Bernie Sanders 2020

Try telling the truth next time buddy. It might help you to look less like a liar..

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Said otherwise in the article. "back of the envelope calculation in 1930's" and so forth. Of course, it's irrational. Everybody knows bumblebees can fly. But it's possible to use calculations that prove otherwise.

So, this algorithm, proves something your cognitive bias wants to believe "no such thing as a Bernie Bro" and you accepted it as true. As that Snopes article says, it's possible to say anything when the right (wrong) calculations are made. It's possible to do bad physics to establish an absurdity that anybody who sees a bumblebee knows otherwise. We've all seen what your Bernie Bros have written and done yet you want us to forget that and believe some algorithm. How about if we start with the observations that Warren made?

Elizabeth Warren’s exit interview is a warning for the dirtbag left
Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders supporters, and how online meanness backfires.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s campaign exit interview with Rachel Maddow, aired Thursday night, is a clarifying moment in this conversation. In the interview, Warren showed palpable anger with the online Sanders army’s treatment of her and other progressives.

“I think there’s a real problem with online bullying and online nastiness. I’m not just talking about who said mean things; I’m talking about some really ugly stuff that went on,” she said. She expressed particular concerned about threats, citing the publication of phone numbers and home addresses belonging to two women who worked for the Nevada Culinary Union after it produced a fact sheet critical of Sanders’s health care plan.

Warren’s reaction illustrates that these tactics make it at least somewhat harder for Sanders to build allies in the Democratic Party. And this failure of elite backing has real repercussions.

Good, rational thought begins with observations and testing such things as mathematical calculations against the evidence. Just as it is possible to calculate that bumblebees can't fly, it's possible to use bafflegab like that algorithm to gaslight us into thinking we didn't see what we just saw.
Said otherwise in the article. "back of the envelope calculation in 1930's" and so forth. Of course, it's irrational. Everybody knows bumblebees can fly. But it's possible to use calculations that prove otherwise.

So, this algorithm, proves something your cognitive bias wants to believe "no such thing as a Bernie Bro" and you accepted it as true. As that Snopes article says, it's possible to say anything when the right (wrong) calculations are made. It's possible to do bad physics to establish an absurdity that anybody who sees a bumblebee knows otherwise.

The bumblebee theory was based on assumptions not facts. It didn't have so much to do with bad calculations as much as it did with assumptions of theoretical fact, which turned out to only be assumptions.
The bumblebee theory was based on assumptions not facts. It didn't have so much to do with bad calculations as much as it did with assumptions of theoretical fact, which turned out to only be assumptions.
Science doesn't start with a calculation and then demand reality fit it. No credible scientific researcher would make the claim that bumblebees can't fly because, obviously, they do. We see them flying every day. In the same way, no credible person would claim Bernie Bros don't exist. Tell me that Bernie Bros didn't publish the addresses and personal information about those union officials in Nevada who had the nerve to say they did not support Bernie's health care plan (because it required the union to give up the benefits they fought hard for in exchange for a promise). The list of examples from this campaign and the 2016 campaign is long. They exist and that algorithm is just another case of Sanders campaign's gaslighting.
Science doesn't start with a calculation and then demand reality fit it. No credible scientific researcher would make the claim that bumblebees can't fly because, obviously, they do. We see them flying every day. In the same way, no credible person would claim Bernie Bros don't exist. Tell me that Bernie Bros didn't publish the addresses and personal information about those union officials in Nevada who had the nerve to say they did not support Bernie's health care plan (because it required the union to give up the benefits they fought hard for in exchange for a promise). The list of examples from this campaign and the 2016 campaign is long. They exist and that algorithm is just another case of Sanders campaign's gaslighting.
No one's saying that "Bernie Bros" don't exist. The article implied that they act the same as other impassioned groups, but there are simply more of them so we see it more.
No one's saying that "Bernie Bros" don't exist. The article implied that they act the same as other impassioned groups, but there are simply more of them so we see it more.
We don't hear of the same level of pernicious actions coming from Biden's campaign. We didn't from Hillary's campaign either. The root cause is Bernie's own divisive and polarizing rhetoric. The Bernie bros who post here are obnoxious as well. Your algorithm is wrong. Fix it.
We don't hear of the same level of pernicious actions coming from Biden's campaign. We didn't from Hillary's campaign either. The root cause is Bernie's own divisive and polarizing rhetoric. The Bernie bros who post here are obnoxious as well. Your algorithm is wrong. Fix it.
In real life I don't hear those negative sentiments coming from either camp. Online trolls are creating your reality for you.
In real life I don't hear those negative sentiments coming from either camp. Online trolls are creating your reality for you.
Do you disagree that two union officials were doxxed and threatened for publishing a sentiment against Bernie's crappy healthcare bill? Do you disagree that women who worked in his 2016 campaign were sexually harassed and Bernie did nothing about it? Do you disagree that Elizabeth Warren has the right to make this claim?

Warren calls out Sanders for ‘organized nastiness’ and ‘bullying’ by his supporters

While politics has become riddled with such behavior, she said it was a particular problem with Sanders’s supporters. “It is. It just is,” she told Maddow.

So, don't try to foist some algorithm on us that tells us we didn't really see what we just saw. Sanders bears responsibility for this just like Trump bears responsibility for the actions of his followers.

No one's saying that "Bernie Bros" don't exist. The article implied that they act the same as other impassioned groups, but there are simply more of them so we see it more.
That article was bullshit, I didn't want to say anything earlier because I figured this part of the conversation would die, but I followed the links around to try to see this data analysis the person said they did and couldn't find shit but them saying it was done a bunch of times without actually providing much if anything of what they did.
That article was bullshit, I didn't want to say anything earlier because I figured this part of the conversation would die, but I followed the links around to try to see this data analysis the person said they did and couldn't find shit but them saying it was done a bunch of times without actually providing much if anything of what they did.
gerund or present participle: gaslighting
  1. manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.
    "in the first episode, Karen Valentine is being gaslighted by her husband"