Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
Online shit is so confusing. This is why I just figure I am naive enough to not know who is or isn't trolling me at anytime.
None of these accounts are socks. Travisw is smoking some good shit, makes him paranoid. He's normally pretty solid and sticks to the same persona, no instability. Londonfog has been drinking some koolaid lately. Otherwise everyone is the same person you know.


Well-Known Member
I agree with abandon

Time to verify yourself, London. You have been nothing but words forever.

And the anti Semitic conspiracy theories I’m referring to are about other things you have said

It’s getting depressing to watch


Well-Known Member
You need to show some fucking respect. You are the one talking a bunch of bullshit straight from your ass and casting shade on my status as a veteran. I was in the fucking infantry. I have medals. I was fucking involuntarily reactivated and sent back. I'm the one saying that he is a combat veteran because he was dismounted many times with a fucking rifle. You weren't. You're a petty fucking child. I don't care how old you are. So here's the challenge, send your dd214 to @rollitup to prove you served in the military. He has mine. You have casted this doubt on my status 3 fucking times now just because you're upset that I called Buttigieg a veteran.

Don't be a little bitch about it. Send it or shut the fuck up.
I wont be sending shit to rollit up. Same way I dont put fucking pics up on this web site. I once got into it with shescunk and when telling rolli about it the only thing he cared to share with me was my fucking IP address still got the pm to prove it. That right there let me know not to share info on riu.
Back to you thinking because you see some one with a fucking m16 means he is a combat vet makes me question you. EVERYONE in the military has held a rifle at one point or another. Be it on basic fucking training or on post. We always had maps on flight line with rifles...were the fucking combat vets Hell no . Stop making shit up. Where you do your basic and what was your mos


Well-Known Member
None of these accounts are socks. Travisw is smoking some good shit, makes him paranoid. He's normally pretty solid and sticks to the same persona, no instability. Londonfog has been drinking some koolaid lately. Otherwise everyone is the same person you know.
And you know this how. For all I know you can be rolli. We really dont know


Well-Known Member
I wont be sending shit to rollit up. Same way I dont put fucking pics up on this web site. I once got into it with shescunk and when telling rolli about it the only thing he cared to share with me was my fucking IP address still got the pm to prove it. That right there let me know not to share info on riu.
Back to you thinking because you see some one with a fucking m16 means he is a combat vet makes me question you. EVERYONE in the military has held a rifle at one point or another. Be it on basic fucking training or on post. We always had maps on flight line with rifles...were the fucking combat vets Hell no . Stop making shit up. Where you do your basic and what was your mos
You're a chickenshit. You know fuck-all about anything regarding what a veteran is or isn't. @rollitup served in the airforce during Vietnam. He has had my dd214 dor a while and has proven to be trustworthy. I sent it to him because I'm sick of fake ass wannabe veterans going around claiming they ever went to a warzone. If you're not going to send it to him it's because you're not who you claim. You're just a fake ass liar and you don't know shit. You don't know Afghanistan or what it is like to carry a fucking rifle walking around in an Afghan city. You're nothing.

I did my training in Fort Benning and stayed for more. My mos was 11b1p, until I advanced in rank, then the 4th digit turned to a 2, then a 3. That wasn't in my first enlistment though. I'm not interested in what your mos was or where you trained though, you're not going to put up or shut up. Your claims mean nothing. You have no credibility. I wouldn't trust anything you say without verification and I wouldn't trust you in a warzone.


Well-Known Member
You're a chickenshit. You know fuck-all about anything regarding what a veteran is or isn't. @rollitup served in the airforce during Vietnam. He has had my dd214 dor a while and has proven to be trustworthy. I sent it to him because I'm sick of fake ass wannabe veterans going around claiming they ever went to a warzone. If you're not going to send it to him it's because you're not who you claim. You're just a fake ass liar and you don't know shit. You don't know Afghanistan or what it is like to carry a fucking rifle walking around in an Afghan city. You're nothing.

I did my training in Fort Benning and stayed for more. My mos was 11b1p, until I advanced in rank, then the 4th digit turned to a 2, then a 3. That wasn't in my first enlistment though. I'm not interested in what your mos was or where you trained though, you're not going to put up or shut up. Your claims mean nothing. You have no credibility. I wouldn't trust anything you say without verification and I wouldn't trust you in a warzone.
First we dont have mos in USAF we AFSC. We only have one base to do basic called Lackland. I completed my OTC at Lackland as well before it was moved to Maxwell. You bring any one who was in the airfoce and we could talk the talk. Like we dont have a Px but a bx. TDY is something you sometimes like if you look at it like a min vaca....except ATTF in January. And I still wont put my fucking dd214 up on a weed site you nut


Well-Known Member
This fool never even deployed and had a complete meltdown and turned this into an ugly ass bickering match because a I called Pete Buttigieg a combat veteran. This is what you can expect from BernieBros. Nothing but divisiveness and disrespect.


