Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
The novichuk affair is just as manufactured as Assad's chemical weapons.

But just like any American, you are fully entitled to your delusions and I leave you to them.

Fuck the Democratic Party, until and unless they actually start representing my interests as a middle class citizen. And just to clarify for all the binary thinkers out there; no, that doesn't make me a Republican.
Using free markets to create a richer, freer, happier world
Some suggested reading to form a foundation of knowledge in economics, Smith is not who you might think and didn't invent capitalism, but understood it better and human nature too than anybody of his time. Learn at this master's knee, many have to their great profit


Well-Known Member
Using free markets to create a richer, freer, happier world
Some suggested reading to form a foundation of knowledge in economics, Smith is not who you might think and didn't invent capitalism, but understood it better and human nature too than anybody of his time. Learn at this master's knee, many have to their great profit
Unlike most here, I've studied Adam Smith. Another of his many economic observations was that letting capitalism run amok without effective regulation is a surefire recipe for catastrophe. Funny how no one quotes that part of his work.


Well-Known Member
And that's all you've got. Anytime I come here and make you look like the political amateur you are, you trot this out like it means anything.

Keep crying. It's entertaining.
You'll keep posting as long as I give you likes.

I own you.

Post again. It's funny.

You ain't got no place else to go, Tyronius.


Well-Known Member
Unlike most here, I've studied Adam Smith. Another of his many economic observations was that letting capitalism run amok without effective regulation is a surefire recipe for catastrophe. Funny how no one quotes that part of his work.
Wow. Adam Smith you say.



Budley Doright

Well-Known Member

Ask the Brits how that privatization of public utilities from energy to trains to health is going for them.

Why do you think you'd see lower prices from an outfit whose first priority is profit? Especially when that service is necessary, resistant to price shopping or competition and in a mature industry?

Thatcherites are grifters, plain and simple.
Key word in my post was NFP which in smart people terms is Not For Profit. And did I say I wanted it or did I say I wonder if it would be more efficient. It’s unlike you to change the meaning of something to suit your dialogue ...... what gives?


Well-Known Member
Key word in my post was NFP which in smart people terms is Not For Profit. And did I say I wanted it or did I say I wonder if it would be more efficient. It’s unlike you to change the meaning of something to suit your dialogue ...... what gives?
I didn't realize the significance of the acronym. In America such organizations are called non profits. And no I don't think it would be an improvement. More accountability and oversight would likely be more effective.

And you wondered, so I suggested you go look at what privatization has done for British utilities.

My goodness but you're thin skinned. Don't put that on me.


Well-Known Member
Unlike most here, I've studied Adam Smith. Another of his many economic observations was that letting capitalism run amok without effective regulation is a surefire recipe for catastrophe. Funny how no one quotes that part of his work.
You are correct, he spoke of two hands, the one of regulation and policy for the common good and the hidden one. Capitalists are Smith fans and cherry pick from self interests, that much we can agree on. Glad you know smith.

I'm serious about what I said, a constant stream of abuse and the fights on social media that most people tie their egos to is very stressful and can have a corrosive effect on one, me too.

Compromised your true identify has been, consumed you will be by the forces of darkness
Another platform you must seek Master Yoda
Flee from this place you must, sanity and safety are at risk
Attacked you will be, powerful forces will seek you to the dark side they will drive you

Sometimes to discuss disinformation is to spread it and this is one of those cases with the Novichok incident.

Time to go take a rest, this is an act of compassion...
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Well-Known Member
You are correct, he spoke of two hands, the one of regulation and policy for the common good and the hidden one. Capitalists are Smith fans and cherry pick from self interests, that much we can agree on. Glad you know smith.

I'm serious about what I said, a constant stream of abuse and the fights on social media that most people tie their egos to is very stressful and can have a corrosive effect on one, me too.

Compromised your your true identify has been, consumed you will be by the forces of darkness
Another platform you must seek Master Yoda
Flee from this place you must, sanity and safety are at risk
Attacked you will be, powerful forces will seek you to the dark side they will drive you

Sometimes to discuss disinformation is to spread it and this is one of those cases with the Novichok incident.

Time to go take a rest, this is an act of compassion...

This is my forum as much as anyone else's and I've made many positive contributions here- more, I dare say, than those who would hound me for no other reason than because I'm eloquent and persuasive in my disagreements with their dogma.

Those capitalists who would misrepresent Adam Smith's work should read Milton Friedman. That fucking clown is the textbook example of an unconscious fascist.


Well-Known Member

This is my forum as much as anyone else's and I've made many positive contributions here- more, I dare say, than those who would hound me for no other reason than because I'm eloquent and persuasive in my disagreements with their dogma.

Those capitalists who would misrepresent Adam Smith's work should read Milton Friedman. That fucking clown is the textbook example of an unconscious fascist.
My concern is your stress level it adversely affects the people in your life and impacts your level of happiness. Another platform and a whole new fresh start might be useful, a rest too, your disadvantages here are obvious, but spout away, free speech and all that, bye


Well-Known Member
My concern is your stress level it adversely affects the people in your life and impacts your level of happiness. Another platform and a whole new fresh start might be useful, a rest too, your disadvantages here are obvious, but spout away, free speech and all that, bye
I appreciate your concern for my well-being. Thank you.

Please be aware that all they've managed to do is motivate me to get involved with my local and state political organisations, so you see they've backfired!

They tried to bully me and instead they've created an activist- one who's far more immune to the tactics employed here than most.


Well-Known Member

This is my forum as much as anyone else's and I've made many positive contributions here- more, I dare say, than those who would hound me for no other reason than because I'm eloquent and persuasive in my disagreements with their dogma.

Those capitalists who would misrepresent Adam Smith's work should read Milton Friedman. That fucking clown is the textbook example of an unconscious fascist.
Uh huh. And we don't like Donald Trump because he is a wise and capable leader.

Have you noticed that literally nobody agrees with you? Nah, of course not. And Donald still thinks he had the biggest inauguration ever.

You are the funniest pimp ever.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate your concern for my well-being. Thank you.

Please be aware that all they've managed to do is motivate me to get involved with my local and state political organisations, so you see they've backfired!

They tried to bully me and instead they've created an activist- one who's far more immune to the tactics employed here than most.
Lol. You're quite an asset to anybody that'll have you, pimp.


Well-Known Member
Uh huh. And we don't like Donald Trump because he is a wise and capable leader.

Have you noticed that literally nobody agrees with you? Nah, of course not. And Donald still thinks he had the biggest inauguration ever.

You are the funniest pimp ever.
This is your idea of intelligent debate?

How pathetic.

I didn't mention Trump- except to compare your behavior to his followers, strawman boy.

My favorite quote of Neil DeGrasse Tyson's is that the truth doesn't care how many people believe in it.

And the ad hom at the end still shows that deep inside you're still just a butthurt 4th grader.

But keep crying. Clearly, you have absolutely nothing better to do with your life.