Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
Let I checked, I don't owe anyone my vote. It's called freedom and you might check the definition sometime.

If the Democratic establishment wanted my vote they can earn it, just like anyone else. Their sense of entitlement is exactly how Trump got into power. Funny how y'all will blame anyone on the thinnest of excuses except the party itself for fucking things up in 2016. Bernie got screwed, plain and simple. Or why hasn't any other campaign in American history seen hundreds of stupid delegates lining up against a candidate long before the convention?
Bernie lost pure and simple.

Your slavish devotion to 'blue, no matter who!' is the very textbook definition of a cult, Mr Glass House.
You act like there is more than a party for the Wealthy White Male Only agenda and a party that has to govern for everyone else.


Well-Known Member
ABSOLUTE bullshit, smeared up daily by the resident propagandist.

Why does he have more women running his campaign than anyone else?
Does he? Is that in another of your Venezuelan "news" sites?

There are good reasons why Sanders only got 30% of the black vote and only 45% of women votes. As leaders in those groups said, they felt invisible to him. His policies are entirely economic and he goes out of his way to avoid statements that might raise the ire of white supremacists. He hasn't changed his campaign strategy one bit either. It is understandable that an ignorant white man like you wouldn't understand this and has to invent a fake conspiracy to justify a false belief.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Let I checked, I don't owe anyone my vote. It's called freedom and you might check the definition sometime.

If the Democratic establishment wanted my vote they can earn it, just like anyone else. Their sense of entitlement is exactly how Trump got into power. Funny how y'all will blame anyone on the thinnest of excuses except the party itself for fucking things up in 2016. Bernie got screwed, plain and simple. Or why hasn't any other campaign in American history seen hundreds of stupid delegates lining up against a candidate long before the convention?
But yet Bernie ran as a dem again? Why would that be if so cheated the first time?


Well-Known Member
Please explain?
You stood up a false choice, then attacked it, ignoring my point. This kind of sloppy thinking is rampant here.

I voted for Mrs Clinton and it didn't work last time- and I felt dishonest about it anyway.

This time I'm voting for the candidate I want to see in the White House. That's not a vote for Trump. In fact, Bernie running as a Democrat is the only possible option, considering how many districts across the country don't even allow third parties.

The object of your ire should be the corrupt and out of control apparatchiks of the Democratic Party and the DNC. Blaming someone for voting their conscience is basically advocating against democracy itself.


Well-Known Member
You stood up a false choice, then attacked it, ignoring my point. This kind of sloppy thinking is rampant here.

I voted for Mrs Clinton and it didn't work last time- and I felt dishonest about it anyway.

This time I'm voting for the candidate I want to see in the White House. That's not a vote for Trump. In fact, Bernie running as a Democrat is the only possible option, considering how many districts across the country don't even allow third parties.

The object of your ire should be the corrupt and out of control apparatchiks of the Democratic Party and the DNC. Blaming someone for voting their conscience is basically advocating against democracy itself.
Third parties got on the ballot in all 50 states last election

Stop lying


Well-Known Member
You stood up a false choice, then attacked it, ignoring my point. This kind of sloppy thinking is rampant here.

I voted for Mrs Clinton and it didn't work last time- and I felt dishonest about it anyway.

This time I'm voting for the candidate I want to see in the White House. That's not a vote for Trump. In fact, Bernie running as a Democrat is the only possible option, considering how many districts across the country don't even allow third parties.

The object of your ire should be the corrupt and out of control apparatchiks of the Democratic Party and the DNC. Blaming someone for voting their conscience is basically advocating against democracy itself.
Sanders hasn't done anything to build bridges with the coalition that refused to give him their vote in 2016. Not surprised his campaign is flailing this time around too.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
You stood up a false choice, then attacked it, ignoring my point. This kind of sloppy thinking is rampant here.

I voted for Mrs Clinton and it didn't work last time- and I felt dishonest about it anyway.

This time I'm voting for the candidate I want to see in the White House. That's not a vote for Trump. In fact, Bernie running as a Democrat is the only possible option, considering how many districts across the country don't even allow third parties.

The object of your ire should be the corrupt and out of control apparatchiks of the Democratic Party and the DNC. Blaming someone for voting their conscience is basically advocating against democracy itself.
No you think it’s a false choice but it’s a choice between what Trump is doing and something less damaging if not even helpful for the American people, really there is only one choice. Do you even actually know what straw man means FFS. Again you loath the party he joined. Even to do that under the pretext he must to win, choosing the dems he has for better or worse aligned with them. As for your actions not helping Trump, was it not you that said Bernie or Trump? I think your starting to even confuse yourself.


Well-Known Member
No you think it’s a false choice but it’s a choice between what Trump is doing and something less damaging if not even helpful for the American people, really there is only one choice. Do you even actually know what straw man means FFS. Again you loath the party he joined. Even to do that under the pretext he must to win, choosing the dems he has for better or worse aligned with them. As for your actions not helping Trump, was it not you that said Bernie or Trump? I think your starting to even confuse yourself.
The only thing I'm confused about is why as a Canadian you're so worried about American politics?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
The only thing I'm confused about is why as a Canadian you're so worried about American politics?
That seems awfully like a butt hurt statement. It doesn’t effect me so why be involved? Well I hate to break it to you but yes it does effect me and it affects the world. Try refuting what I have said instead of resorting to a weak statement that reeks of lack of real logic and butt can do better lol.


Well-Known Member
That seems awfully like a butt hurt statement. It doesn’t effect me so why be involved? Well I hate to break it to you but yes it does effect me and it affects the world. Try refuting what I have said instead of resorting to a weak statement that reeks of lack of real logic and butt can do better lol.
I asked for your motivation and this seems reasonable.

America certainly does affect the rest of the world; sometimes for the better, more recently increasingly for the worse.

Having recognized that, I support politicians who want to step back from foreign wars and spend more money helping average citizens. For this, I'm viciously attacked here every day.

Think about that- and think about the kind of person it takes to justify warmongering while millions of Americans go hungry and homeless.