Well-Known Member
stfu liar

If that's how you think this site is, why even post here at all?
I did learn a shit load about growing..hoping I can make a change in politics forum without the fake shit. Travis gave himself away and then double down when he lied and said I told him I was UB. That answered all my questions about him. So far you have not.


Well-Known Member
Pete Buttigieg is a combat veteran. He walked around dismounted many times in Afghanistan as an intelligence officer and drove on IED cluttered dirt roads conducting essential functions for the US Army. It took a ton of courage and he repeatedly prioritized mission over his own safety in one of the most austere and extreme warzones in the world. He was a target of extremely high value and did his job well. I don't give a fuck what this idiot says. He never even deployed and might be lying about his service altogether. He objects to Buttigieg being characterized as a combat veteran, and he never even deployed.

This ugly ass divisiveness was never necessary. He just had a meltdown and tried to degrade the quality of the debates here while fostering an environment of distasteful polemic between people who should be voting together against Trump.


Well-Known Member
If you wilt at the very idea of criticism, how can you expect to face Trump in a general election?
Who the fuck is wilting? I have defended every claim I have made and even went so far as to prove it by sending personal documents to the site's top admin. I may have tossed in some insults when addressing the childish and petty garbage you call contributions but I always address the arguments and I haven't backed down at all.

You consistently fail to do so. When you have no response to something, you just start repeating yourself and posting screenshots of polls.


Well-Known Member
I never said you told me you were Andy you lying motherfucker. I called you Andy, because you are trolling with Andy's material. I usually don't read your material because your fake blaccent is so bad, I literally cringe when I read it. Fucking dummy.

dummy edit: if you had a question, why not ask? I mean we've literally never fucking spoken
I'll just make a couple of points before you delete this response Andy. To the best of my knowledge, I've never spoken to you through your @londonfog account. You posted some shit years ago through your @UncleBuck account claiming I told you I was white in real life. I thought it was a rather pathetic attempt to drive some page views for rollitup, but your a pathetic piece of shit, so I laughed.
you were saying???? Are you black today


Well-Known Member
You're a sock puppet... NO YOU!

You're a fake black person... NO YOU

You kids should just gtfo, we're discussing Bernie's unelectability here.


Well-Known Member
Who the fuck is wilting? I have defended every claim I have made and even went so far as to prove it by sending personal documents to the site's top admin. I may have tossed in some insults when addressing the childish and petty garbage you call contributions but I always address the arguments and I haven't backed down at all.

You consistently fail to do so. When you have no response to something, you just start repeating yourself and posting screenshots of polls.
You keep saying I sent it to rolli I sent it to rolli, that means any fucking thing to me. A fool who thinks because he sees someone with a rifle means he is a combat vet. Makes me question that person. You should have been asking where is his fucking gear. So guys training to shoot in basic traing are combat vets. Dude gtfo. Petey himself said he was NOT a combat vet. Care to wager on that.


Well-Known Member
I agree with abandon

Time to verify yourself, London. You have been nothing but words forever.

And the anti Semitic conspiracy theories I’m referring to are about other things you have said

It’s getting depressing to watch
Please post thank you and who cares what you think
You got the most socks of anyone


Well-Known Member
like that means any fucking thing to me.
I don't care about you. You're a chickenshit who makes claims and then comes up with coward ass excuses why not to back them.
You keep saying I sent it to rolli I sent it to rolli, that means any fucking thing to me. A fool who thinks because he sees someone with a rifle means he is a combat vet. Makes me question that person. You should have been asking where is his fucking gear. So guys training to shoot in basic traing are combat vets. Dude gtfo. Petey himself said he was NOT a combat vet. Care to wager on that.
He is a combat vet. I stated clearly why. You're not. You didn't even deploy. You probably never even served in the military. In fact, you're probably not even black like you say. You're probably some fat ass pasty cave bitch in a laundromat basement in Cleveland. You're nothing, not even a morsel. You're obviously only here to stir division in order to help Donald Trump.