Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member

bernie can’t win black voters

Bernie wasn't invited to the cookout.

some people can't be invited to the cookout. They just can't. They might sound like they are kinda down but then they open their mouth a few too many times, and there it is—nonsense just flows freely from their lips like water over Niagara falls. Bernie cannot come to the cookout. Sorry, not sorry.


Well-Known Member
@londonfog says people with moderate incomes would be voting against their self interest if they don't vote for Bernie.

More than half of South Carolina's Democratic voters this year were black, and among the demographic the vice president received a whopping 64 percent support rate. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was closest at 15 percent.

For a long time, I have considered statements like that made about black voters a white male patronizing racist thing to say. To be fair, london did not specifically mention black voters, just incomes. Typical of Bernie's rhetoric, he's running on a "floats all boats" color blind economic and social policy platform. Still, though, I wonder if London will double down on his "self interest" statement when it's clear that Bernie isn't going to get anywhere near a majority of black voter support. Probably more like how he did in 2016, winning just 20% of Black Democratic voters. Did 85% of black voters in South Carolina vote against their self interest?


Well-Known Member
@londonfog says people with moderate incomes would be voting against their self interest if they don't vote for Bernie.

More than half of South Carolina's Democratic voters this year were black, and among the demographic the vice president received a whopping 64 percent support rate. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was closest at 15 percent.

For a long time, I have considered statements like that made about black voters a white male patronizing racist thing to say. To be fair, london did not specifically mention black voters, just incomes. Typical of Bernie's rhetoric, he's running on a "floats all boats" color blind economic and social policy platform. Still, though, I wonder if London will double down on his "self interest" statement when it's clear that Bernie isn't going to get anywhere near a majority of black voter support. Probably more like how he did in 2016, winning just 20% of the Black Democratic voters. Did 85% of black voters in South Carolina vote against their self interest?
They listened to James Enos Clyburn, which you wont see again. We will see who does what on Super Tuesday. Could you also remind me who is STILL leading in delegate counts


Well-Known Member
They listened to James Enos Clyburn, which you wont see again. We will see who does what on Super Tuesday. Could you also remind me who is STILL leading in delegate counts
oh, yeah

That guy who lost in SC by a whopping large margin. He's ahead of Biden by 8 delegates with like less than 10% of the primary in the bag.

Just checking my assumptions: You said earlier that counting is high math to you. You understand what that % sign means? If not, I can simplify it. I don't want to talk down to you but I'll simplify my posts if you like.

Still though. Self interest. So, then, they were fooled into voting for Biden because Clyburn endorsed him? It had nothing to do with the hopelessly obnoxious statements that Sanders has made about black people and communities. Jiminy Crickets, those black voters, according to you, sure are easily manipulated into voting against their self interests.


Well-Known Member
no one took me up on my $10,000 bet because everyone thought she’d win

Including you
I was hoping she would win, but if I had made a bet I would have honored it. bottom line. I even talked to you about it in PM. You showed you are NOT a man of your word. I now see you are a liar a race baiter and can be racist as well. sad very sad


Well-Known Member
I was hoping she would win, but if I had made a bet I would have honored it. bottom line. I even talked to you about it in PM. You showed you are NOT a man of your word. I now see you are a liar a race baiter and can be racist as well. sad very sad
oh no, the Jew hater in the middle of a mental breakdown doesn’t like me!


Well-Known Member
oh, yeah

That guy who lost in SC by a whopping large margin. He's ahead of Biden by 8 delegates with like less than 10% of the primary in the bag.

Just checking my assumptions: You said earlier that counting is high math to you. You understand what that % sign means? If not, I can simplify it. I don't want to talk down to you but I'll simplify my posts if you like.

Still though. Self interest. So, then, they were fooled into voting for Biden because Clyburn endorsed him? It had nothing to do with the hopelessly obnoxious statements that Sanders has made about black people and communities. Jiminy Crickets, those black voters, according to you, sure are easily manipulated into voting against their self interests.
I actually said counting is math. You said it is not. Do you also have to lie to have a conversation ? and you wonder why I insult you


Well-Known Member
oh no, the Jew hater in the middle of a mental breakdown doesn’t like me!
mental break down. Silly fool . I laugh at you claiming to be Jewish. Laugh even more that you cant be a man of your word. Laugh even harder when you claim to own a business. Laugh with tears in my eyes as you fail to understand how to use an S-corp for tax break. Damn near died laughing when I go back and read your post about your wealthy ( supposedly ) wife paying 170 for ACA...with investment properties all around. I pretty much laugh at you now, for you are a joke