Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
Definitely impressive how a big win in an early primary state, and fellow moderates jumping out of the race and supporting Biden can cause a massive shift in the odds.

Sanders supporters have difficulty with facts. Sanders started out worse than he did in 2016 and went downhill from there. Just look at the numbers if you don't believe me. Bernie was never a Democrat, always ran against the Democratic Party and a vote for Bernie was a vote for Trump in the fall. That's the truth. It's why Democrats voted against him and for Biden.

You: "Democrats voted in droves against their self interest".

I'm waiting for the next shoe to drop. "The primary was stolen from Bernie by the establishment Democrats".

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member

Sanders supporters have difficulty with facts. Sanders started out worse than he did in 2016 and went downhill from there. Just look at the numbers if you don't believe me. Bernie was never a Democrat, always ran against the Democratic Party and a vote for Bernie was a vote for Trump in the fall. That's the truth. It's why Democrats voted against him and for Biden.

You: "Democrats voted in droves against their self interest".
Please don't put something in quotes, when I've never said anything remotely close to that.


Well-Known Member
Please don't put something in quotes, when I've never said anything remotely close to that.
Just look at your statement:
Definitely impressive how a big win in an early primary state, and fellow moderates jumping out of the race and supporting Biden can cause a massive shift in the odds.
You are saying that Democrats acted as a group to a series of unrelated and unimportant events to cause a huge shift in the outlook of the race rather than because PEOPLE actually gave their votes some thought.

In context of your affiliation with the Bernie faction, who do in fact use the term "against their self interest" and "droves" to diminish people who didn't vote for Bernie , I paraphrased:

"Democrats voted in droves against their self interest".

That was very clearly the meaning behind your post.

This idea that Democrats followed leaders rather than decided on their own deserves dissection. If you wish, we can continue along those lines.

Too funny that @schuylaar is so dismissive of what I'm saying. It is a typical response from those who simply want to believe and have others believe what she does. Not that different from religion. This is why I call her kind -- cult of Sanders.


Well-Known Member
Just look at your statement:

You are saying that Democrats acted as a group to a series of unrelated and unimportant events to cause a huge shift in the outlook of the race rather than because PEOPLE actually gave their votes some thought.

In context of your affiliation with the Bernie faction, who do in fact use the term "against their self interest" and "droves" to diminish people who didn't vote for Bernie , I paraphrased:

"Democrats voted in droves against their self interest".

That was very clearly the meaning behind your post.

This idea that Democrats followed leaders rather than decided on their own deserves dissection. If you wish, we can continue along those lines.

Too funny that @schuylaar is so dismissive of what I'm saying. It is a typical response from those who simply want to believe and have others believe what she does. Not that different from religion. This is why I call her kind -- cult of Sanders.
Nah dude it was rigged!

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Just look at your statement:

You are saying that Democrats acted as a group to a series of unrelated and unimportant events to cause a huge shift in the outlook of the race rather than because PEOPLE actually gave their votes some thought.

In context of your affiliation with the Bernie faction, who do in fact use the term "against their self interest" and "droves" to diminish people who didn't vote for Bernie , I paraphrased:

"Democrats voted in droves against their self interest".

That was very clearly the meaning behind your post.

This idea that Democrats followed leaders rather than decided on their own deserves dissection. If you wish, we can continue along those lines.

Too funny that @schuylaar is so dismissive of what I'm saying. It is a typical response from those who simply want to believe and have others believe what she does. Not that different from religion. This is why I call her kind -- cult of Sanders.
Bro, that is some extreme projection. Again, don't quote me saying things I've never said. This is a pretty basic request which I shouldn't even have to make. I never said anything remotely close to what you quoted me saying, and I don't even agree with that quote.


Well-Known Member
Bro, that is some extreme projection. Again, don't quote me saying things I've never said. This is a pretty basic request which I shouldn't even have to make. I never said anything remotely close to what you quoted me saying, and I don't even agree with that quote.
OK, then explain what you meant because I can break your statement down if you like. You just deny it, so, in different words, tell me what you were trying to say.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
OK, then explain what you meant because I can break your statement down if you like. You just deny it, so, in different words, tell me what you were trying to say.
I meant exactly what I said. Nothing more nothing less. It wasn't complicated.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Then I'll stick with my clarification of your moused up sentences.
I'm not interested in debating your personal interpretation of my statements, just don't quote me as saying something that I've never said and don't even agree with. I get it that you like to fight, but no reason to pick a fight when there's nothing to even fight over.