Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
Well, you do claim to be good at math and seem like an intelligent man, so ya gotta be trolling the boys.
Sorry if my choices are Trump and Bloomberg I will write in my grandfather
He past away but would have been an awesome POTUS. his advice was amazing lasting to this day


Well-Known Member
Money is not the measure of a man, character is. Bloomberg says I'm richer than you, therefore better than you, that's bullshit. People of character look at others character first and worry about money later.


Well-Known Member
Money is not the measure of a man, character is. Bloomberg says I'm richer than you, therefore better than you, that's bullshit. People of character look at others character first and worry about money later.
My true value are my kids...I just like making money. I put up an invest up today for the short run. Jump on it to make a lil dough


Well-Known Member
Try to stay neutral moderator. Are you related to Uncle Buck...or his wife? Just heard that long ago
i heard that you eat corn and the go poop then you eat the corn out of your poop and then poop again and the eat the corn out of your poop again until all the corn is gone


Well-Known Member
You can tell things are normal on the democratic side because there's a fence for me to sit on, ya can't sit on barbed wire in the no man's land of the general election. Trump has made the stark choice between good and evil crystal clear, the democrats are arguing traditional left vs right ideology and policy, there's room for compromise, you can't compromise with evil however. Passions run deep on the democratic side because of hope, change and a chance to embrace the future, but dealing with Trump, trumps all else if you want to have a future at all.


Well-Known Member
Try to stay neutral moderator. Are you related to Uncle Buck...or his wife? Just heard that long ago
Why the fuck do I have to be neutral? Are you saying that I am not allowed to post here?

Your posts appear to made by someone who is not smart enough to spell simple words in English, and your grammar is bad.

Proofreading your post is a sign of intelligence.



Well-Known Member
You can tell things are normal on the democratic side because there's a fence for me to sit on, ya can't sit on barbed wire in the no man's land of the general election. Trump has made the stark choice between good and evil crystal clear, the democrats are arguing traditional left vs right ideology and policy, there's room for compromise, you can't compromise with evil however. Passions run deep on the democratic side because of hope, change and a chance to embrace the future, but dealing with Trump, trumps all else if you want to have a future at all.
Bloomberg judges me by the color of my skin throws me against the wall and searches my pockets. His treatment of women come in to question too. How is he different from Trump. ....for me?