Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
oh here was my fucking follow up before you got rude on me Michigan totals trump 483,751- Bernie 595,222, which number is larger. @srh88
Sorry Big Lou
But this is very true
Now just imagine with this info
What the GOP would do
This was about bernies wife with the college thing. The last 2 lines are still fitting, right?

Theres a reason trump wants bernie to be the nominee. I'll go ahead and thank you for the 8 years of trump now. Instead of cursing and acting like schuy on crack just take my 5 dollar bet man. I got zelle


Well-Known Member
I stepped away for a short while and you made four unanswered replies to me. TLDR

I'd tell you to grow up and learn something but its too late for you.

They get so aggressive. It's super progressive..
It's sad because hes a good dude. But this whole Bernie shit is fucking ridiculous. Go cast a vote for the only one trump defends. Surely trump is only defending him because he believes bernie can win legitimately


Well-Known Member
I liked that because it's the perfect out for you. You will be happier on Reddit with tty.
Reddit is awesome. I use it more than here now. But I agree that it's just a bernie circle jerk there. It gets aggressive as hell like most berners do. But I like all the funny reddits


Well-Known Member
They get so aggressive. It's super progressive..
It's sad because hes a good dude. But this whole Bernie shit is fucking ridiculous. Go cast a vote for the only one trump defends. Surely trump is only defending him because he believes bernie can win legitimately
I keep asking padaraper what he means by neoliberal. I'm beginning to think that a neoliberal in Cult of Sanders-speak is any left leaning progressive who use facts to draw conclusions. They hate that.


Well-Known Member
@UncleBuck you can post now. I know you're dying to
while you were typing this, my wife and I were having a go at it. Completely unexpected

I went down on her until completion several times then I titfucked her until I completed

We normally wait until much later in the night and now I am all off my game


Well-Known Member
while you were typing this, my wife and I were having a go at it. Completely unexpected

I went down on her until completion several times then I titfucked her until I completed

We normally wait until much later in the night and now I am all off my game
We're going to need pics...


Well-Known Member
Lol I wore them during the act

I was on a different job site today and they were less muddy but I probably sweated through them several times based on the scaffold I was working on

Subscribe to my site, which is also your site since we are the same person
I do that but with oil. I think my boots are letting that shit in and it ends up being sweat. No animal shit in here though


Well-Known Member

Betting odds on who will win 2020 presidency.
That's about as non biased as it gets. Bernie is getting the full spotlight with media and trump is leveling him right now. I hope barny wins but honestly I think the red meat trump and social media will feed everyone about barnaby.. trump is going to win. Fuck trump, but I'll put one 5 dollar bet on it...

People at work were talking about politics before i left.. lou at work said hes voting for Bloomberg. If bloomberg loses then hes going trump. So apparently theres a hidden group of old people voting bloomberg. He sucks too.

We're fucked.


Well-Known Member
So the claim is all of these attacks are different specifically designed for the individual receiving them and they all influence different people differently depending on their beliefs and level of influence, and you don't see how that's un unverifiable claim? You're making a claim that can't be proven wrong. You're claiming the reason these ideas espoused by people like Sanders are becoming popularized now is because of Russian influence and propaganda being targeted at them. You don't know that, that's what you believe. You don't know that because there is no way to know that.
It is verifiable


Well-Known Member
Screen Shot 2020-02-28 at 7.19.37 AM.png

And you can see that this is a company that was doing exactly what you had said. That is verification for what you said.

Screen Shot 2020-02-28 at 7.21.57 AM.png

What you tried to do is move the goalpost from a general overall strategy to a specific example, of which I would actually need the websites visited/propaganda being sent to those individual people to pick through and show you exactly when their language/feelings were changing based on the starting point of what they felt, to the ending point of what they felt.

The trick is that everyone has stuff they will fall for, the beauty/horror of (part) of the current technology online is that everyone is individualized and sent exactly what will impact them the greatest in a way that is private, isolating them in their bubbles.

If you are what you say, an American, this should piss you off to no end.

Did you actually watch that video? Here it is again if not, it is worth watching.

And you do admit now that Russia is attacking our citizens right, since you quoted Bernie saying it.


And btw, it didn't escape me that you selectively edited out the part where I said 'watch this' and supplied the video.
Screen Shot 2020-02-28 at 7.36.33 AM.png
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