Romney is running in 2024


Well-Known Member
Anyone else notice how he's out getting as much media coverage as he can and openly going against trump. He's betting that by the time 2024 comes along trump and his bovine dung are just a bad memory for the Republican party. He seems like he's making sure that he was one of the few voices of reason within the party during the dark trump days of chaos, corruption, and conspiracies and wants everyone to know it.

Hopefully the Republican party will return to sanity. This fear of trump and his ilk needs to end.
He is definitely banking on Trump fatigue, but he's up against the hardcore cultists who would throw themselves on Trump's funeral pyre. You can't reason someone out of brainwashing.

That nonsense will die out. They won't go away but people will stop paying attention to them. Fox news was the new enemy and a bunch of them flocked to Newsmax for awhile. But since the initial surge their viewership has dropped off dramatically. Once Biden move into the White House all the only things left will be the dead enders. trump will walk away with the $200 million+ that he conned out of his gullible supporters and leave town. He might talk about a 2024 run but that's not going to happen. He'll be 78. His attacks on "Sleepy Joe" will come back to bite him. He won't survive the primary.

I would like to see him take over Mitch's role as leader in the senate for a post Trump Republican world.

So would I. Too bad we can't clone a bunch of Romney's and replace the rest of the Republican Senators with them. Throw some Lisa Murkowski's in there as well.
Anyone else notice how he's out getting as much media coverage as he can and openly going against trump. He's betting that by the time 2024 comes along trump and his bovine dung are just a bad memory for the Republican party. He seems like he's making sure that he was one of the few voices of reason within the party during the dark trump days of chaos, corruption, and conspiracies and wants everyone to know it.

Hopefully the Republican party will return to sanity. This fear of trump and his ilk needs to end.

now that he thinks he's safe but Trump can do a lot of damage in 30 days.
The only reason Romney is getting coverage is because he's the only republican calling all this bullshit.

True but he's laying the foundation for another Presidential run. He thinks he can beat Kamala in 2024. I doubt he's worried about the mike pompeo's and other lunatic GOP idiots that think they have a chance. I'm sure the little sissies marco rubio and ted cruz will be tossing their hat into the ring as well. Stupid people will donate massive amounts of money that they'll skim a substantial amount from for personal uses. That's why all these carpet baggers run. They know they can't win but they can make a ton of money which is the only reason they run.
I would bet anything Grifter jr will try a run

you can totally count on that. he was running around doing other rallies for Daddy after he grew a beard and melted the hearts of hunting, gun toting Trumpers was remarked that he would be the one over Ivanka even though Ivanka has already proclaimed it will be she in 2024.

have these people forgotten about jail?
So would I. Too bad we can't clone a bunch of Romney's and replace the rest of the Republican Senators with them. Throw some Lisa Murkowski's in there as well.
I like Sasse. He at least shows some pulse showing he is not braindead.

Substitute Huston Astros for Trump. I have hope that the Republicans can rebound pretty quick once they cost aside the trolls they elected.
Romney alienated himself in his last election by ripping down a 6 million dollar mansion to build a 12 million dollar mansion in its place.

He's done. He'll never run again. I'm actually surprised he made it back to the senate.
I like Sasse. He at least shows some pulse showing he is not braindead.

Substitute Huston Astros for Trump. I have hope that the Republicans can rebound pretty quick once they cost aside the trolls they elected.
Nice idea, but they haven’t rebounded from Nixon yet, much less Reagan...”republicans” are *DONE*. NEVER AGAIN!
I like Sasse. He at least shows some pulse showing he is not braindead.
...And yet he went along, saying nothing: in such a situation, not being braindead just means he knew but he went along and said nothing *ON PURPOSE*. It’s not a brownie point, it’s not a feather in his cap, it doesn’t make him deserving of public’s evidence of collusion.
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