Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
Like I said before, I'm not a diehard Bernie guy, but I don't think he's a bad guy nor do I think that he has a nefarious motive and don't believe he or his supporters deserve the hate being thrown their way.

A three year plan that allows the privileged to keep their plan while people play politics just isn't resonating with people in desperate situations (Even though it will take just as long if Bernie ever gets his bill passed).
Unfortunately I don't think that Warren is as tapped into their sense of urgency as old Bernie is, and that little stunt she pulled with the "he said a woman can't win", that no one else heard, just shows that she is too far removed from the reality of the people she needs as supporters if she's gonna win.

I think if it was Warren vs Hillary, she would have easily walked away with it. Perhaps it's a question of timing, because 3 years of Trump has made peoples situations much more dire. I think she made a mistake by stepping out of the way for Hillary's ambitions.
"transition a quarter of this economy in a heartbeat." Yeah, right.

perma-berners -- you can always tell one but you can't tell them anything.


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Bernie Sanders did in fact say of George Wallace: "advocates some outrageous approaches to our problems, but at least he is sensitive to what people feel they need." It was several years after the Alabama Governor stood in the path of black students trying to go to class.


Well-Known Member
Even Biden had a far more clear and crisp rebuke of the segregationist Alabama Governor:

If Wallace got the [Democratic nomination], I would support the Republican nominee, if it were Gerald Ford, Over my dead political body is George Wallace going to get it.
Meanwhile, Bernie was going on about how sensitive the segregationist was.


Well-Known Member
With Bernie Sanders We’re going to feel the burn allright in our pockets On the other hand for those of us that Were born to a military family and Seen your love ones being deployed for war starter because our presidents ego We had lost more than 50 soldiers in one night FOR NO GOOD REASON


Well-Known Member
With Bernie Sanders We’re going to feel the burn allright in our pockets On the other hand for those of us that Were born to a military family and Seen your love ones being deployed for war starter because our presidents ego We had lost more than 50 soldiers in one night FOR NO GOOD REASON
Sanders had antiwar activists arrested.


Well-Known Member
The general election will not be decided in California. Sanders is Trump's best hope.

After today, there is no question about my decision to stick with whoever the majority of Democrats choose to represent us in November but my primary vote will not go to Sanders, the weakest choice in the primary.

Did you hear the stupid ass question he asked during the Senate trial of Donald Trump?

"Why should we believe you when you've lied so much before?"

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, is our Bernie.


Well-Known Member
"Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are in a virtual tie nationally at the top of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary field, an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds. "
Bernie is going to win. Keep whining because it motivates us Sanders'nistas to go out and vote.
Umm, yeah. Democrats will give it to the least able to understand numbers. Dude, a tie means it's not certain at all.


Well-Known Member
The general election will not be decided in California. Sanders is Trump's best hope.

After today, there is no question about my decision to stick with whoever the majority of Democrats choose to represent us in November but my primary vote will not go to Sanders, the weakest choice in the primary.

Did you hear the stupid ass question he asked during the Senate trial of Donald Trump?

"Why should we believe you when you've lied so much before?"

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, is our Bernie.
What if Sanders wins a plurality of votes but doesn't reach the 1,900 threshold and the DNC votes in the second round to elect Biden?

What if Sanders and Warren trail Biden, nobody reaches 1,900, but together, Sanders and Warren have more delegates than Biden and the DNC chooses Biden?

Will you blame Trump's inevitable reelection on Sanders supporters, again?


Well-Known Member
"Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are in a virtual tie nationally at the top of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary field, an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds. "

Umm, yeah. Democrats will give it to the least able to understand numbers. Dude, a tie means it's not certain at all.
While we're at it, what's up with ol' Joe's plagiarism during past campaigns?