like any American, you are fully entitled to your delusions and I leave you to them.

Fuck the Democratic Party, until and unless they actually start representing my interests as a middle class citizen. And just to clarify for all the binary thinkers out there; no, that doesn't make me a Republican.

Fuck your interests, pimp.


Well-Known Member
The novichuk affair is just as manufactured as Assad's chemical weapons.

But just like any American, you are fully entitled to your delusions and I leave you to them.

Fuck the Democratic Party, until and unless they actually start representing my interests as a middle class citizen. And just to clarify for all the binary thinkers out there; no, that doesn't make me a Republican.
Looks like the stress is getting to ya like Trump, social media can do that, especially the anonymous kind and especially if yer not. You are at a serious disadvantage on these forums, especially if your character is suspect, you might consider staying away from it for a spell and give yer self a rest.


Well-Known Member
You've got no class or common sense either if you believe that bullshit, off topic here and not worth of discussion, I told ya what I thought of it on the thread
Can you defend that statement with something approaching evidence, or have you sunk to the low standards of the gang of clowns here?

I have plenty of sense; Clinton and Obama did far more for the elites than they did for average Americans and Mrs Clinton would have been no different. Why should I vote for that?

What this country needs is a return to FDR's New Deal, along with getting serious about repairing the environment and developing renewable energy.

The Democratic Party isn't interested in doing any such thing and they won't be until they're forced off the corrupt influence of millions of dollars in campaign cash.


Well-Known Member
Justify it as you wish, dad-of-the-year. You certainly have no problem justifying your other predatory and abusive behavior.

I am just glad the rest of your family realized what a horrible situation she was in and rescued her. She deserves a break.
Yet another public concession that you know you've been beaten when it comes to Bernie Sanders being the best candidate for America's future.