Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
You made an unverifiable claim; people like social democratic policies because of Russian propaganda, not because they actually support them and support Sanders' policy

You claimed it's not unverifiable, all you'd have to do is use a set of data that you don't have access to to prove it! You currently don't have access to said set of data you would need to prove your claim, yet you continue to make it

Your claim that "Russia is helping Sanders" relies on this set of data you don't have access to to verify it, therefore, until you do have access to it, and you provide it here, it remains unverified
Please show me where I claimed that 'people like social democratic policies because of Russian propaganda, not because they actually support them and support Sanders policy'.

Because I call bullshit. I can't see myself typing that.

Edit: Also finished reading your post, which just got more ridiculous as it went.


Well-Known Member
By your line of reasoning, I should vote for Trump? I mean, under Republican regimes, white men such as myself will continue to get better wages and all the other benefits that being a white man affords us in the US. Along the same twisted lines of your "workers are better off with Sanders" logic, my "self interest" is best served if we maintain the status quo where I'd continue to earn 30% more than minorities and women. Also, when I'm pulled over by the police, I can usually talk myself out of a ticket. Also, I'll be dead before the effects of climate change are fully realized. Fuck the kids.

That bit about "voting in your self interest" is a crooked line of logic. Unsurprisingly, you are the one who invokes pretzel logic when it comes to choosing candidates based upon racism. So, I'll just note that you said it and give up trying to understand. Cognitive dissonance is the term for what you suffer from.
Dije que la gente vota en contra de sus mejores intereses ... no a favor
¿Puedes seguir una conversación


Well-Known Member
You made an unverifiable claim; people like social democratic policies because of Russian propaganda, not because they actually support them and support Sanders' platform
You are going to have to show us the post where he made that claim. In those words. Not your interpretation of them.


Well-Known Member
Dije que la gente vota en contra de sus mejores intereses ... no a favor
¿Puedes seguir una conversación
For the record:
"I said that people vote against their best interests ... not in favor Can you continue a conversation "

You are just dancing around the subject again. Your concession is accepted.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, clearly I'm not an actual person. I'm just an @UncleBuck sock...

Also the moon landings were a hoax...

Also Jew bankers control the world...

All of these statements are as true as your military experience or your ability to speak Spanish.
Spoken like UB. Facts still remain day labourer goes to work go silent


Well-Known Member
So the guy who cheats on his taxes just wants to belittle day laborers, got it.
One day he's all in a dither over Sanders raising taxes. Now that he's close to retirement, "its no big deal". One day people who say they are going to vote for Sanders are a target, now he's saying that anybody who earns a normal wage is voting against their self interest if they vote for somebody other than Sanders.

London is becoming as flexible in his stances as Bloomberg.


Well-Known Member
For those who dont understand Spanish I pretty much asked Abandon why he never on unless UB is on

This is 2020 and all have access to google translator. LOL.

But still, I should have learned Spanish. Not knocking you there. Your mother is proud of you too.


Well-Known Member

This is 2020 and all have access to google translator. LOL.

But still, I should have learned Spanish. Not knocking you there. Your mother is proud of you too.
No I speak Spanish, a must if you hire Spanish workers. Much easier language than English but any woot you ask me to provide you info on false info. If I do so will you not log on for a month as Fogdog and if I dont I do the same ?


Well-Known Member
One day he's all in a dither over Sanders raising taxes. Now that he's close to retirement, "its no big deal". One day people who say they are going to vote for Sanders are a target, now he's saying that anybody who earns a normal wage is voting against their self interest if they vote for somebody other than Sanders.

London is becoming as flexible in his stances as Bloomberg.
when did I say this part