Bernie Sanders 2020

smokin away

Well-Known Member
I have private insurance. It's pretty cheap because I'm extremely healthy and I maintain my own health with proper hygiene, an excellent diet, vices in moderation or not at all and an active lifestyle. My job is physically demanding and I just don't want the huge tax hikes for Medicare that I don't need or want. I will definitely not be voting for Bernie in the primary, and I'm hoping he goes ahead and dies sooner rather than soon.

I'm sure there's 30 trillion dollars and a senate supermajority lying around somewhere...
I'm sure there's the largest voter turnout for a Presidential Primary ever that would be willing to do whatever it takes to preserve Democracy.
It's up to the voters now.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure there's the largest voter turnout for a Presidential Primary ever that would be willing to do whatever it takes to preserve Democracy.
It's up to the voters now.
Thousands? All that free shit and you're expecting the largest primary turnout in history because of "thousands"...

Int he states that have already primaried, he barely got a plurality.

I'm sure there's 30 trillion dollars and a senate supermajority lying around somewhere.

This is not a limerick.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure there's the largest voter turnout for a Presidential Primary ever that would be willing to do whatever it takes to preserve Democracy.
It's up to the voters now.
Thousands? Thousands attend a Sanders rally is your proof? Largest voter turnout? That hasn't happened yet. Turnout is down compared to 2008. The only rally that matters is voters rallying to election polls.

Not that depressed turnout is a good thing. I'm merely pointing out that your kind keep repeating this idea that there are millions of far left non-voters who sat out elections because they preferred Republican rule because Democrats weren't far enough left until Sanders came along. It's a nice story but where is the evidence for this happening? The evidence seems to say Sanders negative campaign is depressing turnout.
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Well-Known Member
Boring would be great. I want to make fun of a president while actually enjoying a lack of crises and existential threats to human civilization.
Yeah, I like boring and mundane scandals.

I miss the days when a stained blue dress became a national scandal. I miss the days when Republicans and Democrats agreed that a president should never lie to the American public, even about an extramarital affair.


Well-Known Member
I thought bernie was a man of the people and a freedom fighter.

View attachment 4493344
He wasn't invited.

OPINION: Mississippi Women's Activist—Bernie Sanders Can't Come to the Cookout


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'A President Who Doesn't Need to Beg the Powerful for Money': Sanders Campaign Raises Record $46 Million in February

All that money supposedly coming from small individual donations. Yet, Bernie can't even muster 25% of Democrats to vote for him. About 30 million voters (Democratic Party total vote for 2106) will vote this year. If Bernie's recent results are a guide, 25% of the vote this year makes 7.5 million people who show up and vote for Bernie (disclaimer: actual mileage may vary). 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of 2019, Bernies campaign raised 78 million. January 2020, raised 25 million, February raise 45 million for a total of 148 million from "small donations".

How many donors are there? Average donations (according to his campaign) is 20 bucks. That makes the number giving to his campaign at 9 million donors.

This in spite of the FACT that thus far, Bernie is doing worse than he did in 2016 when he lost.

Yeah, that doesn't smell fishy. Nothing to see here. Move along.




Well-Known Member
All that money supposedly coming from small individual donations. Yet, Bernie can't even muster 25% of Democrats to vote for him. About 30 million voters (Democratic Party total vote for 2106) will vote this year. If Bernie's recent results are a guide, 25% of the vote this year makes 7.5 million people who show up and vote for Bernie (disclaimer: actual mileage may vary). 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of 2019, Bernies campaign raised 78 million. January 2020, raised 25 million, February raise 45 million for a total of 148 million from "small donations".

How many donors are there? Average donations (according to his campaign) is 20 bucks. That makes the number giving to his campaign at 9 million donors.

This in spite of the FACT that thus far, Bernie is doing worse than he did in 2016 when he lost.

Yeah, that doesn't smell fishy. Nothing to see here. Move along.

View attachment 4493374

I was actually looking for information on this to respond to him and came across this. I defiantly see a pre-paid CC + click farm scam being combined with voter rolls to make a shit load of $16 donations being entirely easy to pull off to pump up your candidate of choice's war fund. Shot 2020-03-01 at 7.39.17 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-01 at 7.39.50 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-01 at 7.40.27 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-01 at 7.41.12 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-01 at 7.41.41 PM.png


Well-Known Member
I was actually looking for information on this to respond to him and came across this. I defiantly see a pre-paid CC + click farm scam being combined with voter rolls to make a shit load of $16 donations being entirely easy to pull off to pump up your candidate of choice's war fund. attachment 4493392View attachment 4493393View attachment 4493394View attachment 4493395View attachment 4493396
What I did was quick, dirty, back of the envelope type of calculations. It doesn't seem to me to add up. With less than 25% of the total vote, Bernie isn't setting the world afire with his results or number of voters for him thus far, but he somehow has 9 million donors. In typical campaigns, only about 1% of the people who vote are also donors. I don't believe the hype. Something is afoot that stinks.


Well-Known Member
What I did was quick, dirty, back of the envelope type of calculations. It doesn't seem to me to add up. With less than 25% of the total vote, Bernie isn't setting the world afire with his results or number of voters for him thus far, but he somehow has 9 million donors. In typical campaigns, only about 1% of the people who vote are also donors. I don't believe the hype. Something is afoot that stinks.
The way they are spread out too is (based on the maps that chief whatever posted) way uniform. That is what it looks like when people try to act 'random'. I showed this to students in every course at some point, I would have them list numbers on the wall and have one person do a actual randomized (computer list) column and pick out the one that is actually random.

I really think this is just a scam too.

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AKA Bernie has been pinning all his hopes on the Russian scamming the Latino population hard since 2016 to win a massive amount of delegates early on.
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