post your smoking utensil


Well-Known Member
you mean you three, cant forget about colin
whats going on now? what?
lol. of course i wouldn't forget colin.
but i'm confused now.

yea i definitely wanna try and get some hash before i depart, slim possibility though.
i wasn't expecting to meet anyone either, but don't scare me too much, i am ninja =)
very high ninja, but ninja nonetheless. Wouldn't wanna leave you hangin so that's why got you a clone ready
i saw a ninja in the street last night, maybe i was blazed, not sure but colin saw it too dude, on the other side of the street, i whipped a shitty lol and went back and the ninja was gone.

lol or maybe it was a kkk member in black, it looked like that uniform.

there's weird shit going on right now lmao


New Member
I hate when I have to smoke out of a nasty bong at a friends house. Especially the week old bong that's full of sucked through ashes and smells like absolute shit rotting in the sun... :spew:

Might as well wipe my ass and smell my hand while I hit the bong, atleast then there'd be a good reason to be smelling crap. :mrgreen:

you are exactly like me haha. i could never leave the bong water in there i always dump it out after every use same with my ash catcher
dirty bongs are not enjoyable


Well-Known Member
I was in love with a girl on china white . . . . we were married for a day one night.


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1541162]gotta have them roach fingers, hit that shit till it burns :fire:[/quote]
its not that hard.


Well-Known Member
fuck that. my fingers are big. burns the shit outta me. i got a clip but never use it. when they get small, i just throw em in the bong or bowl.


Well-Known Member
i used to "gangsta" smoke rolls completely. now i prefer to put them out and smoke my dish of roaches when i run out. after a couple of ounces you'd be suprised how much is wasted.