You're right. No public displays of my legs. How 'bout my ass instead? LOLOLOLOL
I could do it; I could. But I'm a selfish, liberal bitch, and I want to be PAID for pics of my ass. Just ask Spitzer. He found out the hard way, via the GOD DAMNED patriot act, that private stuff is no longer private.
Thank heavens that I'm not the governor of my state. What with all my sins, I might be found out, and then it'd all be over . . . including my real, liberal agenda: raising good citizens. (Well, that, and trying to have a good time, despite all the bullshit shoveled in my direction . . . but is for later, Tips. Are you in bed NOW? I'm not ready! I have to do a mask, take a bath, douche, all that stuff that we liberal lesbians do).
WTF were we?
Oh yeah. The dead bear. And your dead babies.
I have dead babies too.
What's on the music agenda tonight? Me? OH fuck me, man, Alanis and the Jagged Little Pill! I HATE MEN! Which is why Tips loves me so much.
What time, honey?
Back on track here. AGAIN.
Is everyone here, posting on this thread with any seriousness at all, aware that NC, Virginia and Colorado are now considered swing states? Anyone know how bizarro this is? How much could they--republicans--have screwed up that they've got rednecks and gun-loving maniacs in THOSE states thinking, not once, not twice, but even three times?
And where are all the conservatives now that the Dow is riding a roller coaster? And all the four-oh-one-kays have tanked?
I'll tell you where they are. They're at the Liberal Upscale Salon, having the mud removed from their collective faces, that's where.
Now, if I could get it off my face, I'd feel so much better. No, wait. I have. I've got a good mud mask on right now, to be followed by a stem-cell embryonic cell regeneration mask. And I look JUST like Tips.
We ARE still going trick-or-treating together, right? I"m leaving my legs at home, since they are broken right now.
(How much do you have to mess with me, Tips, to get this shit to come rolling off my keyboard? You know I hate men, right? WHY do you do this to me?)
(Yes, I'm aware that sounds cryptic. But you know what? I do not hate men, never. What I abhor is folks who take advantage of those who are under the gun and just going for the blood. I've had that happen yesterday and today. I'm ever so sorry if that is bleeding into this thread.)
Now. Where is everyone? We've had some very good posts on this tread, as well as some very provocative ones. Where are those folks? Where is Cheese? Vi? Hello? No refutation of my take on the myth of the liberal media? Stoney Mc Fried? Come on. Where are you guys? This election is probably the most contentious in our lifetimes. GET BACK HERE.
Love you Tips. You weirdo. Be right over. Pour a glass of Johnny Walker Black and fill the pipe (I lost mine--it was confiscated by the gift-giver . . . Indian giver).
And still, no kiss from Tips? You so mean.
I have no idea how this reads, due to my own wasted state of mind right now. Disclaimer being issued now, before I get blasted. ha ha hahahah
Edited to add? WHAT? You want to watch me fuck a baby bear? Now, that's just rude.
Seriously, though, you don't agree with me that that is just plain sick? I mean, I know I'm sick. I'm really a messed up individual (and the fascist powers are not yet able to take my children away from me, woo hoo!). But, come on, no real comment on the baby bear shot to death in NC, and then covered with Obama signs? You disappoint me every day, Tips. But this? I was expecting you be disgusted--actually, I was expecting you to be jointly disgusted WITH me over this.
Now, I am thinking I'll get rid of my legs in the signature. No, not my ass. you have to pay to see that. How about my dead pumpkins? The jack-o-lanterns? OR! Better! How about my left tit? I sometimes think I'd give that up just see this country out of the grips of these fascist freaks. So? Left tit? You want? LOLOLL
CUT IT OUT! STOP TALKING TO ME. I have to be up early in the morning to keep on the bullshit treadmill.
I"ll be right over. Fill the pipe. Get me some Johnny Walker Black in a snifter. And we can discuss the Patriot Act, Spitzer, and how about, lol, those righteous republicans and their dalliances with the congressional pages? Whaddya say?
My mask is now off and my skin looks way better than yours. Now, let's just check out your legs and everything else? Deal?